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This Woman Was Sexually Assaulted At A Party By This Guy......Story Inside

Maybe they're just smart enough to realize it would be a waste of time because the courts wouldn't take it seriously.

Besides, the courts would be going against their own interests by not getting their fair share of child support/legal fees that keep them employed.

You know what that 1st part sounds like...what alot of women who are victims of sexual assault say when niggas always ask "Well why don't you press charges?" And they explain their experiences actually trying to report the rape/assault.
You know what that 1st part sounds like...what alot of women who are victims of sexual assault say when niggas always ask "Well why don't you press charges?" And they explain their experiences actually trying to report the rape/assault.

Only difference is, it's true in the case of women.

Men who try to make a case like that would get laughed right out of the precinct.

This is that intersectionaltiy bullshit that Dr T Hasan Johnson has been calling out.

Basically, when people try to make it seem like certain situations affect one group just as much as the other............when it's actually just that one group that gets affected the most.
Only difference is, it's true in the case of women.

Men who try to make a case like that would get laughed right out of the precinct.

This is that intersectionaltiy bullshit that Dr T Hasan Johnson has been calling out.

Basically, when people try to make it seem like certain situations affect one group just as much as the other............when it's actually just that one group that gets affected the most.

You know why they'd be laughed at? Because the men who created the laws and would benefit from the intersectionality you're trying to denegrate would be the ones doing the laughing. So again your issue isn't with intersectionality it's with, in this instance, how men fail to apply it to a situation that would actually benefit them as a whole. Instead of these wild ass "Hot for teacher i wish my teacher fucked me too/i loved older women when I was 14 etc" reactions men give whenever a woman assaults a young man then maybe the idea that women can be and are predatory towards men would be taken more seriously.

So if you want the change you seem to say you do then you should probably stop saying things like "real rape" and "lying about using protection isn't rape" because it is and if more men actually abided by that im willing to bet you'd see a change in how these instances are taken seriously when its a man on the victim side of things
You know why they'd be laughed at? Because the men who created the laws and would benefit from the intersectionality you're trying to denegrate would be the ones doing the laughing. So again your issue isn't with intersectionality it's with, in this instance, how men fail to apply it to a situation that would actually benefit them as a whole. Instead of these wild ass "Hot for teacher i wish my teacher fucked me too/i loved older women when I was 14 etc" reactions men give whenever a woman assaults a young man then maybe the idea that women can be and are predatory towards men would be taken more seriously.

So if you want the change you seem to say you do then you should probably stop saying things like "real rape" and "lying about using protection isn't rape" because it is and if more men actually abided by that im willing to bet you'd see a change in how these instances are taken seriously when its a man on the victim side of things


All things being equal, it would benefit men.

However, it wouldn't because the courts would never take it seriously.

Mainly because they never have...........and haven't shown any indication that they ever would.
dont be obtuse fellas

ya'll having strawman arguments to try and validate your extremely narrowed views of the world and how YOU think things should go

the double down is gonna get a lot of ya'll in trouble outside of ABW.

All things being equal, it would benefit men.

However, it wouldn't because the courts would never take it seriously.

Mainly because they never have...........and haven't shown any indication that they ever would.

And the "why" as why it wouldn't be taken seriously has already been identified. So again change that and there you go. Change mentalities like yours and you'd see change in the system
Look, I'm just saying..........if you wanna call that rape, call it rape.

But don't say it's not rape when it's the other way around.

Meaning, if it's rape when a man lies about wearing a condom........then it's rape when a woman lies about being on birth control.

Don't understand why people aren't willing to accept that.

Lol no how equate not using birth control to not using a condom? And how many cases of a women lying bout birth control would go to court. How you know she took it or not that’s medical? How can you prove she lied vs it not being effective.
Dirty dick dustballs.....who the hell is fucking out here on one-shot deals raw?

Slap that clown three times, then send him to prison.
Look, I'm just saying..........if you wanna call that rape, call it rape.

But don't say it's not rape when it's the other way around.

Meaning, if it's rape when a man lies about wearing a condom........then it's rape when a woman lies about being on birth control.

Don't understand why people aren't willing to accept that.

But you’re not a creep at all lol
it's funny how the folks who always argue on the "pro-women" side never really give agency to the grown women making decisions for themselves

women can never do anything wrong cuz ya'll see them on the same level of responsibility and competence given to children

if a woman lies to a man and they have sex, no one claims the man has been raped

so vice versa, if a grown woman gives a dude some pussy under false pretenses than a woman shouldn't be able to claim "rape"

keep the same energy for grown women to accept the consequences of their own actions if u really believe in gender equality

mofos literally ignoring the obvious hypocrisy just cuz it's @deadeye making the valid argument
it's funny how the folks who always argue on the "pro-women" side never really give agency to the grown women making decisions for themselves

women can never do anything wrong cuz ya'll see them on the same level of responsibility and competence given to children

if a woman lies to a man and they have sex, no one claims the man has been raped

so vice versa, if a grown woman gives a dude some pussy under false pretenses than a woman shouldn't be able to claim "rape"

keep the same energy for grown women to accept the consequences of their own actions if u really believe in gender equality

mofos literally ignoring the obvious hypocrisy just cuz it's @deadeye making the valid argument

