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Should be wrapping this up this week

This game is so funny

Another game that tugs at my morality strings
Finished Wastelands 3

A pretty fun story

I mentioned previously that I struggle with games that pull at the strings of my morality lol

It had some very funny dialogue and I enjoyed the game a lot

A strong 8/10
Think I'ma give "This War of Mine" another crack
Went with path of exile

Never got into Diablo when I was a kid and I wanna get poe 2 when it drops later on this year
Went with path of exile

Never got into Diablo when I was a kid and I wanna get poe 2 when it drops later on this year
Taking a break from PoE

Now I remember why I stopped playing

Too much of a learning curve and at some point, you're just too overpowered for the enemies which kinda takes the fun out of it
Trails into Daybreak > all the cold steels by alot. I need to play trails into reverie and azure because im missing alot of plot elements.
I got about 30% into trails of cold steel 1 and then I dropped it because I got stuck but I appreciate the hell out of the grandiose overarching story

But I can’t play 15 games to get the full story

I’ll wait for the YouTube vid once it’s done
I got about 30% into trails of cold steel 1 and then I dropped it because I got stuck but I appreciate the hell out of the grandiose overarching story

But I can’t play 15 games to get the full story

I’ll wait for the YouTube vid once it’s done

I started with Cold Steel 1 and im mostly ok but sometimes they reference other games because its all one story and your like what?