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Sooooo what does this all mean?
long story short Cohen and his attorneys asked to have a look at the documents first because there might be info in there about one of his clients which he wouldnt name that could be disastrous to the client...the judge forced Cohen s lawyers to name the person they relented and gave up HAnnity
long story short Cohen and his attorneys asked to have a look at the documents first because there might be info in there about one of his clients which he wouldnt name that could be disastrous to the client...the judge forced Cohen s lawyers to name the person they relented and gave up HAnnity

So wait...they threw him under the bus?
I'm trying to make sense of this all.

Add it to the list of Trump & The Legion Of Corrupt's scandals
they named 3 ppl who s files would be in those raided...they exposed the first 2 but would expose the 3rd til the judge forced them to
Hannity just responded on his radio show....fam just essentially dropped attorney client confidentiality....

Hannity said we didnt have a retainer i never paid him just asked him a couple of questions over the years....
This shit is so weird yet compelling.

Cohen/Cohen's lawyer says he's a client... Klanity essentially says Cohen is lyin'.... Cohen HAS to have either some A/C documents that has Klanity's John Hancock on it or some recordings (that was possibly discovered during the raids or @ some point) for him to throw him in under the bus.... 64K question is what Klan Man was using the fixer for.

Either way I presume Klanity is merely collateral damage. Cohen has muuuucch bigger problems! The million dollar question is what's on the seized articles that links him to this Russia/Prague meeting, election meddling shit. I presume what ever it is they're gonna use it to make him flip.

Russia, Stormy and now Klanity.... Cohen has been @ the epicenter of most of the bullshit.

I'm drowning in popcorn b!
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Stormy Daniels releases sketch of man she says threatened her

Stormy Daniels on Tuesday released a rough sketch of a man she says threatened her in 2011.

The adult-film star, who claims she had an affair with President Trump more than a decade ago and was paid for her silence, released the sketch during an appearance on ABC's "The View."

Daniels said during an interview that aired last month that she was threatened after she agreed to discuss her alleged affair with Trump with a publication in 2011.

"I was in a parking lot, going to a fitness class with my infant daughter. Taking, you know, the seats facing backwards in the backseat, diaper bag, you know, getting all the stuff out. And a guy walked up on me and said to me, 'Leave Trump alone. Forget the story,' " Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, told Anderson Cooper on CBS's "60 Minutes" in March.
"And then he leaned around and looked at my daughter and said, 'That’s a beautiful little girl. It'd be a shame if something happened to her mom.' And then he was gone," she continued.

The alleged incident happened after Daniels had agreed to do an interview with a sister publication of In Touch magazine.

"You took it as a direct threat?" Cooper asked her during the interview.

"Absolutely. I was rattled. I remember going into the workout class and my hands are shaking so much, I was afraid I was going to drop her," she said.

Daniels said she did not see the man again, but said she would recognize him if she did.

In March, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said she had "no knowledge" of the alleged incident.

“Obviously we take the safety and security of any person seriously, certainly would condemn anyone threatening any individual,” Sanders said.

Daniels has been locked in a legal battle with Trump seeking to dissolve a nondisclosure agreement she and Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, signed just before the 2016 presidential election. She alleges the deal is not valid because Trump never signed it himself.

Last month, Daniels accused Cohen of defamation and amended her lawsuit against Trump. The lawsuit claims Cohen defamed Daniels by suggesting she is lying about her alleged affair with Trump more than a decade ago.
