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Uhhhh oh.......Dave done pissed off the mafia

Nah that's not something that's solely come about because of the trans movement. It's more attached to the push of women identifying themselves outside of the traditional roles of wife and mother being the defining aspects of womanhood.

As for the last part of your post...you'd be more likely to hear someone tell a woman who can't or doesn't have kids that she's not a real woman than to worry about what you posted. The former happens far to often to women who either don't, don't want to or can't have kids.

You going a lil bit off the course with this one

It’s not the same argument
Bottom line.

I stand with anybody that let these folks know you are not and will never be a real women. You suffer form a disorder and need therapy to help you.
No, you're talking about something different. You're talking about traditional woman roles. Yeah, there are people who basically bash women who don't have kids because they aren't performing that stereotypical role. They might even say something like "you aren't a real woman." But they aren't saying that person literally isn't a real woman. We should be able to agree on that fact.

That's different than a natural born woman being unable to have kids for some reason or another. To my knowledge, people don't typically go around saying they aren't real women because they are unable to have kids, and they don't typically go around begrudging other women for being proud that the did or could have kids. If I'm wrong about that let me know, but I haven't seen it happen much.

I'm not being condescending when I say this but go read up on or talk to women who either can't or choose not to have kids and ask what people say to them. You'd be shocked at how crass and cruel people can be.
I'm not being condescending when I say this but go read up on or talk to women who either can't or choose not to have kids and ask what people say to them. You'd be shocked at how crass and cruel people can be.

Bruh, I have two sisters in law who can't have kids. It has been rough on them because they've gone through a lot. And yeah people ain't shit, so I know they've had to deal with a lot of insensitivity. I've seen that. Still, to my knowledge no one has claimed that they literally aren't women because they can't have kids. I'm not saying there are no assholes out there that would say something like that. I'm just saying that most people accept that regardless of how you define biological sex, there are exceptions due to a number of factors.
I'm not being condescending when I say this but go read up on or talk to women who either can't or choose not to have kids and ask what people say to them. You'd be shocked at how crass and cruel people can be.

It’s not the same argument though.
Bruh, I have two sisters in law who can't have kids. It has been rough on them because they've gone through a lot. And yeah people ain't shit, so I know they've had to deal with a lot of insensitivity. I've seen that. Still, to my knowledge no one has claimed that they literally aren't women because they can't have kids. I'm not saying there are no assholes out there that would say something like that. I'm just saying that most people accept that regardless of how you define biological sex, there are exceptions due to a number of factors.

And all I'm saying is that when somebody tells a woman "you're not a real woman" due to a personal choice or something out of their control they probably aren't thinking "well they don't mean im not a biological woman so it doesn't sound as fucked up". The implication is still the same because it's about what encompasses the idea of womanhood
From what I've seen, and this is from other women themselves, when it comes to the back and forth about "well because I can do this it makes me a woman and you can't so you're not a woman" will often boil down to saying some shit that literally not all cis/natural born women can do. Even something as simple as "I can have a baby so that makes me a real woman" automatically eliminates the women who for whatever reason cannot conceive a child. So it's a real slippery slope when that shit starts to get slung around before someone who isn't trans starts hearing shit being listed off that would all of a sudden no longer make them a "real woman".
Nah that shit comes from men and women internalized, then, also, weaponized it against other women who can't conceive or can't do so naturally.

Trans"women" are still men and many of them hold mysogynistic views. Their entitlement alone demonstrates that, *especially* qwhyte trans"women".

Ain't no man who's pretending to be a woman, finna tell me or any other woman, that I have to call "giving birth" something else b/c it makes them uncomfortable or that I can't talk about my period or I have to call it something else b/c it makes them uncomfortable or "discriminated against"...nah

Edit: typo
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Nah that shit comes from men and women internalized, then, also, weaponized it against other women who can't conceive or can't do so naturally.

Trans"women" are still men and many of them hold mysogynistic views. Their entitlement alone demonstartes that, *especially* qwhyte trans"women".

