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Two Women Are Trying To Grill George Forman For Sexual Assault While They Were Minors In The 70's.

To get back to the thread at hand…

I disagree, because after decades, this gets almost IMPOSSIBLE to prove. Plus, at some point, people will if this is truly meritorious, or some sort of shake down.

Sworn testimony is considered evidence. If that testimony can be corroborated it's probably pretty easy to "prove" something like this if it was known amongst others.

But either way... as has already been said... just because it's difficult to prove something doesn't mean you dismiss it outright. That's not how this shit works.

I mean I can think of plenty of reasons why the alleged victims never said anything until now but I can't think of many reasons why 2 women who were 13-15 when they were interacting with him would all of a sudden decide to lie and go after a bankrupt octogenarian legally.

And that's not to say that what they're saying is true or false... we don't know that. But it's not fair to dismiss them because you happen to think there's an expiration date on child rape.
Sworn testimony is considered evidence. If that testimony can be corroborated it's probably pretty easy to "prove" something like this if it was known amongst others.

But either way... as has already been said... just because it's difficult to prove something doesn't mean you dismiss it outright. That's not how this shit works.

I mean I can think of plenty of reasons why the alleged victims never said anything until now but I can't think of many reasons why 2 women who were 13-15 when they were interacting with him would all of a sudden decide to lie and go after a bankrupt octogenarian legally.

And that's not to say that what they're saying is true or false... we don't know that. But it's not fair to dismiss them because you happen to think there's an expiration date on child rape.
You can’t?
Ok, then……

But folks always big tip which way they leaning in these situations all the time. Especially the usual suspects on both sides
Don’t do that. Some people are plain guilty, some don’t have enough info to draw a conclusion and some are clearly women lying.
it seems to be only one side that get called out and another side are fanatics about women do no wrong
Can we agree at times these debates turn in to shaming tactics and attacks and labeling?
We are all grown and should be able to have convos without acting like children and thinking someone is a supporter of said crime.
Don’t you think that’s surface level shit and that how we can’t grow as a community.
As far as this go, i hope he didnt do it. But idk.

Im just gonna stay nuetral as always.

If he did that shit fuck him.

If the women lying on him, fuck them.

Gonna wait and see.
Respectable post.
fence riding ass hoe.
But it’s respectable
Don’t do that. Some people are plain guilty, some don’t have enough info to draw a conclusion and some are clearly women lying.
it seems to be only one side that get called out and another side are fanatics about women do no wrong
Can we agree at times these debates turn in to shaming tactics and attacks and labeling?
We are all grown and should be able to have convos without acting like children and thinking someone is a supporter of said crime.

Don’t you think that’s surface level shit and that how we can’t grow as a community.
This guy gets it.
1st off - It don't take 50 fuckin years to come out with info. That could've come out 10-20 years ago. It just seems suspicious to me.

2nd - No one's defending anyone, but with the wave off decades-old issues, it's hard to tell what constituted as "assault" back then if you're using today's standards on it. Example: in a workplace, slapping a lady's ass going "hey toots" may seem caveman-ish since 2015, but back in the 70s and 80s, not only was that normal, that shit was almost regular, to the point you saw it on TV over and over.

The retroactive standards people are trying to implement on past actions just doesn't add up now.

You can disagree with the whole time frame of when folks bring up assaults and other past crimes but the bold is a horrible take and even worse logic to try and use about that issue.
You can’t?
Ok, then……

So in other words your whole point is just forget about being a victim soley off time frame? So the lady that got Emmit Till killed should just be left alone? That’s a bad and stupid way to think. But see you have this thing against women or victims or whatever stupid view point you have here.
Don’t do that. Some people are plain guilty, some don’t have enough info to draw a conclusion and some are clearly women lying.
it seems to be only one side that get called out and another side are fanatics about women do no wrong
Can we agree at times these debates turn in to shaming tactics and attacks and labeling?
We are all grown and should be able to have convos without acting like children and thinking someone is a supporter of said crime.
Don’t you think that’s surface level shit and that how we can’t grow as a community.

No we can’t again y’all making this about your feelings. I mean y’all act like y’all don’t know the culture anymore back in hall day a lot of your generation did not care about sexual assault or sex crimes in general. And we see how it helped us. So today because people aren’t cool with being taken advantage of and they wanna talk about it you and people like you treat like an attack. It’s just really weird man. A rapist ain’t just somebody in the bushes attacking strangers and I think that’s how y’all view it.
You can disagree with the whole time frame of when folks bring up assaults and other past crimes but the bold is a horrible take and even worse logic to try and use about that issue.

Nigga pretty much saying because nobody cared about sex crimes then we shouldn’t care now.
Nigga pretty much saying because nobody cared about sex crimes then we shouldn’t care now.

To me that statement goes beyond sex crimes.

That line of thinking and so called logic is a big part of the reason Carolyn Bryant (white lady who lied on Emmitt Till) got no charges filed on her recently outside the usual shit they be on. It's the exact logic people use to say we as black people can't say George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, etc. weren't fucked up people.

The shit flat out not a good way to look at things.
To me that statement goes beyond sex crimes.

That line of thinking and so called logic is a big part of the reason Carolyn Bryant (white lady who lied on Emmitt Till) got no charges filed on her recently outside the usual shit they be on. It's the exact logic people use to say we as black people can't say George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, etc. weren't fucked up people.

The shit flat out not a good way to look at things.

The dude a goofy idiot maybe a math genius but everything else is stupidity and fake edgy white boy
No we can’t again y’all making this about your feelings. I mean y’all act like y’all don’t know the culture anymore back in hall day a lot of your generation did not care about sexual assault or sex crimes in general. And we see how it helped us. So today because people aren’t cool with being taken advantage of and they wanna talk about it you and people like you treat like an attack. It’s just really weird man. A rapist ain’t just somebody in the bushes attacking strangers and I think that’s how y’all view it.
Hiw is it about our feeling when you are doing the insulting?
You never about conversation and healthy debate, you insult and shoot from the hip without digging past the surface or standing against a movement that can easily come to your front door.
Now try to figure out what was said
Nigga said my generation didn’t care about sex crimes….lol
it’s clear bruh don’t even know what I am truly defending against as most dont even tho I made it evident. Yet niggas made it about something else and the sheeple followed cuz they can’t process anything critically or holistically nor can niggas compartmentalize.