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What are you watching? The Official TV Show Thread

  1. Iraq - U.S. support shifts after Saddam's Kuwait invasion.
  2. Bosnia – U.S. intervention in Balkan conflicts.
  3. Rwanda – America's inaction during the 1994 genocide.
  4. Kosovo – Clinton faces new challenges in the Balkans.
  5. Darfur – U.S. response to Sudan's ethnic cleansing.
  6. Libya – Obama's dilemma after Gaddafi’s threats.
  7. Syria I – Debates on intervention after chemical attacks.
  8. Syria II – U.S. reluctance to act further.
A great documentary that looks into the importance of American foreign policy and the impact good/bad it has on the world.

@toheeb27 add it to your list

  1. Iraq - U.S. support shifts after Saddam's Kuwait invasion.
  2. Bosnia – U.S. intervention in Balkan conflicts.
  3. Rwanda – America's inaction during the 1994 genocide.
  4. Kosovo – Clinton faces new challenges in the Balkans.
  5. Darfur – U.S. response to Sudan's ethnic cleansing.
  6. Libya – Obama's dilemma after Gaddafi’s threats.
  7. Syria I – Debates on intervention after chemical attacks.
  8. Syria II – U.S. reluctance to act further.
A great documentary that looks into the importance of American foreign policy and the impact good/bad it has on the world.

@toheeb27 add it to your list

Lmao it's such a conflicting watch the world needs the united states but the United states are held back by many things including themselves.

The episode about Libya really exposes the incompetence of David Cameron and Sarkozy.

One thing I appreciate about the documentary is it wasn't American propaganda it's really looked at their mistakes and their indirect racist views of crises

Breaking Bad rewatch (haven’t watched since 2013) crazy how much you forget. Still a show that draws up emotion. Glad I rewatched.

Sopranos, never seen it. Just started it. About 4 ep in. Enjoying it. Wish I would’ve started it sooner.

House of Dragons, it’s okay. Almost done w the first season.

Will be rewatching Dexter. Also going back to finish Ozark. Stopped watching somewhere in S2

Breaking Bad rewatch (haven’t watched since 2013) crazy how much you forget. Still a show that draws up emotion. Glad I rewatched.

Sopranos, never seen it. Just started it. About 4 ep in. Enjoying it. Wish I would’ve started it sooner.

House of Dragons, it’s okay. Almost done w the first season.

Will be rewatching Dexter. Also going back to finish Ozark. Stopped watching somewhere in S2
I'm gonna rewatch Dexter and BB as well