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Two Women Are Trying To Grill George Forman For Sexual Assault While They Were Minors In The 70's.

Hiw is it about our feeling when you are doing the insulting?
You never about conversation and healthy debate, you insult and shoot from the hip without digging past the surface or standing against a movement that can easily come to your front door.
Now try to figure out what was said

You’re just triggered by me I didn’t insult anybody in this thread that actually made sense. Mister B straight said this crime don’t matter because it was a long time ago and because you agree with him you had nothing to say. It’s simple in y’all’s day a lot of this shit was ok now it is not and y’all act like everybody is being sensitive
Nigga said my generation didn’t care about sex crimes….lol
it’s clear bruh don’t even know what I am truly defending against as most dont even tho I made it evident. Yet niggas made it about something else and the sheeple followed cuz they can’t process anything critically or holistically nor can niggas compartmentalize.

Again feelings. Bruh look I’m not asking for a 6 page essay on what you do or don’t do. But I’m not the only person who has seen you always take the edgy side when it comes to this type of shit. You feel we think the women are always truthful I feel you think the women are always lying. Idk if that comes from somebody you know being lied on or not. You built a school or shelter for abused kids but every time on the forum you wanna see the abuser side. I can see both sides but I’m not going to act like anybody can’t be an abuser and a victim
It's just sad.

EVERY time one of these fuckin threads pop up, we go through the same shit. Like I said, @mryounggun played it right; you can respectfully disagree with an opinion without the need to get personal and disrespectful. It's to the point where I don't even engage with certain screen names cause we know ALL they're looking for is attention. It's just some sad, cowardly shit folk gotta talk spicy over a fuckin OPINION, when we know that certain folk would never pop off out the mouth like that if we were having this discussion in a real-life round-table.

As for the original George....where's the proof? If this was damn near 50 years old, there's got to be some corroboration on this. THAT's why I said I really didn't care. Shit was so long ago, it's highly unlikely any real evidence other than hearsay will pop up. That simply can't be enough to get a criminal conviction, and it sounds like GF already interacted with these women, and the only thing that was discussed was some sort of financial compensation.

That don't sound a bit fishy, here?

This is why I believe evidence before anyone - him OR them.
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Not that you guys care and I understand,
It’s crazy how THiS comes up as the kelz trial is falling apart.
At some point y’all gotta see the play.
I also understand that if he’s guilty, he should be punished.
That’s goes for anyone.
Not that you guys care and I understand,
It’s crazy how THiS comes up as the kelz trial is falling apart.
At some point y’all gotta see the play.
I also understand that if he’s guilty, he should be punished.
That’s goes for anyone.

What r Kelly trial is falling apart