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President Obama ignores congressional approval and the anger is and would be furious, President Trump does it and what hallpass???

Beto O’Rourke Within Striking Distance Of Ted Cruz In New Poll

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is clinging to a narrow lead in his race for reelection, according to a new poll.

Cruz leads Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) by just 47 percent to 44 percent, according to the survey from the well-respected pollsters at Quinnipiac University.

His narrow lead, within the poll’s margin of error, is the latest sign that Cruz is in for a tough fight for reelection in the GOP-leaning state.

Texas has been heavily Republican for two decades, Trump carried it by nine points in 2016, and any Democrat running statewide faces a steep uphill battle. On top of that, in the state’s March primary Cruz won double the number of votes O’Rourke did, a sign that the congressman still has a long way to come in getting his name out around the state.

But O’Rourke has been posting huge fundraising numbers — including a stupendous $6.7 million haul in the most recent quarter — and stands poised to be the first well-funded Democrat to run for the Senate since Texas’ changing demographics opened the door a crack to making the state competitive in recent years.

The poll also showed that President Trump is no help to his former primary rival.

Just 43 percent of Texans approve of the job Trump is doing to 52 percent who disapprove, according to the poll — weak numbers that are actually slightly better than some other pollsters have found for the president in the red but blue-trending state.

O’Rourke remains the clear underdog in this fight, but it appears he has a real shot. And if he can pull off a shock victory, he would give Democrats a real boost in their uphill fight to retake the Senate.

Trump Campaign Paid $66,000 To Law Firm Representing His Former Bodyguard

President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign paid more than $66,000 to the law firm representing Trump’s former bodyguard Keith Schiller in the Russia investigation, new campaign spending filings show.

Stuart Sears of the law firm Schertler & Onorato law firm represents Schiller, who spoke to the House Intelligence Committee in November of last year. The Trump campaign paid Schertler & Onorato $66,459.12 in January 2018 for “legal consulting.”

The Trump campaign helps pay for the legal fees incurred by several Trump allies and family members, including Donald Trump Jr. and Michael Cohen, Trump’s longtime personal attorney who is now under criminal investigation.

Campaigns are allowed to pay for campaign staffers’ legal fees if the issue relates to their time on the campaign. Schiller told the House Intelligence Committee about Trump’s time in Moscow in 2013, though he may also have faced questions about his time on the Trump campaign, as NBC News noted.

Schiller himself started receiving $15,000 a month from the Republican National Committee for security consulting ahead of the 2020 Republican convention shortly after he left his White House role last year, as CNBC reported in February.