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This tear gas photo shit is staged. You have multiple camera men in the background taking their shots and all people are reacting differently. The amount of women/children to men are significantly low.

Propaganda at its finest and every idiotic liberal is falling for it.

So the 42 people arrested are somehow fake because there just so happened to be some cameras?

If you're going to come with some retarded conspiracy theory atleast come with provable facts
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Pompeo: ‘No Direct Reporting’ Linking Crown Prince With Khashoggi Killing

WASHINGTON (AP) — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says there’s no intelligence connecting the order to murder Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi to the Saudi crown prince.

Pompeo says “I do believe I’ve read every piece of intelligence” that came in “and there is no direct reporting connecting the crown prince to the order to murder Jamal Khashoggi.”

Pompeo spoke after he and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis briefed senators behind closed doors Wednesday on the U.S. response to the Khashoggi killing.

Pompeo urged senators to continue to support U.S. involvement in the war in Yemen and maintain strong ties to Saudi Arabia, a longtime U.S. ally.

U.S. intelligence agencies have made the assessment that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman would have at least known about the plot to kill Khashoggi. This led some lawmakers to call for the U.S. to take a tougher stand against Saudi Arabia.

So the 42 people arrested are somehow fake because there just so happened to be some cameras?

If you're going to come with some retarded conspiracy theory atleast come with provable facts

I said the photo is..

just look at the photo.. we are told to focus on the woman running w the two children.. take a look, there’s multiple photographers.. these people running.. in the background there’s more cameras waiting for people walking/running their direction..

Yes, it happened.. there’s one tear gas canister.. but it’s not as dramatic as, “the US is gassing women and children fleeing their country”... these men stormed the gates, they were hit with non-lethals, 43 arrested.. all men. The women and children are being used politically and it’s bullshit. This type of shit needs to stop.
I said the photo is..

just look at the photo.. we are told to focus on the woman running w the two children.. take a look, there’s multiple photographers.. these people running.. in the background there’s more cameras waiting for people walking/running their direction..

Yes, it happened.. there’s one tear gas canister.. but it’s not as dramatic as, “the US is gassing women and children fleeing their country”... these men stormed the gates, they were hit with non-lethals, 43 arrested.. all men. The women and children are being used politically and it’s bullshit. This type of shit needs to stop.

But the bolded is exactly what happened. Whether they were the main target doesn't matter
It happened, yes, but they make it seem like there was many of them.

Sorry, I have no sympathy. You have people storming a border trying to enter our country and they’re throwing rocks. They were hit non-lethally. Would anyone rather them be shot dead? They know the deal when doing this. The men used the women/children as shields and the mothers allowed it. Miss me w anything else. Just go and make your way in the right way, it ain’t hard, there’s ports open for them.
It happened, yes, but they make it seem like there was many of them.

Sorry, I have no sympathy. You have people storming a border trying to enter our country and they’re throwing rocks. They were hit non-lethally. Would anyone rather them be shot dead? They know the deal when doing this. The men used the women/children as shields and the mothers allowed it. Miss me w anything else. Just go and make your way in the right way, it ain’t hard, there’s ports open for them.

What 'they' are sayin' isn't really pertinent either.

It happened.

This judge pick is part of Trump’s nationalist agenda...


Judicial Nom With Record Hostile To Voting Rights Moves Closer To Confirmation

Thomas Farr, a Trump judicial nominee whose record on voting rights and other civil rights issues has come under scrutiny, moved one step closer to confirmation Wednesday with the Senate advancing his nomination in a procedural vote.

Vice President Mike Pence was at the Capitol Thursday to break a 50-50 tie on moving Farr’s nomination forward. All 49 Senate Democrats are opposed to Farr, and Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) voted “no” as part of his vow to stymie all judicial nominees until there is a vote on legislation to protect special counsel Robert Mueller.

The vote was not without some suspense. Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), Republicans’ only African American in the Senate who had previously helped sink another judicial nominee for racially-charged writings, didn’t show up until nearly an hour after the vote was called to support advancing Farr.

Democrats and civil rights groups are hoping to flip one more Republican to sink Farr before his final vote in the days to come.

President Trump nominated Farr to sit on the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina.

A panel of judges on an appeals court overseeing the state struck down a North Carolina elections law that Farr, as a lawyer for the legislature’s GOP leaders, helped write and defend. The judges found that the law intentionally discriminated against minority voters with “almost surgical precision.”

In drafting the legislation, North Carolina Republicans sought certain election data broken down by race, and passed restrictions that had a disproportionate affect on minority voters.

Farr also defended in court the legislative maps drawn by North Carolina Republicans for Congress and the state legislature. The state legislative map was called by one panel of judges “among the largest racial gerrymanders ever encountered by a federal court.”

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-SC), who served in the North Carolina statehouse when it passed its restrictive voting law, wrote an op-ed defending Farr from the attacks about his representation of the legislature on those matters.

“This is a break from the bipartisan tradition that we do not hold lawyers accountable for the clients they represent and any animus one may harbor against them,” Tillis wrote.

Additionally, questions have been raised about Farr’s time working for the late Sen. Jesse Helms (R-NC), a vocal opponent of civil rights law. Farr defended Helms when his 1990 re-election campaign faced a voter intimidation complaint from the Justice Department for sending postcards to 125,000 North Carolinians, most of them eligible black voters, claiming that they were ineligible to vote and would face prosecution it they tried.

