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OPINION The Wire - A Hindsight Discussion

Just discovered this dude's podcast yesterday when it came up on my suggestions:

Excellent analysis of the characters:

Avon and Stringer represented two different eras of the game w Avon initially refusing to adapt

This is an important point people keep ignoring. Some are acting like Avon was all about business and the downfall was because of Stringer's bad actions. The problem with that is Avon pretty much admits himself that he doesn't really care if there is a better way to handle the business. He likes his way and he wants to continue to do it his way.
This is an important point people keep ignoring. Some are acting like Avon was all about business and the downfall was because of Stringer's bad actions. The problem with that is Avon pretty much admits himself that he doesn't really care if there is a better way to handle the business. He likes his way and he wants to continue to do it his way.
His way had been working and he had no reason to switch up
Except Stringers way was proven wrong because he didn't and couldn't account for Marlo.

Stringer had his run of it and he got his shit took, cause he wasn't hard enough for this thing here nor smart enough for that thing there.
Did the co op really work because at the end it was still ran like Avon and Marlo did in the streets because Marlo took over just like he would take over blocks and had everyone working for him
Michael earned it is how Marlo looked at it. As far as Marlo knew Michael took it from Omar and that showed he was built for the streets
All this time watching this shit and I just realized that Cheese robbed Prop Joe after getting him killed…. That s where the 900k cash came from

Smh at my dumb ass lol