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HBO Westworld (CANCELED After 4 Seasons)

I'm bothered by Bernard always looking like he gotta take a shit. He doesn't like public restrooms, so he's contemplating whether or not to shit himself. I've never seen a more confused character in a TV series.
This last episode was dope but confused the hell out of me timeline wise.

You said this like twice, when was it revealed that Bernard was part human?
The past like 3-4 eps have been about that.

When William was doing the fidelity tests on James Delos to see how close the host version was to the real thing because the host had his consciousness.

The whole shit with the Cradle showed that Ford was using Dolores to test Bernard because she knew Arnold the best. And Arnold's consciousness...or his memories rather, is in Bernard, thus making him part human. Ford also told Bernard that he will degrade soon....like a human.
maaaan yall confusing me even more damnit lmao. I thought Bernard was essentially "rebuilt" from Delores' memories of him more or less.

Fuck it ima just wait till the season is over and then binge watch all the episodes. for.... fidelity


i'm lying.. ima be just as confused next sunday lol
The past like 3-4 eps have been about that.

When William was doing the fidelity tests on James Delos to see how close the host version was to the real thing because the host had his consciousness.

The whole shit with the Cradle showed that Ford was using Dolores to test Bernard because she knew Arnold the best. And Arnold's consciousness...or his memories rather, is in Bernard, thus making him part human. Ford also told Bernard that he will degrade soon....like a human.
Ah i see, you meant human as in his memories and shit based off a real person. Yeah It's gonna be interested to see if Bernard holds up. I think Elsie gonna figure out Bernard aint only Bernard before the season over.
I don't think Charlotte Hale is a host but there's a theory out there that she's actually working for a 3rd party against Delos.
oh by "they" i meant Ford/Bernard shared body. Ford already said he could only last a couple days outside the cradle before degrading.. With him being with Bernard.. it's only a matter of time
Possibly.only thing is that Ford isn't a host himself.he's in Banard.IDK how those rules work exactly
Heard a theory today that Charlotte is actually Arnold’s daughter and ford altered the memories he put in Bernard so he wouldn’t know
I don't ever recall Arnold talking about a daughter. How is this possible
I don't ever recall Arnold talking about a daughter. How is this possible

Well Bernard is just a recollection of ford and Delores’ memories about Arnold. The theory goes that Ford altered the memory of him having a son for some undisclosed reason.

His son’s name was Charlie which could be a nickname for Charlotte....

I thought it was reach but I just like discussing fan theories ala game of thrones
Well Bernard is just a recollection of ford and Delores’ memories about Arnold. The theory goes that Ford altered the memory of him having a son for some undisclosed reason.

His son’s name was Charlie which could be a nickname for Charlotte....

I thought it was reach but I just like discussing fan theories ala game of thrones
ahhhh ok

i can see that

i still think its a reach, but its a cool lil theory
Ep was super fire.

this ep needs a rewatch

Love the matrix vibe

Always wondered about Ghost Nation since last season.

dope how they tied the native in with spirituality and folk tales,but the folk tales happen to be very true.

I hope Maeve makes it,They gotta save her because she can help them.
damn good episode. I got matrix vibes from it as well.

Only question I have is how Akecheta was able to get up and walk around after the techs said they were going to give him the update... and how he still remembered everything after the update..
damn good episode. I got matrix vibes from it as well.

Only question I have is how Akecheta was able to get up and walk around after the techs said they were going to give him the update... and how he still remembered everything after the update..

They never started the update because they would have had to sit there.So they went to lunch instead of doing the update.The tech said "do you want to babysit him"?

I assume he still got an update,but the update wouldn't erase reveries.
They never started the update because they would have had to sit there.So they went to lunch instead of doing the update.The tech said "do you want to babysit him"?

I assume he still got an update,but the update wouldn't erase reveries.

Ohhh ok.. maybe I misheard..gotta watch again.

I thought they walked off cuz they said the update takes like four hours so they didn't have to sit there while he was being upgraded