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Tyrese: The Black Community Is Fragmented, Every Other Race Works Together

I do think we operate differently than other races, but not in the way he says. I think we focus too much of our time and resources on the wrong people.

I saw this in my family. I had 2 cousins (brothers). One got locked up for some shit for about 7 years. His brother kept his nose clean, wanted to go to college, and has started his own business. The family sent the criminal brother money, wrote letters to make sure he was doing good, gave him his own place to stay when he got out.

But they didn't give his brother SHIT. No tuition money (and his mom spent what would have gone to him for school on lawyers for his brother), no money or resources to help his business, no free place to stay...nothing.

I think we don't focus enough on our motivated, successful people. Then we compare ourselves to the success stories of other races, and wonder why there's a difference. They focus on building theirs up. Those Asians that buy the stores get money from their family/community to buy the stores... they're built up and are ashamed of someone going to prison.

Too many of us are quick to put money on prison books, rather than school books and it's a problem.
I do think we operate differently than other races, but not in the way he says. I think we focus too much of our time and resources on the wrong people.

I saw this in my family. I had 2 cousins (brothers). One got locked up for some shit for about 7 years. His brother kept his nose clean, wanted to go to college, and has started his own business. The family sent the criminal brother money, wrote letters to make sure he was doing good, gave him his own place to stay when he got out.

But they didn't give his brother SHIT. No tuition money (and his mom spent what would have gone to him for school on lawyers for his brother), no money or resources to help his business, no free place to stay...nothing.

I think we don't focus enough on our motivated, successful people. Then we compare ourselves to the success stories of other races, and wonder why there's a difference. They focus on building theirs up. Those Asians that buy the stores get money from their family/community to buy the stores... they're built up and are ashamed of someone going to prison.

Too many of us are quick to put money on prison books, rather than school books and it's a problem.
@The Lonious Monk this the shit we be talking about. Niggas like Tyrese get online in front of the entire world and tell the world how divided and low black people are.

Yeah, I don't understand how this bullshit persists. Cubans are largely conservative and want to close the borders on the Mexicans and South Americans coming here seeking refuge but some how all Hispanic people move as one.

We can identify our weaknesses and things that needed to be worked on without acting like everyone else has it together and we are just terrible. At the end of the day, the reason our lack of unity is so much more visible than their is because we're on the frontlines more than they are. If Hispanics, Asians, and Jews were out mobilizing and fighting for causes more, their divisions would start to show more. Just look at Asians when it came to Affirmative Action. They were and still are very divided on whether taking AA down was a good thing. How come no one talks about that when they are claiming that we're the only ones that don't move as one?
I hate this dumbass, buzzworthy, repeated speech of black people not sticking together. Not every family has the resources, not every family wants to do the same thing together, not every family agrees with each other. Also the American “I want my own” vs foreigners “all 80 of us together in one home” mindset.

Take one family if they are all close together with a healthy relationship.

Wife - Her sisters, brothers, and parents
The Aunts, uncles, and cousins too

Husband - his sister brothers, and parents
The Aunts, uncles, and cousins too

All of these people living together in one home / duplex apartment. All have different jobs but all are gathering their own money to buy one building to own a store and get shipment. That’s how some of these foreigners work together and may also have a supplier from home.

It’s some families that want to do this right now but don’t have all the resources.
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I hate this dumbass buzzworthy speech of black people not sticking together. Not every family has the resources, not every family wants to do the same thing together, not every family agrees with each other. Also the American “I want my own” vs foreigners “all 80 of us together in one home” mindset.

Take one family if they are all close together with a healthy relationship.

Wife - Her sisters, brothers, and parents
The Aunts, uncles, and cousins too

Husband - his sister brothers, and parents
The Aunts, uncles, and cousins too

All of these people living together in one home / duplex apartment. All have different jobs but all are gathering their own money to buy one building to own a store and get shipment. That’s how some of these foreigners work together and may also have a supplier from home.

It’s some families that want to do this right now but don’t have all the resources.
First part is very true but in some cultures you have a strong matriarch at the head of the family who consults with family members but ultimately issues directives. Individuals in the family may disagree but are expected to fall in line. That doesn’t happen much in our culture today.
I also don't understand where people get this "black people don't work together" rhetoric from. They act like there are no successful black owned businesses or not reputable black efforts or that black people never come together for anything. That's not even close to true. We never get 100% buy-in for anything, that's true, but no one gets that.
Black people are also the only ones that consistently had/have systemic road blocks to undermine them too. They always leave that part out.

Your victim mindset is strong. The obstacles you're referring to exists. Ya, definitely. But he talked about being a community, working together, putting the phones down and making plans, building together.

