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now compare 18 year olds in 2024 to ones in 1924

It’s our fault lol

Let’s stop holding them back

What I’m saying is to reverse what your post is about

We think you can’t be independent or don’t have the mind to be independent/drink/marry/employment at 15 when we can and we already proved historically we can

We making humans worse

You’re gonna bring back slavery ain’t you
When you’re both adults at 15 nobody would bat an eye

Somehow we're back at sex...
The hoteps
Keep your 3rd eye open

I don’t see actual Africans talk or be about any of this stuff, only African Americans. I don’t see any Caribbean people talk about this stuff either, only African Americans.

I never seen one of the hoteps dudes talk to an African and try to break down their roots.
15 year olds should be the new 18 year olds

18 the new 21 year olds
Nah…you been around any 18 year olds recently? Maybe nieces or nephews?

For the most part they look and act like KIDS, if anything I think 18 as the threshold for adulthood may be too low in this day and age
Nah…you been around any 18 year olds recently? Maybe nieces or nephews?

For the most part they look and act like KIDS, if anything I think 18 as the threshold for adulthood may be too low in this day and age
Them acting like kids is a by product of them being coddled

Let them be adults at 15 and watch how the new crop is at 18
The hoteps
Keep your 3rd eye open

I don’t see actual Africans talk or be about any of this stuff, only African Americans. I don’t see any Caribbean people talk about this stuff either, only African Americans.

I never seen one of the hoteps dudes talk to an African and try to break down their roots.
Africans are for the most part deeply connected to their spirituality and what they believe spiritually and trust in what they believe in spiritually.

African Americans for the most part that reject Christianity and what they consider western spirituality thrusted upon them by a group of people they don’t trust.

Are feeling around in the dark in a way, spiritually. Thats where you get a lot of these concepts and self sufficient type beliefs. But without proper connection to the spiritual world, people wonder around connecting to different concepts that relay on the physical world, or in other worlds, themselves.

But we are physical and can’t battle in the celestial realm. So, so much of those concepts are from a place of anger and resentment of others. Africans who are normally spiritually, normally aren’t caught up in such concepts so they assimilate easier, so they don’t get caught up in things like hotep and third eyes and such.
Africans are for the most part deeply connected to their spirituality and what they believe spiritually and trust in what they believe in spiritually.

African Americans for the most part that reject Christianity and what they consider western spirituality thrusted upon them by a group of people they don’t trust.

Are feeling around in the dark in a way, spiritually. Thats where you get a lot of these concepts and self sufficient type beliefs. But without proper connection to the spiritual world, people wonder around connecting to different concepts that relay on the physical world, or in other worlds, themselves.

But we are physical and can’t battle in the celestial realm. So, so much of those concepts are from a place of anger and resentment of others. Africans who are normally spiritually, normally aren’t caught up in such concepts so they assimilate easier, so they don’t get caught up in things like hotep and third eyes and such.


Each African is different, I met some Muslims, Christians, and others I can’t tell what religion (I don’t ask). I know many African Americans want to get away from Christianity because of slavery and what was forced upon us, lots of blasphemous teachings from the White Masters. African Americans want to connect back to their African roots, but each of the big 4 religions comes from Africa.

Then you have some Caribbeans that go spiritually, even voodoo, and other types. I don’t see them doing hotep and third eye stuff either. I don’t agree with many of their ways and teachings. The opening of the “third eye” to me is just being aware and understanding new things that were always around you. Every race says some “third eye” awakening awareness thing. From something about their families they discovered to maybe their own occupation. Finding other business practices and how things are structured are really “eye opening and an awaking”

I never been about it, but I listen if conversations come up. I don’t ignore, or belittle the person “DEPENDING ON THE PERSON AND HOW THEY ACT” while they speak on their own life and what light they discover and follow. Like I said it’s not for me, I don’t follow, but I’ll stay informed

And I don’t care

You ain’t going to tell me I’m wrong or negative by saying GOOD MORNING and not Grand Rising because you think it’s Mourn (sad) and not Morn (day time). I’m like pick up a book, learn what homophones are. Someone can say good morning and mean have a nice day. Someone can say Grand rising and mean eat a dick. No matter what other race and culture outside of America.

bonjour (French)
buen día (Spanish)
Buongiorno (Italian)

They all say Good Morning, I only heard Grand Rising here from Americans.
Hell women don’t even fill out with they grown woman weight until 25+
As I have gotten older I agree to this. When I was under 25 of course I seen some super sexy thick women. Then 25 hit and they ain’t go to the gym, they become super fat. There are 40+ men that like 18 year olds and go after them. My cousin is almost 21 and she looks like a baby to me still. I have seen some 21 year olds and they look to young. I feel like I have not seen or looked at a super bad 21 year old and said WOW, they look to young.

I like 27+, got some age on them
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All these butch lesbians playing step daddy to another woman’s child has to be the saddest thing. I know that women are naturally more emotional and caring than men. But I’m sure the female bi women are just playing them and fucking their ex or another dude while the butch watch the kid.

June used to be called Black music month before Pride. I don’t see companies promoting black music, but they promoting gay shit
How your new approach going to change them physically lol
16 year olds coming home from school everyday playing Fortnite are going to eventually look different than the ones who are 16 who went away to college and live on their own eating ramen noodles and smoking and working out whenever they want