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The United States Capitol is under siege by Trump Supporters

Social media sites have long been banning people from their platforms though. This isn't a new thing done just for Trump. They gave alot of extra rope because he was the president. These sites don't deserve applause for removing him but acting like this is the 1st time it's been done when people's accounts get suspended and banned daily on twitter, IG, FB, etc is just silly.

That's the broad issue tho. When it no longer served them they got him the fuck outta there. He's been a racist, tyrant, misogynist, fear mongering, misinformation spreading, life endangering piece of shit the whole time. What changed yesterday?
and thats the problem lol

Nothing comes w/o consequence and if a privately owned company decides the consequences for breaking their terms of service is no longer being able to use that platform then either start your own shit w/ no rules or abide by the rules of the platforms you already use. Being able to tweet or not tweet isn't some inherent right being taken away.
They should have acted with integrity when he first broke their rules and banned him then. At least they’d have a leg to stand on now. They need to be clear going forward what’s allowed and what’s not and put together some sort of commission to make decisions on these high profile world leaders.

That's the broad issue tho. When it no longer served them they got him the fuck outta there. He's been a racist, tyrant, misogynist, fear mongering, misinformation spreading, life endangering piece of shit the whole time. What changed yesterday?

That's why I said they deserve no applause for doing it now when there's still racist and bigots who threaten violence everyday on those sites. However, the person who is the current sitting President should be held to a higher standard of behavior than the average person w/ a social media account so banning him for continuously showing he's using that account to do nothing more than embolden his racist cult I have no issue with him being removed at all.
That's the broad issue tho. When it no longer served them they got him the fuck outta there. He's been a racist, tyrant, misogynist, fear mongering, misinformation spreading, life endangering piece of shit the whole time. What changed yesterday?

white people that pass laws that can affect their bottom line were put in danger... lol they rather keep the attention on banning Trump and off of them
That's why I said they deserve no applause for doing it now when there's still racist and bigots who threaten violence everyday on those sites. However, the person who is the current sitting President should be held to a higher standard of behavior than the average person w/ a social media account so banning him for continuously showing he's using that account to do nothing more than embolden his racist cult I have no issue with him being removed at all.

You're choosing to make it solely about him like shit wasn't happening before him and won't when he's gone.

So I'm done with the back and forth. Yall wanna be like china so bad. You're gonna just have to find out.
You're choosing to make it solely about him like shit wasn't happening before him and won't when he's gone.

So I'm done with the back and forth. Yall wanna be like china so bad. You're gonna just have to find out.

No I'm not making it solely about him. My initial post was about how it's also been done and continues to be done to other people. Being able to tweet or post on FB isn't a constitutional right. People are more than able to start their own platforms with their own rules or lack there of, like those crazy ass white people did with Parler, if they don't like the rules of twitter, fb or any other site that decides to kick them off. People are entitled to freedom of speech but not speaking w/o consequence or violating the terms of service they agree to in order to utilize another platform to express themselves. If Goldie decides to kick people off ABW for violating the terms here, which has happened many times before, you going to complain that he's overreaching or is he running his site the way he wants to?
No I'm not making it solely about him. My initial post was about how it's also been done and continues to be done to other people. Being able to tweet or post on FB isn't a constitutional right. People are more than able to start their own platforms with their own rules or lack there of, like those crazy ass white people did with Parler, if they don't like the rules of twitter, fb or any other site that decides to kick them off. People are entitled to freedom of speech but not speaking w/o consequence or violating the terms of service they agree to in order to utilize another platform to express themselves. If Goldie decides to kick people off ABW for violating the terms here, which has happened many times before, you going to complain that he's overreaching or is he running his site the way he wants to?

Nigga I created the oversight commission to curb bannings.

I'm on a different type of time.
Social media bent over backwards to accommodate for trumps irresponsible ass behavior because he got puters putin... now that its popular to shit on him they wanna act all noble and say "Oh we cant allow him to misuse our platforms irresponsibly and put peoples lives in danger" when that is exactly what they've allowed for 4 years now.

They get no props for this. They get a laugh from me tho cuz I know he's fuckin fuming that he cant talk his shit
Mfs don't care bc it's trump. But if u accept it now u open for it happening to u down the line.

Short sighted

If I were to get banned from Twitter for saying some wild shit I know is wild as fuck then the only real point of contention is the inconsistency in which they apply their rules but not the rule itself. It seems as if most people who are now taking issue with this are speaking of the act of being banned in general and not the fact that these sites apply the rule inconsistently. If you're talking about the actual act of social media sites having rules they implement then that's always going to be a losing argument because nobody is entiled to allow someone else to use their platform to say whatever they want w/o consequence. If you're talking about the actual implementation of the rule then that's something that people have been calling Twitter out for for years everytime they ban someone who is high profile over doing shit like Trump is. Some folks said the same shit when sites started kicking that Milo dude off years back and Steve Bannon after him too.
Social media bent over backwards to accommodate for trumps irresponsible ass behavior because he got puters putin... now that its popular to shit on him they wanna act all noble and say "Oh we cant allow him to misuse our platforms irresponsibly and put peoples lives in danger" when that is exactly what they've allowed for 4 years now.

They get no props for this. They get a laugh from me tho cuz I know he's fuckin fuming that he cant talk his shit

I expect him to sign some meaningless executive order "limiting" big tech
So are you on the side of "Say whatever you want free of consequence"? or do you feel that privately owned sites can have their own rules they want their users to abide by?

I think theres something bigger at play than trump.

What do I care about what trump can say on twitter when another black person will be killed by police this week and nothing will be done about it?

Theres conversations and movements that need to made to stop that shit. Silence and control the narrative for trump for a week silence and control the narrative for millions for...?
What's up with all these bed wenches fucking these white supremacist? I know it's kind of rhetorical but damn buddy was old and his chick is bad. How can an old cat like me do to get something like that though? And no not a bed wench
Well that sista sold her soul for some perceived security. You're gonna have be paid lol