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Breaking News We can't catch a break: 16-year-old Makiyah Bryant shot and killed by a police officer in Columbus, Ohio. *Trigger Warning Body Cam Footage*

Hunting is wack and cowardly white supremacist activity. Stop doing it
You have completely and officially lost your marbles. You've said some pretty outlandish shit before but this... This is special

Enjoy the rest of your day brah
You have completely and officially lost your marbles. You've said some pretty outlandish shit before but this... This is special

Enjoy the rest of your day brah
So you're not gonna stop murdering innocent creatures ?
Nah bruh

It's bigger than Just this case I've been saying it since before the election yall niggas largely look for the easiest way out of conflict with white supremacy.

Conflict with white supremacy is unavoidable. I can't speak for anyone else, but I believe it's a war that has to be fought. I just think it has to be fought wisely if we want to win, and I don't think some of you hardliners are thoughtful enough to be dictating how the fight should go.
So you're not gonna stop murdering innocent creatures ?
I'm not talking about hunting for fun and you know that

Stop trying to twist what I said to suit your beliefs. Anyone who read what I read knew what I was talking about.

It's amazing when you decide you need context to form an opinion vs when you don't.

But fine, when hunting for food...(insert the rest of my post).

My point still remains. A hunter doesn't hunt while the prey is moving. They wait until it's relaxed and still for the most part and they don't aim at ankles/hooves.

If you stop trying to look for the gotcha moment, my post was as clear as day
Question for the thread:

So what does justice look like for yall?

I have no fucking idea man

I just know this shit tears down any thoughts or hopes of change in me every time

and its not just the actions, its the whole show

there's rights and wrongs on every side....and those who are connected to either party in ANY way are going to "ride with their side"

so....say a cop pays for what he does....all this does is piss off all the other cops and their families and friends and people who believe in them (which is way more people than anybody thinks).....this is a problem because that group I just mentioned is still VERY intertwined in our lives (or the lives of the people they despise)....teaching our kids, handling our health and medication, advising on our finances, etc

im unfriending and ignoring long time family friends over their take on a news story....which is lame but some of this shit you just cant be on the fence about imo

this is turning into a ramble but the point is all i see is the divide getting stronger....the outcome doesnt matter, the intentions of those fighting for change doesnt matter, a new day doesnt matter....please believe people are quietly and efficiently making decisions and changes in their lives and work in response to these stories and how they play out

everybody just doubles down on what they think is "right" and we hate each other more....i doubt anything significant can happen or change until we get around that....which seems to be last thing people actually want

sometimes leaving this bitch seems to be the only sane option
Question for the thread:

If you were a DA, who would be charged and with what crimes?
She obviously feels a way

Probably disappointment in so called black men
which is crazy.

because if anyone takes the time to look past their own ego, they will see i am asking for the black man and men thats present to de-escalate the situation so the cop wouldn’t have to come and decide who lives.

this is apart of how black men can help protect the community and the girl would still be alive.

isnt the narrative black women are unprotected? so its corny to ask black men to protect them? even if its from themselves?

why are we placing my emphasis on the white man doing right by us? regardless of what position in society he holds?

we as men need to protect the black community from within first.

now will this stop black men and women from getting killed by police, most likely not. But we can at least try to do our part to keep them away as long as we can.

hope you see my stance, now
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