Farr denied involvement in the decision to send the postcards and told the Senate Judiciary Committee he was “appalled” by their language. However, an attorney working for the Justice Department at the time has recalled a conversation he had with Farr in which he believed Farr expressed awareness of the postcards before the DOJ sent its complaint.

Earlier this year, another judicial nominee of Trump’s, Ryan Bounds, was defeated in a Senate floor vote over his racially-charged writings. Sens. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Scott banded together to sink that nomination. Rubio has said he will support Farr. Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) had not announced whether he supported Farr before Wednesday’s vote.

Eyes are also on Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), a more moderate Republican who has broken with her party on nominations in the past. Her spokeswoman saidTuesday that Murkowski “does not intend to block” Farr, a statement interpreted to be a reference to Wednesday’s procedural vote that left room for speculation as to whether the senator would support Farr on the final confirmation vote.

Murkowski was “still asking questions” about the nominee, her spokeswoman told reporters on Tuesday.

White House Kept Haspel, Who Heard Khashoggi Audio, From Senate Briefing

Senators have confirmed to reporters that the White House blocked CIA Director Gina Haspel from attending a Senate briefing on Saudi Arabia, Yemen and the violent murder of Washington Post writer Jamal Khashoggi on Wednesday.

“The most persuasive presence at this briefing was an empty chair—a chair that should have been occupied by Gina Haspel, head of the Central Intelligence Agency,” Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) told reporters, according to several outlets, including the Daily Beast. “We were told at this briefing that it was at the direction of the White House that she not attend.”

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Defense Secretary James Mattis reportedly told senators that the White House stopped Haspel from attending, a surprising move, given Haspel is the only member of the administration who has heard the audio recording of Khashoggi’s murder.

While the U.S. has issued sanctions against the Saudi officials who were found to be responsible for Khashoggi’s murder and dismemberment, critics are not convinced the Saudi crown prince — who has denied knowledge of the scheme — was not involved in the attack. Trump himself has waffled on whether he believes Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman’s denials, but, in the same breath, declared last week that the U.S. will stand in support of the kingdom.

The Senate briefing on Wednesday was supposed to quell concerns of senators who back the Saudis’ attacks on Yemen and snuff out support for efforts to bring a vote to the Senate floor on ending the U.S.-backed Saudi-Emirati war in Yemen. But the briefing did the opposite for some, like Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN), who is chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and typically a supporter of U.S. involvement in Yemen.

“I have laid on the railroad tracks to keep us from doing things that I believe are against our national interest, as it relates to Saudi Arabia,” Corker said, according to the Daily Beast. “But I may now be willing to get on the [Yemen] vehicle, knowing it can be amended, to figure out some way for us to send the appropriate message to Saudi Arabia that appropriately displays American values and American national interest.”

“The White House can fix this this afternoon. They can fix it in an hour. The secretary of state can fix it in an hour,” Corker added. “It’s like we’re dancing on the head of a pin to keep from—look, [MBS] is responsible for this death.”

It’s not the first time this week the White House has been hostile regarding information about the Khashoggi tape. During a press briefing on Tuesday, National Security Adviser John Bolton was dismissive of reporters who asked whether he had heard the audio.

“Unless you speak Arabic, what are you going to get from it?” Bolton said. “You want me to listen to it? What am I going to learn from ― I mean, if they were speaking Korean, I wouldn’t learn anything more from it, either.”

CNN: Trump Told Mueller He Was Unaware Of Trump Tower Russia Meeting

President Trump, in the written answers his legal team provided special counsel Robert Mueller, said that Roger Stone did not tell him about WikiLeaks, and also claimed that he was unaware of the June 2016 Trump Tower Russia meeting, CNN reported Wednesday.

The report is based on two sources, with one source telling the outlet that Trump expressed in his responses that he was answering to the best of his recollection.

Trump’s lawyers provided the written answers to Mueller earlier this month after a year of the special counsel pushing to interview the President in person. It is not clear whether Mueller will seek answers to any follow-up questions, or continue to push to interview Trump in person.

The CNN report said that the outlet had not gotten a full readout on Trump’s answers in the written questionnaire.

Trump has publicly denied that he had any knowledge ahead of time of the Trump Tower meeting, in which the then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort, Donald Trump Jr. and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner met with a group of Russians after being promised dirt on Hillary Clinton.

Stone, who acted as an informal advisor to Trump during the campaign, has denied knowing Wikileaks’ plans for releasing emails hacked from the DNC and other Democratic individuals and entities. Emails that have been made public over the course of Mueller’s investigation suggest Stone was at least communicating with his associates his desire to contact Wikileaks about the releases, and also at times claimed to have been in touch with Wikileaks during the campaign.
Manafort and Trump have to be some of the dumbest criminals ever
let me stop you there.

this is where you are wrong and the point i have been trying to make but people dont want to listen.

its alot of dumb ass white people.
they just have access to continue to be stupid and not be punished the same way a dumb black person would.

I have witnessed this with my own eyes.

while we have black peopel not willing to try their hand at business...its at least 5 white people who are fucking up businesses at high levels,

you would be surprised at how many business are not ran correctly. and these are businesses where you place their products in your body.

yall have no idea