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The Super Straight movement

look i get that this movement was made to troll and mock radical trans ppl... they deserve mocking.

but going about it like this is some infantile, no life havin, 4chan whiteboy shit. it's cringe asf.

internet culture is childish and weird.
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look i get that this movement was made to troll and mock radical trans ppl... they deserve mocking.

but going about it like this is some infantile, no life havin, 4chan whiteboy shit. it's cringe asf.

internet culture is childish and weird.

This is why I no longer engage in convos with my 22 year old when she comes in here talmbout "people on twitter/tiktok are saying..."

Shits pointless and idiotic.
HA!!! They bout to destroy this woman's life on Twitter

Hope she atleast gets to keep her job

She's 100% right though. Even if you're someone who buys into all the bullshit people are selling nowadays, how could she possibly know that person identified as nobinary? And why must we act like sex and gender are the same thing? If we accept that gender is a construct and you can claim anything you want, fine, but why get indignant if someone refers to you by your sex, particularly when they don't know you and couldn't possibly know what gender you identify as.
She's 100% right though. Even if you're someone who buys into all the bullshit people are selling nowadays, how could she possibly know that person identified as nobinary? And why must we act like sex and gender are the same thing? If we accept that gender is a construct and you can claim anything you want, fine, but why get indignant if someone refers to you by your sex, particularly when they don't know you and couldn't possibly know what gender you identify as.

We'd have to go around using gender neutral terminology to all strangers just to satisfy an extreme minority of people who are probably more often than not condemned to varying degrees of neuroticism and/or brainwashed by ideological absurdity.

Hell nah.


What's fucked is that there are parents out there raising their children as gender neutral... The logic being that the children should be the ones who rightfully decide their identification as they develop. I'm just here questioning why a BOY growing up wearing boy clothes, doing sports and playing with dope action figures as opposed to Barbie's is wrong in the first place.

They think it's the right thing to do and yet in a painful stroke of irony they're potentially setting their kids up for harm and ridicule later in life.
Only shit that's funny to me is ppl who all for new age self identifying sexual orientations having a prob with this.

What's sad to me is it's 2021 and we're doing this.
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