Breaking News The Taliban topples city after city as they continue their campaign to takeover Afghanistan

The commander was just on CNN saying they are able to disable all of those vehicles rendering them virtually useless. That’s why they focused on getting people out over recovery of the vehicles.

It’s possible the Taliban can get something up and running again I’m sure, and he could be lying his ass off, but if you take him at his word the vehicles we left will not be operable.

It’s feasible I guess to put some sort of kill switch or something on all vehicles in case it falls into enemy hands. Would be prudent even.

The guns and all that though…
Shoot there's kill switches on regular American civilian cars for repos to grab, very probable they're on military vehicles
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It’s not as deep and I need to get informed and understand the factors at play?

See how deep it got? The Taliban and the American military worked together to “prevent” attacks. While working together they dropped a bomb on a family of 9 to “prevent” a imminent attack. The guy they killed worked for the Americans and was on his was to the airport to leave the country.

Now stop being a dick riding faKKKit who loves the attention :tuh:

Top generals contradict Biden, say they urged him not to withdraw from Afghanistan

Gen. Frank McKenzie said that he recommended maintaining a small force of 2,500 troops in Afghanistan earlier this year.

Top generals told lawmakers under oath on Tuesday that they advised President Joe Biden early this year to keep several thousand troops in Afghanistan — directly contradicting the president’s comments in August that no one warned him not to withdraw troops from the country.

The remarkable testimony pits top military brass against the commander-in-chief as the Biden administration continues to face tough questions about what critics are calling a botched withdrawal that directly led to the deaths of 13 American service members, scenes of chaos at the Kabul airport, and the abandonment of American citizens and at-risk Afghans in the war-torn country.
Violence against women

Instead of getting out the people who helped us, they just started piling motherfuckers onto planes. This is the result. Their culture is weird, this type of shit is normal to them. If we are going to open our arms to anyone from that country, let it be the motherfuckers who understand what we are about and actually want to come here because they don't vibe with the Afghan status quo.
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