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Thoughts on what Drake said to Budden....

Not the enyce jeans though....

Funny thing is that Budden is a huge Drake fan and shows him the proper respect. But my reaction to Drake comment's is what does any of that have to do with what Budden said? Like...cool, you feel like the nigga was a failed rapper, etc, etc, but...that doesn't really address Budden criticisms about the project at all.
Trashing Budden for his analogy is like saying guys like Chris Sims and Dan Orloski shouldnā€™t be analysts cause they didnā€™t succeed as much as other QBs in the leagueā€¦.which, is bullshit. They made to the league, which means they were good enough to compete at that level.

Or like saying Kenny ā€œthe Jetā€ Smith shouldnā€™t be up there with Shaq and Chuck on TNT cause theyā€™re HOFamers and he ainā€™t, which again, is bullshit.

Same with Joe. He was signed to major, and had a single go gold, so heā€™s obviously talented enough to be in this space. Just cause Aubrey is more accomplished in the field then Joe, doesnā€™t mean two things:

1) Joeā€™s opinion is deemed invalid because Joe spoke unfavorably of him.

2) Aubrey is better than Joe, skillset wise.

Aubreyā€™s pissy in his pussy cause they said this album - like most of his albums as a whole - is MID as fuck (Ice was right: this was auto-pilot Drake) and this is the resultā€¦more sassy shit.

Sassy ass bitch ainā€™t got nothing BUT numbers to stand on, cause we all know he canā€™t hang bar-for-bar with anyone that takes this rap shit for reals.

ā€œJ Cole murdered you on yo own shit.ā€ Aubrey knows this, and his been mad emo ever since.
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