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things you think of that makes people think you high

Thats cool idea. I was thinking what if Aliens wernt as advanced as us. Or say they advanced in other ways but not space travel.

Which leads me to another theory

I believe out of the hundreds of billions of galaxies, & hundreds of trillions (if not more) of planets

there at least 1 w/ sum form of life more advanced & 1 not so advanced

that's how arrogant we are to think we're the only planet in the WHOLE universe w/ sum form of life lol
A civilization dating back 100K + years would basically dismantle all Abrahamic religions in an instant. Everything in them would fall to pieces.

The problem that we have today is that information is being disseminated via the internet, and I think that we're a lot closer to finding out the truth about our history than we believe and because of that we're seeing said info "debunked" by those that were trained to keep the narrative of our history a certain way.

Human history doesn't start with some "sky father" that snaps his fingers and creates a world full of life in 7 days 5-6000 years ago. That shit simply didn't happen. The truth is out there buried in the sands of the Sahara and across SE Asia.

I mean, scientists have found remains they believe to be hundreds of thousands of yrs old

religious folks won't/don't care
If you are homeless and get killed by the police, who sues the police on your behalf because more than likely your family and friends have stopped dealing with you. And if your case is ruled in your favor, who gets the money?
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If your girlfriend has an identical twin sister, are you also visually attracted to her twin sister because they both look identical and have the same type of body
I was high when I thought this, but..

We were talkin bout aliens & my theory was/is

What if aliens haven't visited earth cuz oxygen is toxic to them?

Kinda like how breathin nothin but carbon dioxide is toxic to us... idk

Lemme double down... What if we are the aliens that will at some point try to invade, ravage and takeover planets?
We never even sent a human past our moon.

We are so far from interstellar travel none of that matters.

We need as a human race to focus and work together on space exploration and being multi-planet species if we want the human race to survive.
How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?? Pause no homillz
I had a shit ton of these ideas, but i always get too high and forget them. I got like 6 note pads at home, im gonna use one strictly for high ideas.
Are people just that creative when they come up with these movie plots or does a lot of this shit really go down
People want to time travel but million's of people time travel every day and don't know it. Think about it if you hop in a plane and fly across the country you time traveled but a smaller scale. Now think of someoms who travels a lotz they're putting their body thru hella stress and don't even know it.

^^^^^^I was high as fuck when I thought of this but it's true damn it
Your body is mostly water, you can control water to be positive or negative. With that said if you keep a positive attitude you can control more of your body.
Your body is mostly water, you can control water to be positive or negative. With that said if you keep a positive attitude you can control more of your body.

Lol possibly but not for that reason...
What's the faster the speed of light or the speed of dark?

They are the same speed

When I was high in 10th grade I learned that dolphins often rape other animals in the water and have raped humans. Since they're the only mammals with comparable intelligence to humans I thought that humans could be the result of some chimp/dolphin rape and this would explain why we have less hair and can swim.

I called it dolphin monkey theory and I believed it until my bio teacher shat on it
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