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things you think of that makes people think you high


Unverified Legion of Trill member
In this thread....post those questions that you need answers to but people think you was high when you thought of them.
How many other foods is it besides an egg and chicken do people eat before birth and after death?
I was high when I thought this, but..

We were talkin bout aliens & my theory was/is

What if aliens haven't visited earth cuz oxygen is toxic to them?

Kinda like how breathin nothin but carbon dioxide is toxic to us... idk
I was high when I thought this, but..

We were talkin bout aliens & my theory was/is

What if aliens haven't visited earth cuz oxygen is toxic to them?

Kinda like how breathin nothin but carbon dioxide is toxic to us... idk
very valid tho.....
its plenty of shit that live around geothermal mounds...yet we cant
This world we live in, we like to judge each other on wins and loses. He’s a winner, she’s a loser, he or she is successful because. But if you strip away the constraints of culture and go back to what it took for you to be.

An explosion, you’re surrounded by billions of other entities, with only one thing that you can do. Billions of you in a race for time, and only a few of you reach the objective. Literally what happens next is you burrow your way into existence.

Out of billions, only you, if we can look at, that aspect. Out of nothingness to a race for life that involved billions. Yet, only you, a man or woman can beat billions for something Every man and woman is willing to die for.

Then is that man and or woman not in essence a winner of winners?
View attachment 39242
This world we live in, we like to judge each other on wins and loses. He’s a winner, she’s a loser, he or she is successful because. But if you strip away the constraints of culture and go back to what it took for you to be.

An explosion, you’re surrounded by billions of other entities, with only one thing that you can do. Billions of you in a race for time, and only a few of you reach the objective. Literally what happens next is you burrow your way into existence.

Out of billions, only you, if we can look at, that aspect. Out of nothingness to a race for life that involved billions. Yet, only you, if a man or woman can beat billions for something Everyman and woman is willing to die for.

Than is that man and or woman not in essence a winner of winners?
View attachment 39245
i was actually thinking of something like this earlier.

as i am researching the annunaki and the sumerians...i wondered who created them or where did they come from which led me to think about distant living species and that led to me thinking....even if the big bang was true....was it an explosion from a mass of energy in the middle of nothing? and if space something or nothing?

and what classifies something as space? does it have an end? if it does then where is the beginning?

and with the infinite size....how is it possible that it can go on forever? that would make black holes the opposite of infinite space since it swallows and condenses all matter i guess into infinite smallness.
and what the fuck is a revenge body?

you break up cause they cheated...so you hit the gym angry and with so much energy and focus that you create a new body that will make them want you back and now you can say you got your revenge.

but maybe if that energy was put into keeping the person...maybe you wouldnt need to try to look nice to catch their attention of a new persons attention.
I got a shit load of these questions throughout the forum and low and behold, someone comes in and asks if I’m high.
What if the true purpose of school is to desensitize us from going to a place that we hate every single day out of a sense of some greater obligation...which funnels us into settling with jobs we also hate.
led to me thinking....even if the big bang was true....was it an explosion from a mass of energy in the middle of nothing? and if space something or nothing?

and what classifies something as space? does it have an end? if it does then where is the beginning?

and with the infinite size....how is it possible that it can go on forever? that would make black holes the opposite of infinite space since it swallows and condenses all matter i guess into infinite smallness.

This stuff is really fun to look into and see how science had been able to answer most of these questions thru observations of the cosmos and experiments.

Netflix has some good docs on these subjects
How many other foods is it besides an egg and chicken do people eat before birth and after death?

