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Trump Threatens To Declassify Sensitive Russia Probe Docs If Dems Investigate Him

President Trump explained to the New York Post Wednesday that his decision to walk back plans to declassify sensitive Russia-probe related investigation documents was at least in part based on a calculation that he could use the documents as leverage against Democrats seeking to investigate him.

“I think that would help my campaign. If they want to play tough, I will do it. They will see how devastating those pages are,” Trump told the Post, referring to applications for surveillance warrants and other sensitive documents related to special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

He said that if Democrats “go down the presidential harassment track” it would be “the best thing that would happen to me.”

“I’m a counter-puncher and I will hit them so hard they’d never been hit like that,” Trump said, according to the Post.

Trump earlier this year said he would declassify certain documents related to the Russia investigation, as well as messages sent among Justice Department figures he has sought to vilify. He backed down on that promise, ostensibly to allow for further review of the national security concerns involved.

Now, according to what Trump told the New York Post, he was also advised by Emmet Flood, a top White House lawyer, that waiting made sense politically too.

“He didn’t want me to do it yet, because I can save it,” Trump said.

A Mississippi Post-Mortem: State Lacks Massive Metro Area, Suburbs Didn’t Flip

Republican Cindy Hyde-Smith’s victory in Mississippi’s Senate election runoff was closer than usual in the GOP-dominated Deep South state. But she still was never really threatened by Democrat Mike Espy in Tuesday’s contest, which brought the state’s long history of racial politics into sharp relief.

Some takeaways as Hyde-Smith, who was initially appointed to succeed former Sen. Thad Cochran, returns to Washington as the first woman elected to represent Mississippi on Capitol Hill:

In the end, Hyde-Smith defeated Espy by a margin of 54 percent to 46 percent — much closer than the cakewalk many predicted in a reliably red state that President Donald Trump won by 17 points in 2016. The contest was the latest reminder that race remains a potent factor in the region’s polarized partisan politics. Espy was seeking to become Mississippi’s first black senator since Reconstruction.

Ahead of the runoff, a video surfaced of Hyde-Smith praising a supporter by saying, “If he invited me to a public hanging, I’d be on the front row.” For many black voters, the comment harkened back to the state’s dark past of lynchings during the Jim Crow era.

They were galvanized by her remarks and saw their votes as a rejection of racism.

Many whites dismissed accusations that Hyde-Smith’s comments were racist.

Her statement was widely seen as a dogwhistle, similar to comments made in Florida by then-Republican gubernatorial nominee Ron DeSantis, who warned voters not to “monkey up” the election by voting for Andrew Gillum, who lost his bid to become the state’s first black governor. It also echoed comments by President Donald Trump, who cast Gillum as incompetent and Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams as unqualified.

Black voters came out for Espy, but it wasn’t enough, given the overall makeup of Mississippi’s electorate and white voters’ overwhelming loyalty to Republicans, even among suburban whites who elsewhere nationally trended toward Democrats in the 2018 midterms.

Espy’s biggest challenge was simply that Mississippi doesn’t have a metro area comparable to Atlanta or Nashville, Tennessee, or Charlotte, North Carolina — growing population centers where white voters are considerably more likely to support Democrats than their counterparts in small towns.

Yet even in Mississippi counties that fit the suburban model — better educated, more affluent — voters stuck with Hyde-Smith. Her 71 percent in Rankin County and 54 percent in Madison County (both outside the Democratic stronghold of Jackson) put her just a few percentage points behind Trump’s 2016 marks in those counties.

That’s a contrast even to other recent Deep South elections.

In Georgia, Abrams lost the governor’s race by just 1.4 percentage points in no small part because she won large suburban counties like Cobb and Gwinnett in metro Atlanta. In Alabama’s 2017 Senate special election, Democratic Sen. Doug Jones capitalized on Republican Roy Moore’s weaknesses not by winning large suburban counties, but by vastly outperforming Democrats’ usual marks.

Espy’s almost 409,000 votes statewide was 84 percent of Hillary Clinton’s vote count against Trump in 2016. By comparison, Jones managed 92 percent of presidential turnout in his Alabama victory. In Georgia, Abrams actually exceeded Clinton’s 2016 mark. If Espy had managed that on Tuesday, he’d have won: Clinton got 485,131 votes.

Unofficial returns show Hyde-Smith at 479,365.

Despite the Democratic loss in the state’s marquee race, civil rights groups and grassroots organizers point to down-ballot gains, particularly in judicial contests. High black voter turnout elected two black women to the circuit court in Hinds County, giving the county an all-black bench for the first time ever, including three black women.

The wins mirror gains in Texas, where 19 black women were elected to judgeships earlier this month, and Alabama, where a record nine black women judges were elected in last year’s special election.

Down-ballot candidates and issues also benefitted from high black turnout this midterm cycle in Georgia — where Lucy McBath, a black woman, unseated incumbent Republican Rep. Karen Handel, flipping a seat once held by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich — and in Florida, where voters supported restoring voting rights to tens of thousands of former felons.

With an increased focus on issues of criminal justice and voting rights, such victories could have more of an impact on voters’ daily lives.

Mississippi isn’t used to having backbencher senators. From 1947 to 2007, the state sent just four senators to Washington. It wasn’t long ago that Mississippi’s Senate team consisted of Cochran as chairman of the Appropriations Committee and Trent Lott as majority leader, both of them specializing in fast-tracking federal money back to their home state.

