This is what demanding $15/hr minimum wage creates: The Burger flipping robot.

there used to be ppl doing crap for u all the time... delivering milk, running the elevator, standing in the bathroom for whatever reasons etc now everything’s automated... it will continue to do this to make life just that more easy (and cheap) for employers
Interesting convo....

I think it costs $3 per hour for the robot, compared to $15 per hour for a human.

It’s inevitable that easy jobs like that will end up going to AI. The McDonalds near me just remodeled and it has 6 self order kiosks, only 2 cashiers who actually work at the counter.

Soon, it will be all kiosks and robots.

Even if it's cheaper to operate the machine than having live people... what happens when the machine breaks down?

Is it a software issue or a hardware issue?

Is the software tech on retainer?
Is the hardware tech on retainer?
What's their hourly cost?
How long will it take them to respond/fix the issue?

What will you do in the meantime while the shit is being fixed? Outsource to manual burger flippers or shut down shop?

How do you take into account someone hacking your system?
What do you pay the person that protects your system against being hacked?
Does the manager have the credentials to deal with that type of shit?
You need a tech degree to be a fast food manager now in order to know how to properly secure ur establishment?

shit aint just as simple as "Let the robots handle it"
Interesting convo....

Even if it's cheaper to operate the machine than having live people... what happens when the machine breaks down?

Is it a software issue or a hardware issue?

Is the software tech on retainer?
Is the hardware tech on retainer?
What's their hourly cost?
How long will it take them to respond/fix the issue?

What will you do in the meantime while the shit is being fixed? Outsource to manual burger flippers or shut down shop?

How do you take into account someone hacking your system?
What do you pay the person that protects your system against being hacked?
Does the manager have the credentials to deal with that type of shit?
You need a tech degree to be a fast food manager now in order to know how to properly secure ur establishment?

shit aint just as simple as "Let the robots handle it"

yup.. comes w the tech.

I’m sure they ain’t got robots or kiosks shutting down often. It probably a small issue. As for hacking, they’re billion $ corporations. They can either choose to invest in good cyber security or not. They won’t be impenetrable but they can lessen their chances of that type of crap.

This is why I’m encouraging all my kids to get into some type of engineering. They’re gonna be in demand once the tech takes off and is everywhere. They can work for a company or make their own.
As others have said, it's not the minimum wage's fault.

Tech exists to replace a human, it just makes sense to use it. No errors, no pay, no complaints, just nice dependable consistency.

The only reason to hire a human to do a job a robot could do would be government incentives or coercion

It's even software that do creative shit and nuff office work, more than just administration.
yup.. comes w the tech.

I’m sure they ain’t got robots or kiosks shutting down often. It probably a small issue. As for hacking, they’re billion $ corporations. They can either choose to invest in good cyber security or not. They won’t be impenetrable but they can lessen their chances of that type of crap.

This is why I’m encouraging all my kids to get into some type of engineering. They’re gonna be in demand once the tech takes off and is everywhere. They can work for a company or make their own.

I remember seeing a video of someone finding a glitch in the software of a McDonalds kiosk.

Muhfucka ordered mad shit and paid nothing for it cuz of a bug in the system.

That type of oversight could cost them millions if something isn't in place to deploy that updated code throughout ALL of your kiosks including franchise joints. Having all of your kiosks linked like that... leaves you vulnerable.

Sure.. they can put security measures in place but if someone or a collection of someones REALLY wants to get in or compromise that system... they will eventually lol.

All that to say this.... that automation cost will be offset somewhere. And any cost savings surely won't be passed on to the customer. Seems like that shit will hurt more folks than it helps if you aren't a board member or some shit like that
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torn in between..because its mad rude & ass draggin ppl that work in these joints, but I don't wanna see em out here messed up in the game struggin to get work
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Just like I said in the other thread, you stay throwing negative energy towards mfers asking for more, and explaining how its wrong, but what about the system that allowed my rent to go from 1700 to 2300 in 4 years?

Gon say mfers gotta stop crying and work hard BUT also there has to be a way to control rent from going up like crazy.
@me when yall create the thread about this what happens when the house cleaners demanded more money with this pic

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Just like I said in the other thread, you stay throwing negative energy towards mfers asking for more, and explaining how its wrong, but what about the system that allowed my rent to go from 1700 to 2300 in 4 years?

Gon say mfers gotta stop crying and work hard BUT also there has to be a way to control rent from going up like crazy.

It's one thing to ask for more, it's another thing to be unrealistic about what you're asking for.

The correct amount that minimum wage should be is $10.50-$11/hr. More than that is completely unrealistic and unsustainable and we see precisely why. I'm all for folks getting more, but within reason.

As for your rent, stand in line. The house I had to leave last year we were paying $1650 a month for it. The market out here is so crazy he's leased it out immediately for $2200. It ain't the system, it's the investors. Right now we're looking at the 2005-2007 run up all over again, where investors come in, buy up shit and run up the prices so rent goes up along with property values. Don't worry, the bubble will burst soon because this rapid growth can't sustain itself, as we saw when the housing market collapsed years ago. Once that happens and they start unloading houses for blue-light special prices, the rent will come down.
This got nothing to do with minimum wage. Robots been taking over jobs for a while now.