Ain't no man who's pretending to be a woman, finna tell me or any other woman, that I have to call "giving birth" something else b/c it makes them uncomfortable or that I can't talk about my period or I have to call it something else b/c it makes them uncomfortable or "discriminated against"...nah

And as someone whose not a woman I'm in no position to tell you otherwise on how to feel about what makes you or defines you being a woman in your eyes.
I do wonder how people would take Richard Pyror today though who was very open about sleeping with men, women, and transwomen. Like for him to do that in the time he did and nobody give a fuck I feel like there's no way in hell it would just be a small footnote in the topics people mention when discussing him if he told those jokes now
This shit is funny and ridiculous

“Midwives at a hospital have been told they can no longer use the term “breastfeeding”.

It’s part of a new strategy by the UK’s National Health Trust to be more inclusive to trans communities.

“Changes in terminology include no longer referring to “mothers” as a lone word but instead use “mothers or birthing parents”, and referring to “breastfeeding” as “breast or chest-feeding”.

Breast milk has to be referred to as “chest milk”, “human milk” or “milk from the feeding mother or parent” while “father” has been replaced with “parent” or “co-parent”.”

So they're using both terms or whichever term the patient wants to be called. Basically what they've always done just with the actual official words now.

Saying chest feeding instead of breastfeeding to not offend someone is hilarious to me

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You: respect trans people
Also you: calls trans people "thing"... nice to see you sticking to your own standard

I meant to say someone.

I literally called trans folks by their preferred name. Called Elliot by his name instead of Ellen

Don’t do me like that. I also been saying we have to respect them.

Do you consider trans women real women?

Because that’s bs man. I just said I can’t tell women how to carry this cuz I’m not a woman. But again you don’t do this with trans men. You won’t explain it about trans men you just asking women

You think it makes a difference if its a transman?

Elliot Page will never be a man regardless of the surgeries on his abs.

You fake as fuck and you need to just admit it. You dont believe they are real women because you dont date, you dont post them in the Candy Shop and you dont watch trans porn. Unless you do and that would make you gay.

So which is?

I still see you aint say that shit to Whis or Scandle. Why is that? I bet you aint gon answer this either
And as someone whose not a woman I'm in no position to tell you otherwise on how to feel about what makes you or defines you being a woman in your eyes.
Where are you getting this "what makes or defines a woman" from?

I never said that..I said no man pretending to be a woman is going to demand that I "stop calling my period a period, stop calling my ability to give birth to children "giving birth", etc." It doesn't matter whether or not a woman can do so naturally or at all. These are functions that have been biologically assigned to women since the beginning of time.

Trans"women" want to change language, actual medical terms, b/c they feel it discriminates against them. And they feel it discriminates against them or makes them uncomfortable, b/c they can't do it. No matter how many hormones they take, no matter how many surgeries they get, their bodies weren't biologically designed for those functions....and that upsets them.
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soooooo were the jokes even funny? Humorous?

Apparently he's gone off about trans men/women on other specials, he turning into boosie?
Where are you getting this "what makes or defines a woman" from?

I never said that..I said no man pretending to be a woman is going to demand that I "stop calling my period a period, stop calling my ability to give birth to children "giving birth", etc." It doesn't matter whether or not a woman can do so naturally or at all. These are functions that women have been biologically assigned to women since the beginning of time.

Trans"women" want to change language, actual medical terms, b/c they feel it discriminates against them. And they feel it discriminates against them or makes them uncomfortable, b/c they can't do it. No matter how many hormones they take, no matter how many surgeries they get, their bodies were'nt biologically designed for those functions....and that upsets them.

The original back and forth I was having with Monk about how people can take certain things and try and use them as the ultimate definition of being a woman in response to trans women and how some of those markers end up excluding some of the very people they feel they're defending in women who were born biologically female and are not trans.

In regards to your post I'm in no position to say "Nah you can't feel that way".