Now, the senior senator is Roger Wicker, who has been in office since Dec. 31, 2007, but will find himself behind more than a dozen Republican colleagues on the seniority list when Congress convenes in January. Hyde-Smith won’t be at the back of the line — her months as an appointed senator put her ahead of the GOP freshmen just elected in November — but she’s close.

Certainly, Washington is different than in Cochran’s prime, with budget earmarks no longer at the center of every negotiation. But for a small, economically disadvantaged state that’s long depended on federal influence, the 116th Congress will be new territory.

Democrats have made key gains in recent elections in the South, but there’s no perfect formula for winning statewide.

Espy, a former Cabinet official under President Bill Clinton, ran as a moderate with experience reaching across the aisle. Georgia’s Abrams and Florida’s Gillum ran as unabashed liberals and nearly pulled out wins in governor’s races that would have been historic. Democrats in Alabama and South Carolina nominated white men — relatively young, relatively moderate — for governor.

All of them lost: Abrams and Gillum had narrow margins; Espy ran strong but wasn’t close; Alabama and South Carolina were the usual Republican routs.

The lesson: Candidates matter, but so does the electorate. The three closest races made the case that Democrats shoudn’t cede the South, and that tests of electability shouldn’t be limited to white men.

The next test comes in Georgia, where a Dec. 4 runoff for secretary of state pits Democrat John Barrow, a 63-year-old moderate former congressman, against a little-known Republican state lawmaker. After that, the focus shifts to Louisiana, where Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards will seek re-election in 2019 four years after upsetting his Republican rival, then-Sen. David Vitter.

Mueller Hones In On Then-Candidate Trump’s Late Night Calls With Stone

As Special Counsel Robert Mueller closes in on Roger Stone, he is paying special attention to the constant, late-night phone calls between the longtime Trump adviser and the then-candidate himself, according to a Wednesday Washington Post report.

Trump reportedly usually called Stone from a blocked number in the small hours of the night during the campaign.

Mueller’s prosecutors linked the two men on draft court documents leaked this week, causing a maelstrom of anxiety within the President’s legal team, as it becomes abundantly clear that Mueller has a keen interest in Trump’s involvement with the WikiLeaks information.

Trump reportedly denied getting any information about the WikiLeaks documents from Stone in his written answers given to Mueller this week.

WSJ: Manafort Lied To Mueller About Biz Dealings, Contact With Ex-Ukraine Ally

Special counsel Robert Mueller believes Paul Manafort misled his team in statements about his business dealings and his communications with a former Ukrainian associate, Konstantin Kilimnik, The Wall Street Journal reported.

According to people familiar with the matter who spoke to WSJ, the “lies” that Mueller alleged in a court filing this week “don’t appear” to be related to the Russia probe, in the WSJ’s words.

Kilimnik was charged alongside Manafort earlier this year for attempting to influence key witnesses in the case against Manafort for his financial dealings. Mueller’s team is alleging that Manafort lied to investigators about his contacts with Kilimnik when the two allegedly discussed the coordination of their testimony.

Manafort also reportedly gave Mueller false information about money he received for his lobbying work, according to the WSJ’s sources.

Trump Backtracks: Running For Prez ‘Doesn’t Mean I’m Not Allowed To Do Business’
Kate Riga

President Donald Trump, who once vociferously claimed that he had no business ties with Russia that would compromise him, is now trying to toss himself a life preserver in the light of Michael Cohen’s new guilty plea.

“But when I run for President, that doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to do business,” Trump said. “I was doing a lot of different things when I was running.”

“After I won, obviously, I didn’t do business,” he added.


Cohen Plea Undercuts Trump Claims About Moscow Project

Michael Cohen’s guilty plea Thursday in a Manhattan courthouse not only revealed that he lied to Congress about his work on a Trump Tower project in Moscow. The plea documents also undercut what President Trump himself has claimed about his business dealings with Russia, particularly during the campaign.

Cohen in the court documents admitted that discussions about about Moscow project continued within the Trump Organization later than January 2016, which is when the former Trump fixer told Congress work on the project ended.

“COHEN discussed the status and progress of the Moscow Project with Individual 1 on more than the three occasions COHEN claimed to the Committee, and he briefed family members of Individual 1 within the Company about the project,” the documents said, with “Individual 1” being a reference to Trump.

This contradicts what Trump has said publicly about his business dealings with Russia, which he claimed during the campaign were nonexistent.

He also said at a press conference the next day, “I have nothing to do with Russia.”

In fact, Cohen was working on the Moscow Project as late as June 2016, according to the court documents, and even asked Trump “about the possibility” of traveling to Russia for business reasons. Cohen also asked “senior campaign official about potential business travel to Russia.” Cohen, according to the documents also expressed the possibility that Trump would travel to Russia for the project after he became the GOP nominee that summer.

In early 2017, Trump said “I have no deals that could happen in Russia”, claiming that “we’ve stayed away.”

A few months later, he acknowledged that he had dealings in Russia “over the years,” specifically referring to the 2013 Miss Universe and his sale of a home to a wealthy Russian businessman.

“But other than that, I have nothing to do with Russia,” he said.
Trump now says he wont meet Putin.. lies lies. he tryin to pull of cartoon villain type misdirection