That's stuff within our control. What are the systemic road blocks stopping us from getting together to eat and talk? From picking up the phone and seeing if the people in our circle are good, and if there's anything we can help with?
I hate this dumbass buzzworthy speech of black people not sticking together. Not every family has the resources, not every family wants to do the same thing together, not every family agrees with each other. Also the American “I want my own” vs foreigners “all 80 of us together in one home” mindset.

Take one family if they are all close together with a healthy relationship.

Wife - Her sisters, brothers, and parents
The Aunts, uncles, and cousins too

Husband - his sister brothers, and parents
The Aunts, uncles, and cousins too

All of these people living together in one home / duplex apartment. All have different jobs but all are gathering their own money to buy one building to own a store and get shipment. That’s how some of these foreigners work together and may also have a supplier from home.

It’s some families that want to do this right now but don’t have all the resources.


It’s not that I think you are wrong… I agree with you, actually… it’s just the fact that it’s YOU who said it. It be weird when some of you niggas break character
Your victim mindset is strong. The obstacles you're referring to exists. Ya, definitely. But he talked about being a community, working together, putting the phones down and making plans, building together.

That's stuff within our control. What are the systemic road blocks stopping us from getting together to eat and talk? From picking up the phone and seeing if the people in our circle are good, and if there's anything we can help with?
Yes black people are victims of redlining, Jim Crow, slavery, all of which have never been rectified. Asians never had to deal with any of that over here.
Not true, stop falling for stereo types, we act like every other race. Tyrese is wrong as usual.

Problem is every wrong move anyone of our people do, its highlighted while other groups are largely ignored or shrugged off when its highlighted.

If we're talking about black people in this country, like @5th Letter said, we're the only group that have always had systemic road blocks against us the whole time, but people conveniently forget that. Yall gotta stop promoting these white supremacist ideologies that black people are in this position because we arnt shit.

I just wish the next time this is said in an interview, theres someone there to say, "Or, we're by far the poorest demograph that constantly being marginalized, stereotyped and targeted for suppression for over 100 years. The only other ethnic group that probably has been through this as long as us is Native Americans. Because of this a lot of us are forced to fight amongst ourselves over scraps, to which the white media loves showcasing. Because they know this is what their majority white audience can easily be fearmonger into viewing & giving them high ratings"
Yes black people are victims of redlining, Jim Crow, slavery, all of which have never been rectified. Asians never had to deal with any of that over here.

I worry about your reading skills man, haha.

Your victim mindset is strong. The obstacles you're referring to exists. Ya, definitely. But he talked about being a community, working together, putting the phones down and making plans, building together.

That's stuff within our control. What are the systemic road blocks stopping us from getting together to eat and talk? From picking up the phone and seeing if the people in our circle are good, and if there's anything we can help with?
Your victim mindset is strong. The obstacles you're referring to exists. Ya, definitely. But he talked about being a community, working together, putting the phones down and making plans, building together.

That's stuff within our control. What are the systemic road blocks stopping us from getting together to eat and talk? From picking up the phone and seeing if the people in our circle are good, and if there's anything we can help with?

I get what you're trying to say, but I don't like that you describe real roadblocks we face as having a "victim mindset" that's straight out of the racist white guy's playbook.

You ever wondered why Asians tend to have more businesses in black communities than black people? Part of that has to do with the fact that they get business loans to help start businesses far easier than black people. Us trying to work together wouldn't really change that. In fact shit like that is why it's sometimes hard for us to group together and build.
I do think we operate differently than other races, but not in the way he says. I think we focus too much of our time and resources on the wrong people.

I saw this in my family. I had 2 cousins (brothers). One got locked up for some shit for about 7 years. His brother kept his nose clean, wanted to go to college, and has started his own business. The family sent the criminal brother money, wrote letters to make sure he was doing good, gave him his own place to stay when he got out.

But they didn't give his brother SHIT. No tuition money (and his mom spent what would have gone to him for school on lawyers for his brother), no money or resources to help his business, no free place to stay...nothing.

I think we don't focus enough on our motivated, successful people. Then we compare ourselves to the success stories of other races, and wonder why there's a difference. They focus on building theirs up. Those Asians that buy the stores get money from their family/community to buy the stores... they're built up and are ashamed of someone going to prison.

Too many of us are quick to put money on prison books, rather than school books and it's a problem.
I mean, one could look at this another way. They spent money to try to keep the dumbass brother from dying or doing life, but the other brother was doing fine so they figured he didnt really need any help & wasnt the priority. Vast majority of families arnt going to just shrug and just pay attention to the other kid just for being in school.

Theres no excuse for not offering zero support to the one on the right path, but idk that family dynamic or the people in it. Plus I'm old enough to know just because you go to school doesnt mean you are a good person.

Dude was able to go to school on his own and start a business, sounds like he was fine. Doubt that ramen money they sent his brother would of did much.