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The Super Straight movement

Has anyone heard of this movement? Apparently it started on tiktok and has picked up steam. Niggas even got a flag now ⬛?. Apparently started after someone being called transphobic because he doesn't or wouldn't want to date a trans women. Which in my opinion is stupid as hell how can you be called transphobic because you don't want to date someone who was once a man.

Also super straight the saying is hilarious and silly but oh well.
Has anyone heard of this movement? Apparently it started on tiktok and has picked up steam. Niggas even got a flag now ⬛?. Apparently started after someone being called transphobic because he doesn't or wouldn't want to date a trans women. Which in my opinion is stupid as hell how can you be called transphobic because you don't want to date someone who was once a man.

Also super straight the saying is hilarious and silly but oh well.

When a person don’t want to date a trans they probably feel like you’re not believing they are a real woman. And since you don’t believe they really are they take offense to that. We on here respect what they identify as but we don’t believe they are really women. And if you did you would date them.

So they would take offense since we are tolerant but that’s how far it would go.
so some nigga got called transphobic, and he was so heated he started a whole movement? ???

Shit I'd just ignore it and move on.

I feel like deep down this is just a false flag started by gay niggas so they can flex being gay or trans or whatever. But I'm probably overthinking it.