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The United States Capitol is under siege by Trump Supporters

Social media sites have long been banning people from their platforms though. This isn't a new thing done just for Trump. They gave alot of extra rope because he was the president. These sites don't deserve applause for removing him but acting like this is the 1st time it's been done when people's accounts get suspended and banned daily on twitter, IG, FB, etc is just silly.
Yeah my shit is has been suspended several times and suspended right now. My name was LOL@ Trumpers or something like that and I kept getting suspended for calling Trumpers idiots
Everyone being ruled by how they feel about trump right now. I'm not falling for that trap. Mfs need to focus. He's outta there. What's next. The work isn't done.

So you should be able to do whatever you want on anybody platform?

Is that what your saying before I put my foot on your neck?
It's their platform.

They get to control what's put out.

This should teach people more about controlling and ownership.

There is a bigger message here.
If I were to get banned from Twitter for saying some wild shit I know is wild as fuck then the only real point of contention is the inconsistency in which they apply their rules but not the rule itself. It seems as if most people who are now taking issue with this are speaking of the act of being banned in general and not the fact that these sites apply the rule inconsistently. If you're talking about the actual act of social media sites having rules they implement then that's always going to be a losing argument because nobody is entiled to allow someone else to use their platform to say whatever they want w/o consequence. If you're talking about the actual implementation of the rule then that's something that people have been calling Twitter out for for years everytime they ban someone who is high profile over doing shit like Trump is. Some folks said the same shit when sites started kicking that Milo dude off years back and Steve Bannon after him too.
I'm not disagreeing that they can do what they want bc they're private. My problem is they're too powerful and have a huge affect on society but bc they can cop to being private their responsibility is downplayed.