What are you currently playing…?

Lil one wanted to play the Lego Batman games
Got my external hard drive

now I can add

Just cause 4
Monster hunter world
Soul calibur 7
NBA playgrounds
Shadow of the colossus
Bio shock collection
Garou mark of the wolves

And I’m sure other games I’m forgetting back to the PS4 lol
Just did the first boss fight

I’m ass but this game is nice...and it looks great
Persona 5 maybe my favourite game of all tine
I’ve heard about persona for years but I just disregarded it. But for some reason I saw a video last night and they were just showing persona 5 and idk I just all of a sudden got interested in it because it looked so different

I didn’t even know it was a RPG I thought it was just a Japanese life simulator with I guess a lil story

I just thought it was REALLY popular since it has joker in super smash bros and they made an anime for it.

I thought it was line yakuza that had a huge following but I knew I probably wasn’t gonna get into because of the way of looked.

Then when I googled to see how long persona 5 was and they said around 60 to 70 hrs not including the the side stuff and I got intrigued

then I read something that said persona 5 is like the 4th highest rated ps4 game ever and I never seen IGN give a game 10/10 before

so now I’m like I want it lol
Also I saw they released Persona 5 Royal which is the game but slightly bigger with more stuff a little over a month ago. Ima get that next weekend
  • Goat
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