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COMMUNITY Toxic Masculinity vs Healthy Masculinity


the marathon continues........
Within the past year I've been hearing the phrase toxic masculinity fairly often but I have no idea what that means. I'm just trying to gain a little clarity on what it means to be toxically masculine. Where does this phrase come from?

What are some of the characteristics of toxic masculinity? Is it an action? Is it a mentality? How do you define or label toxic masculinity?

On the flip side is there such a thing as healthy masculinity? If so what are some of the characteristics of healthy masculinity?

Let's have a real grown folks discussion about this.
Toxic Masculinity to me is a mentality...he needs to be seen as the tough guy and feel like the tough guy...he will start a fight to defend his stupid logic and be seen as the man...healthy masculinity is what I practice and strive for..there is no ego and no need to be seen as the top dog...we look out for people and put our family first.

Basic wiki definition here but the gist is there. Toxic masculinity to me is that overly negative non realistic shit men put on each other as like a rite of passage into manhood. Controlling emotions is cool suppressing them is toxic, measuring manhood by how many broads you smash or dont smash, not being able to deal with rejection of the opposite sex and lashing out, sex crimes or that incel shit when they think pussy is a right. Shit like prison rape.

Niggas will say "well those arent men thats pussy shit and etc" at the end of the day its still real shit. And I think on abw whenever i bring it up niggas want to lump me into saying being a man is bad or that im attacking their way of life and dont relate any extreme shit to toxic masculinity.
i think in some ways alot of are guilty of pissing contests...but at times it goes overboard and clearly when niggas have the advantage.

like a group of niggas squeezing a chicks ass when she with her man....
now the group knows they wouldnt do that shit alone but they talking tough in the group...now dude either gotta get jumped or kill one of them.

or when its a group of ladies around....its always loud look at me type dudes.....its either the car or the jewelry or the working out they put on display.

shit screams insecure.....but chicks fall for it...so niggas keep trying to one up the last idiot.
Balance bruh. You gotta be tough on boys to an extent. But just dont take it too far.

I know that but if you at the square up point somebody failed badly. Its not normal for that to happen imo. Ive heard of niggas punching son in chest. Yea we need balance but we need respect. Black people dont automatically respect their kids.
im sure its slightly different in other cultures....but I think its real across the board

in my own experience, it was literally like everything that was supposed to be "good" or "right" was frowned upon.....no lie lol

anything from doing homework to actually being nice to a girl was roast material for older homies, uncles, etc

I've watched people over indulge and fuck themselves up cuz they said they had enough but everybody laughed at em

"nah....nah im straight, gimme some more"

I've watched people get boosted to go fight somebody for nothing and get fucked up

shit I got kicked out of school doing shit to prove a point.....or just for laughs......"the homies gone love this shit"

thats what it is to me
I know that but if you at the square up point somebody failed badly. Its not normal for that to happen imo. Ive heard of niggas punching son in chest. Yea we need balance but we need respect. Black people dont automatically respect their kids.
i wouldnt go that far.
sometimes our environment or immediate surroundings call for certain responses and reactions.
im sure its slightly different in other cultures....but I think its real across the board

in my own experience, it was literally like everything that was supposed to be "good" or "right" was frowned upon.....no lie lol

anything from doing homework to actually being nice to a girl was roast material for older homies, uncles, etc

I've watched people over indulge and fuck themselves up cuz they said they had enough but everybody laughed at em

"nah....nah im straight, gimme some more"

I've watched people get boosted to go fight somebody for nothing and get fucked up

shit I got kicked out of school doing shit to prove a point.....or just for laughs......"the homies gone love this shit"

thats what it is to me
very true....but at least you know.

its like people couldnt say no to anything
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Toxic masculinity is probably more accurately described as tyranny. It's the difference between Scar and Mufasa; men who can't maintain leadership without expensing the group are tyrannical. To further prove this point, let's use that example of fighting my own son. In most cases, he will be negatively impacted more than positively affected. That's toxic because the father as leader has failed to maintain that leadership without harming his tribe.

People just like catchy names. Toxic sounds cooler than tyrant to some people