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Breaking News The Taliban topples city after city as they continue their campaign to takeover Afghanistan

Isn’t it crazy you have no idea what you’re talking about? be posting opinions like you have a understanding of anything.

Now you giving out profiles on terrorist organizations you just heard of in a tweet.

Just go away breh.. idgaf about shit you saying :smh:
You do gaf. If you didn’t your panties wouldn’t get in a wad every time you see my screen name.

You need to stop taking everything so personally on here. You take this shit way too seriously to where you can’t even have dialogue with people that have at some point offended your sensitive sensibilities. I’ve never seen someone take an on sight approach to a message board, lol.

And for the record, I’m not even on Twitter. As you know, I get my info from reliable news sources.

But anyway, enlighten us with your omniscient understanding of the inner workings of Middle Eastern terrorist organizations.

And please cite sources, or risk being accused of giving an uninformed opinion as I did.
Biden's doing a press conference right now.

Credit where it's due, but he's actually telling the truth about why we're pulling out of Afghanistan.

Surprised he's being this candid.
It's his only play. Him telling the world "I didn't start this, but I'm finishing it" is really the only saving grace he's got on this issue.
Have you seen 1 picture of a Taliban member in a uniform that doesn’t fit?
So you think the US worked both sides, Taliban and ISIS-K, right? Or are you saying there is no ISIS-K? I don’t follow your points.

Whatever it is, to what end? That’s the part people that say this keep leaving out.
I never said tailored. I just asked why does every Taliban member have a uniform that fits?
Because they send them en masse. There's a room on those bases that contain tons of uniforms in various sizes. They went in there, found their size, and put it on.

Occam's razor, my nigga, everything ain't a conspiracy.

I'm not trynna poo poo your belief but what rationale is there to allowing the Taliban to run ramshack over the region? China has made it abundantly clear they do not care about human right's abuses so there's zero possibility there for China to oppose the Taliban. They aren't ISIS, they aren't trying to create a greater caliphate so there's no issue with them spilling over into neighboring countries. China has already reached out to the Taliban and suggested they were willing to recognize them as the government, the very thing the Taliban was looking for - legitimacy. Afghanistan is home to a ton of lithium and rare earths, there's no possible reason for America to want to give China an even greater monopoly on that stuff. Pakistan prefers the Taliban because the Afghan Taliban aren't down with the TTP - they've been funding them for decades now to keep the bullshit in Afghanistan.
Because they send them en masse. There's a room on those bases that contain tons of uniforms in various sizes. They went in there, found their size, and put it on.

Occam's razor, my nigga, everything ain't a conspiracy.

I'm not trynna poo poo your belief but what rationale is there to allowing the Taliban to run ramshack over the region? China has made it abundantly clear they do not care about human right's abuses so there's zero possibility there for China to oppose the Taliban. They aren't ISIS, they aren't trying to create a greater caliphate so there's no issue with them spilling over into neighboring countries. China has already reached out to the Taliban and suggested they were willing to recognize them as the government, the very thing the Taliban was looking for - legitimacy. Afghanistan is home to a ton of lithium and rare earths, there's no possible reason for America to want to give China an even greater monopoly on that stuff. Pakistan prefers the Taliban because the Afghan Taliban aren't down with the TTP - they've been funding them for decades now to keep the bullshit in Afghanistan.

right, the Uniforms aint tailored they just had to walk in the supply room look at the label and find their size.
WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. officials are looking into reports that in the frantic evacuation of desperate Afghans from Kabul, older men were admitted together with young girls they claimed as “brides” or otherwise sexually abused.

U.S. officials at intake centers in the United Arab Emirates and in Wisconsin have identified numerous incidents in which Afghan girls have been presented to authorities as the “wives” of much older men
. While child marriage is not uncommon in Afghanistan, the U.S. has strict policies against human trafficking that include prosecutions for offenders and sanctions for countries that don’t crack down on it.

One internal document seen by The Associated Press says the State Department has sought “urgent guidance” from other agencies after purported child brides were brought to Fort McCoy in Wisconsin. Another document, described to the AP by officials familiar with it, says Afghan girls at a transit site in Abu Dhabi have alleged they have been raped by older men they were forced to marry in order to escape Afghanistan.

The State Department had no immediate comment on the documents or the veracity of the details in them. Officials say that they take all such allegations seriously but that many of them are anecdotal and difficult to prove, particularly amid the crush of Afghan evacuees at multiple locations in the Middle East, Europe and the United States.

An Aug. 27 situation report sent to all U.S. embassies and consulates abroad as well as military command centers in Florida points to potential issues involving young girls and older men, some of whom claim to have more than one wife at Fort McCoy, a sprawling 60,000-acre (243-square-kilometer) Army base in Wisconsin. Relevant portions of the document, titled “Afghanistan Task Force SitRep No. 63,” were obtained by the AP.

“Intake staff at Fort McCoy reported multiple cases of minor females who presented as ‘married’ to adult Afghan men, as well as polygamous families,” the document says. “Department of State has requested urgent guidance.”

There was no immediate indication from the military or from the departments of homeland security and health and human services, which run the facility, that such guidance had been received.

At the same time, U.S. officials in the United Arab Emirates have expressed similar concerns, sending a diplomatic cable to Washington warning that some young Afghan girls had been forced into marriages in order to escape Afghanistan after the Taliban takeover.

Remember the people evacuated out because they “worked” so much to Americans.

You can’t even listen to a R Kelly song but your government can employee rapists.

I mean they got a severe problem with abusing kids that Kite Runner shit is wild
What’s crazy is they hate gays but ok with molesting kids of either genderk,je

thats not the taliban. The warlords the US supported kidnapped boys/teens to rape molest them. Check the pentagon report.

the taliban is the opposet in not raping boys but women.
Good information. Ryan Grim needs to get off that show tho. It’s really all I think when I see him. He so hesitant to have an opinion against the establishment it’s pathetic.

Breaking Points>Rising.

How he went from Huffington Post to The Intercept is wild.
Lol he's okay sometimes only reason I'm still subbed tho is Kim Iversen cuz it was looking real bad for em after Krystal n saagar left.

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