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nah bruh....china is buying up africa....but the white dude is the savior there.

china is trying to get resources but they still need to transport those resources.

and thats why we have the ring of pearls. and the islands they created to protect their shipping lanes.

but the US has mostly all the resources it needs at home. we dont really need to go out to get anything.

that right their china cant stop. we can stop china....buy interupting the shipping lanes and stop purchasing from them. they will slowly drop.

they only real resource that was needed from china was rare earth minerals...but then the war in Afghanistan happened. and people think we came in for the taliban and made bases to make sure they dont come back. but whats interesting is that country have trillions of dollars of rare earth minerals under all the surface.
then the oil.....control the oil...allow the prices to drop...buy up as much as you can...take it home and/or .....drumroll

enter haiti.
haiti has oil reserves that was revealed with an "earthquake" and now their are parts of haiti that haitians cant go to because of the storage of oil and gas.

this rabbit hole goes deep...

so i say all this to say.....china is talking with money but the control is still the white dude
what would be the realistic result of the Mueller investigation? I am just curious because according to the Constitution you need 2/3rd of the US Senate to convict / remove the President from office. You would need 66 out of a total of 100 senators to vote in favor of impeachment. Even with the midterms coming up, I don't know if that is a realistic goal with currently 51 Republicans, 47 Democrats and 2 Independents. I wouldn't be surprised if they held both sides voted in sync with their own party.

US Constitution, Article 1, Section 3

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

Trump Says ‘Not All’ Cabinet Choices He Made Were ‘Good’

President Donald Trump on Monday conceded that he made mistakes when filling out his Cabinet.

During a roundtable event in Florida, Trump said that “not all of my choices were good, but they were great ones,” referring to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta, respectively.

Dozens of senior administration officials have left the White House for greener pastures or been fired.

Top GOP Billionaire Donor Uses Trump Tax Cut Money To Donate To Dems

Hedge-fund billionaire Seth Klarman, a major Republican donor, is using the money he got under President Donald Trump’s tax cut to bankroll Democrats.

“I received a tax cut I neither need nor want,” Klarman, CEO of the Baupost Group hedge fund, told the Boston Globe in an article published Sunday. “I’m choosing to invest it to fight the administration’s flawed policies and to elect Democrats to the Senate and House of Representatives.”

Klarman said that Republicans “have failed to hold the President accountable and have abandoned their historic beliefs and values,” and that Democrats need to win one or both chambers of Congress in the midterms “for the good of the country.”

The Globe noted Klarman’s long-standing opposition to Trump. “Tragically, Donald Trump has displayed few of the character traits required in a US president, and no aptitude for or interest in developing them,” Klarman said. He donated $5,400 to Hillary Clinton’s campaign once Trump became the GOP’s candidate for the general election.

Klarman has already given about $222,000 to 78 Democrats running for Congress since the 2016 election, according to the Globe.

Michael Cohen Has a Mystery Client Who Won’t Let Him Reveal Identity

Michael Cohen‘s attorneys filed a letter in Manhattan federal court on Monday regarding issues of attorney-client privilege in the FBI’s seizure of his files. While the government claimed in a recent filing that they don’t believe Cohen to be practicing law much these days, the letter makes it clear that from 2017-2018, Cohen has had at least three clients for legal matters, but they refuse to say who all of them are.

The letter says that Cohen has done work for a total of 10 clients since 2017, but seven of them were for non-legal issues related to business consulting and strategic advice, so there’s no attorney-client privilege that attaches to those files. Still, Cohen’s lawyers say he has performed work involving “more direct legal advice or dispute resolution” for three separate individuals. One of them is President Donald Trump, another is Republican National Committee deputy finance chairman Elliot Broidy. The third? Unknown.

“The third legal client directed Mr. Cohen to not to [sic] reveal the identity publicly,” the letter states.

Cohen’s attorneys argue — as Trump’s attorneys did in a Sunday filing — that a neutral special master should be appointed to review the documents for privilege so that prosecutors don’t get access to protected documents. If the court appoints a special master, the letter says, Cohen’s third mystery client may allow their identity to be revealed to whomever the special master is.

The letter comes as Cohen is scheduled to appear in court Monday afternoon for a hearing on the matter. Judge Kimba Wood wants Cohen to provide information on his clients, so it remains to be seen whether she will push him to divulge all of their identities.

During the election I hoped Clinton would win so Hannity and his kind would be exposed by being Trump supporters.

How short sighted of me!

Trump winning is the greatest thing to ever happen to expose these pundits for who they really are.
If Hannity never had dude on retainer or paid him anything... but just "asked some legal advice".... can he still claim attorney client privilege or confidentiality of any kind?
Wonder when Hannity is going on his planned emergency vacation?

If he goes for good, Fox will just find someone as bad or worse to replace him. If they can get O'Reilly out of the paint anybody can get it.
These women are on another level of prostitution, lol. Link up with a high ranking conservative, threaten to tell, then negotiate a price on that NDA.