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Uhhhh oh.......Dave done pissed off the mafia

The narrative being pushed is that Netflix employees asked for it to be pulled. That's not true. Nobody is pretending that the special being pulled was never asked but it's being told as if it came from Netflix employees when it's not and that's a pretty important part of the story and how what they're actually asking for is being spun.

Did the Netflix employees state that the special was transphobic and harmful to that community?

Of course they want it taken off if they believe thats what the special promoted.

They didn’t list it in their demands but every point was hit about removing it without saying it.

Look at the post just 2 down from yours and see how easily people are drawing that line of connection. Hell you even just said yourself that people have grouped in the demands of the Netflix employees with the separate group who actually asked for the special to be pulled. That alone says that you know people are conflating the two.
i though the black trans women that made all the racial comments about Asian folks said they wanted to meet with Dave
Is that the one from that Trans "activism" group that no one had ever of before?

Was/is that person a Netflex employee?
Look at the post just 2 down from yours and see how easily people are drawing that line of connection. Hell you even just said yourself that people have grouped in the demands of the Netflix employees with the separate group who actually asked for the special to be pulled. That alone says that you know people are conflating the two.

No, before that post you were adamant that there was wide-spread disinformation regarding the validity of the claims that the Netflix employees wanted the special removed. Now, I'm asking, where?
No, before that post you were adamant that there was wide-spread disinformation regarding the validity of the claims that the Netflix employees wanted the special removed. Now, I'm asking, where?

Look at social media. Look through this thread. Look at your own post where you flat out say people grouped the demands of the Netflix employees with that of the group who actually asked for the special to be pulled. For people to group the two together that means that somewhere along the line what the Netflix employees wanted became intertwined with what other groups wanted.
This whole shit has gotten confusing. Shit Dave still talking about this shit after loudly declaring "I'm done talking about this". Don't nobody on either side know what the fuck it is exactly they want at this point
wasnt this special recorded months ago and just now being aired? lol

i think he was done at that point, BUT, he should've known that once it aired, they werent going to let him just ride off into the sunset
The special was ho hum. Had these people just left it alone it would have probably been for
Them boffums are straight terrorists .....

There's truth to this for sure. Muthat fuckas didn't like a comedy special, so they are trying to hold Netflix hostage until their demands are met?

I ain't even saying that all their demands are out of line, but they talk like the special is devastating people everywhere and that meeting the demands is the only thing that will undo the damage caused. I want them to prove that the special did damage. Show us something substantive that proves that the special has done real harm to people.

Let's be real. The special was pretty ho hum. Had they not made such a fuss over it, there's a good chance it would already be forgotten by now.