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The U.S Military Kills The Head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Update: Trump Reportedly Authorized Soleimani’s Killing Seven Months Ago

A nigga kill your #2 and you do nothing

Yea, Trump and his supporters are digging this

They didn't do nothing they flipped the narrative. The whole thing was a bait move from jump. The trump administration wanted to illicit a hasty and poor response. They got the opposite.
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Experts Scoff At Trump’s Explosive Claim That Obama Paid For Iran’s Missile Strike

President Donald Trump essentially blamed his predecessor on Wednesday for funding the missiles that hit American military bases Tuesday night, but military and diplomatic experts told TPM the claim is ridiculous.

“The missiles fired last night at us and our allies were paid for by the funds made available by the last administration,” Trump said Wednesday morning, flanked by military brass and the vice president, secretary of state and secretary of defense. His 2020 reelection campaign boosted the attack.

It was a reference to the Iran nuclear deal — the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action — that the United States and five other countries negotiated with the Iranians during the Obama administration. Among other things, the deal unfroze billons in Iranian money that had been stranded overseas as a result of international sanctions on Iran. In exchange, Iran set strict limits on its nuclear program.

Multiple experts told TPM that Trump’s statement was plainly false, and still others pointed out that the types of missiles said to have been used in the missile strikes Tuesday, the Fateh-110 and Qiam-1, have been produced for years — well before the talks preceding the Iran deal even began.

The precision-guided missiles were “already a prime focus back then,” said Fabian Hinz, a research associate at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies.

“Iran developed the Qiam missile that was used last night in 2010-11,” added Ali Vaez, International Crisis Group’s Iran project director and an adjunct professor at Georgetown. He emphasized that Trump’s claim was “totally false!”

“It takes years to develop ballistic missiles, and Iran had a large arsenal of them long before the agreement,” noted Benjamin H. Friedman, policy director at Defense Priorities.

Obama administration officials did acknowledge at the time that some of the Iranian money unfrozen by the Iran deal could end up funding the Iranian military.

“I think that some of it will end up in the hands of the [Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps] or of other entities, some of which are labeled terrorists,” then-Secretary of State John Kerry told CNBC in January 2016.

But by May 2017, the then-director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Vincent Stewart, testified that while “some” of the money the agreement had made available ended up in Iran’s military, “the preponderance of the money [has] gone to economic development and infrastructure.”

“Iran’s fundamental national security policies have not changed since the JCPOA,” Sina Toossi, a senior research analyst at the National Iranian American Council, said. “Nor was most of the supposed economic ‘windfall’ Iran got from that deal spent on defense and its regional intervention.”

Professor Jeffrey Lewis, a nonproliferation expert at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, put it more bluntly Wednesday.

“There is no truth to [Trump’s] statement whatsoever,” he said. “You could say the same thing about sales tax on a soft drink one purchased in Tehran.”

Trump on Wednesday also misstated, again, the amount of Iranian money the Iran deal had freed up, saying that Iran was “given $150 billion” as part of the deal. The actual sum Iran recovered is closer to $50 billion or less, according to officials from both Iran and the United States.
Shits wild. A few months ago Iran shoots down a US drone and Trump doesnt respond.

Matterfact, Trump goes so far to not respond that he actually starts accusing Bolton of trying to force him to war, which he wants to avoid.

Then Iran attacks Saudi oil fields and then Iran detains a British oil ship and again, Trump doesnt respond. He promised no war so he wants to avoid war.

And then comes the impeachment. And then also comes reports that a part of his supporters start turning on him and this mfer who didnt respond to Iran actually doing shit literally breaks all international rules and assasinates an official from Iran with no provacation.

The response he considered against Iran shooting down a US drone was to just bomb some ammunition depots. And he decided against that.

But he fucked around and did something way worse like assasinate a mfer after this impeachment shit started.

Its so clear to see his thinking. This mfer Trump was praying for war. Glad he didnt get his way.
Trump isn't gonna be president forever, either he, his wife, or one of his kids are gonna pay for what he did. But Iran smartly wasnt gonna be baited into a war that would only help Trump.
They think they're still fighting the Crusades

Crazy part is they lost the crusades and can’t let the shit go.