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what are you spending your $600 on?

all of it is laughable. i wont hop in my bag but the real tea is americans, all americans, should be making a livable wage. there should have been a more extensive and viable safety net set in place that would meet ppls immediate needs for situations such as this.

america is fucking ghetto and this hyper-individualism coupled in with the “american dream” propaganda machine has everyone seeing double

as i stated before. if 2020 hasnt radicalized you in some way, youre a lost cause

I said it another thread about the vaccine Americans and the obsession with individualism and hating "being told what to do" and being anti PC is part of the real reason the pandemic has gone the way it has in this country.
Be damn near broke and homeless but them idiots will go.hard nh for billionaires who gives no fucks about them. Hilarious

The ole "cut their nose off to spite their face" mantra. Muthafuccas will vote against their best interests, if it means keeping minorities from benefitting.
I could really, really, really use $2,000

I have a debt to my father that I need to pay that will cost aprox $1,000.

I've been unemployed for so long that it's difficult to find work due to the gaps in my work history. I was in a psych hospital from 2011-2013, when I got out I went back to college to finish up. I got my associate's degree and kept going to get my bachelor's. Unfortunately none of the 4 year schools will accept all my credits so I have 140+ credits but nobody will accept them all. So here I am with all of these credits, no bachelor's degree and with the exception of some temp work and day labor, I haven't had a steady full time job in over a decade.

I'm barely getting by on SSI, in fact I'm not getting by. The only thing that's keeping me from getting evicted is this pandemic. I have a feeling that when the pandemic goes away and things get back to normal my landlord is going to evict me and I'll be homeless. $600 would be nice, but obviously $2,000 would be better.

The Hail Mary

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you;

Blessed are you among women,
and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.