People who view the shit the way he did in this thread are the reasons why that gap in understanding exists. So instead of giving him props you should probably tell him and others that if he took instances of men claiming sexual assault more seriously instead as he said "laughing them out of the room" then shit would change.
People who view the shit the way he did in this thread are the reasons why that gap in understanding exists. So instead of giving him props you should probably tell him and others that if he took instances of men claiming sexual assault more seriously instead as he said "laughing them out of the room" then shit would change.

u would have a point if people and court systems took men's complaints more seriously

the fact that most pro-women arguments always default to women always being a victim no matter the circumstance

just perpetuates the same gender inequality pro-women advocates are fighting against

there are women who lie to get sex all the time from particular dudes..........I would love to see the responses if a guy made similar twitter posts like that after having a 1 night stand
The story itself is a cautionary lesson..... reestablishing it as speaking point is bad condescending, distasteful, and insensitive.

Basically you're being a dick for focusing on the "lesson learned" or what she could have done better. It's fucking obvious.

The only focus should be on the very ugly crime at hand.
u would have a point if people and court systems took men's complaints more seriously

the fact that most pro-women arguments always default to women always being a victim no matter the circumstance

just perpetuates the same gender inequality pro-women advocates are fighting against

there are women who lie to get sex all the time from particular dudes..........I would love to see the responses if a guy made similar twitter posts like that after having a 1 night stand

In this thread in particular the situation was a man not using a condom when it was asked of him to do so. There's no wiggle room with that being a violation of someone's consent because that's exactly what happened. To try and argue that's not violating someone's consent simply because another group doesn't take the same violation against them as seriously isn't a good argument at all.

So if niggas really want to try and argue for consent not being needed when it comes to using protection during sex then that's a very dangerous hill to die on. That's not about infantalizing women. That's about protecting the public in general from someone being able to try and force someone who would typically be in the more vulnerable position from being taken advantage of.
The story itself is a cautionary lesson..... reestablishing it as speaking point is bad condescending, distasteful, and insensitive.

Basically you're being a dick for focusing on the "lesson learned" or what she could have done better. It's fucking obvious.

The only focus should be on the very ugly crime at hand.

I think the underlined is pretty obvious tho

but do we keep that same energy when somebody leaves their ATM pin number and card available for any scumbag to take?

what about unlocked doors?

what about doing new drugs with complete strangers?

what about walking out in bad weather without the appropriate clothing?

at what point is it ok to look at someone like they are responsible for their own issue? only when it's a man?

that's the points cats are trying to politely ignore for the sake of being patronizing to the "fairer" sex
it's funny how the folks who always argue on the "pro-women" side never really give agency to the grown women making decisions for themselves

women can never do anything wrong cuz ya'll see them on the same level of responsibility and competence given to children

if a woman lies to a man and they have sex, no one claims the man has been raped

so vice versa, if a grown woman gives a dude some pussy under false pretenses than a woman shouldn't be able to claim "rape"

keep the same energy for grown women to accept the consequences of their own actions if u really believe in gender equality

mofos literally ignoring the obvious hypocrisy just cuz it's @deadeye making the valid argument
Not sure, but I think I saw a show that says men in the UK can go to prison for lying about their financial status in order to get a woman to sleep with them.

Like, if you claim to own a professional sports franchise and a grown woman decides to give up the goods and then she later finds out you work at Burger King, you can get charged with rape….

Even if it’s two consenting adults.

But, because you lied about your finances to a gold-digger, you may have to do prison time.

Don’t quote me though, but I’m pretty sure some guy in the UK got caught up in something like that.
Not sure, but I think I saw a show that says men in the UK can go to prison for lying about their financial status in order to get a woman to sleep with them.

Like, if you claim to own a professional sports franchise and a grown woman decides to give up the goods and then she later finds out you work at Burger King, you can get charged with rape….

Even if it’s two consenting adults.

But, because you lied about your finances to a gold-digger, you may have to do prison time.

Don’t quote me though, but I’m pretty sure some guy in the UK got caught up in something like that.
^^^^This post is only in response to what @Mr BFK posted.

I have no idea what this old thread is about, so don’t accuse me of taking sides, one way or the other.
In this thread in particular the situation was a man not using a condom when it was asked of him to do so. There's no wiggle room with that being a violation of someone's consent because that's exactly what happened. To try and argue that's not violating someone's consent simply because another group doesn't take the same violation against them as seriously isn't a good argument at all.

So if niggas really want to try and argue for consent not being needed when it comes to using protection during sex then that's a very dangerous hill to die on. That's not about infantalizing women. That's about protecting the public in general from someone being able to try and force someone who would typically be in the more vulnerable position from being taken advantage of.

but where was the "force" in this case?

she chose to fuck w/o even knowing his real name..........that's where u are infantilizing this woman and others

what prevented her from turning around literally checking to see if a dick had a condom on it?

@deadeye had a point about consent not being equal........

if u flipped the scenario and dude smashed raw cuz shorty said she had her tubes tied and couldn't have kids........and later she ended up pregnant........u wouldn't have a scrap of concern/sympathy