Also, it should be noted this isn't just happening with Mcdonalds, Walmart, and such.
My last two welding jobs had robots doing welds, tacks, and fitting.
I was fortunate to operate one for a couple years.
It's capabilities were limited, but the technology was far more advanced than when I saw it 10 years before.
If companies don't like paying $15/hr, stands to reason the $38+/hr folks ain't safe either.

But whatever industry you're in, I highly advise keeping up with the tech AND having the traditional skill set.
These machines are in the 500k to million dollar range and can create shit storms when they go down.
Some industries will still need to have access to human labor with those risk.
For now anyway.
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It's one thing to ask for more, it's another thing to be unrealistic about what you're asking for.

The correct amount that minimum wage should be is $10.50-$11/hr. More than that is completely unrealistic and unsustainable and we see precisely why. I'm all for folks getting more, but within reason.

As for your rent, stand in line. The house I had to leave last year we were paying $1650 a month for it. The market out here is so crazy he's leased it out immediately for $2200. It ain't the system, it's the investors. Right now we're looking at the 2005-2007 run up all over again, where investors come in, buy up shit and run up the prices so rent goes up along with property values. Don't worry, the bubble will burst soon because this rapid growth can't sustain itself, as we saw when the housing market collapsed years ago. Once that happens and they start unloading houses for blue-light special prices, the rent will come down.

Fam idk why you so stuck in your way in the face of facts.

We all get hard work. Working hard is a point of pride, as it should be.

But lets look at facts. In the 1970s, it took one person in a family working hard to live very comfortably and buy a house, put kids through school and all that.

But now, it takes 2 people working much harder to just get by, kids gotta take loans to go to school, and a good percentage still loses their house, and even ones that dont have credit card bills.

In economic terms, inflation is growing faster than wages, which in the long term is unsustainable, which is why were trillions of dollars in debt, and need loans from China to sustain our economy.

In just human terms, the amount of hard required has increased whereas the rewards have decreased.

You cant let every mfer that wants to earn a dollar more raise prices cause it forces us into an economy that only gets by on debt, which is unsustainable. This goes for any investor raising rent, pseg raising electricity, walmart raising the price of apples etc.

Gon head argue these unarguable facts somehow though.
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Andrew Yang tried to tell yall this shits coming lol

Universal Basic Income will be a reality at some point... no way around it
Was just bout to say this. Hypothetically speaking, if AI took over all the basic jobs and ppl didnt have a way to earn income they're gonna have to pay em anyway. Impossible to have a functioning economy with a bunch of mass produced shit and no consumer base.
Oh word? You sure about that? Because they use this as a threat even if they wanna raise the min wage 10 cents. Then the min wage doesnt raise and they introduce automation anyway. Just like Mcdonalds did with the kiosk and Walmart with their self check out. Even tho the min wage been the same federally for like 10 years. So this is a shitty argument.

I dont have a taste for trash so I dont eat Mcdonalds anyway. And if I go to a fast food place and they want me to use some nasty touch screen, mad strangers already touched instead of talking to someone, I'd leave and go someplace else.

Yall catching all kinda germs from those screens, then touching that slop they call food and ingesting it, scust.

Thank you!

niggas gotta stop acting like the American worker is more lazy than companies being shady.
When I was a kid, McDonalds never had less than 4-6 cashiers at all times.
I could go to the grocery store or Meijer and there were plenty of cashiers.
Nowadays long ass lines are the norm, even at Walmart and they have 20+ checkout lanes but only 4 cashiers working at any given moment but, "hey, the U-scan is available."

Can't ignore how self-service has kicked people out of jobs. Now the robotic fry cook is about to take those jobs as well.
I cant speak on other places, but Walmart in fact does this on purpose. They purposely understaff cashiers to keep payroll down so the owners make more money. Then they'll open a few self check outs and direct frustrated people to them like they were actively trying to help. But that was the design from the beginning to get people to basically ring up their own stuff and bag it for free.

My Walmart has 14 self checkout lanes, only 10 are useable. I can say that w this addition, it has made Walmart lines less longer in terms of wait time.
Thats what you think at a glance but thats not reality. The lines seem shorter but I'm sure you're waiting just as long or even longer to check out. Cashiers ring and bag stuff up all the time and are actually quiet fast. They also usually have all the common codes memorized and do things fairly quickly. But if you really watch people in self check out, they'll all pretty much slow as fuck. Take forever to bag and constantly have to call the person monitoring the machine to come help them.
But if you really watch people in self check out, they'll all pretty much slow as fuck. Take forever to bag and constantly have to call the person monitoring the machine to come help them.

Lol this is me all over I take my tiiiiiiiime. I always put my stuff on the wrong side at first so the check out asks me to move it but when I do it always asks me to call an assistant.

Baggin' I'm takin' long too and even gettin' one is a chore coz they staff hold them now and make you ask for them
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