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Former FBI Assistant Director: Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen Could Spend ‘Decades’ in Prison

Former FBI Assistant Director Frank Figliuzzi said on Tuesday that President Donald Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen could spend “decades” behind bars as a result of the raid on his Manhattan office.

“If you’re looking at multiple violations of everything that we’ve heard come out of the possible search warrant motivations, you’re looking at decades, a couple of decades potentially, if they’re all found guilty,” he told MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough.

The remarks come just after an FBI raid of Cohen, who orchestrated a $130,000 non-disclosure deal with Stormy Daniels, the adult film star claiming to have had an affair with Trump.

Figliuzzi thinks that might be what the raid is about.

“This could be primarily about Stormy Daniels,” he said. “If you think about the election violation, that could be the contribution in kind by paying her off. If you think about bank fraud, it could be getting a home equity loan to pay her off. If there’s tax violations, if could be the fabricated Delaware corporation to pay her off.”

However, rather than focusing on those aspects, Figliuzzi believes Daniels’ allegations of threats to the safety of her and her daughter are more significant. If true, that scenario could be in violation of the Hobbs Act, which concerns extortion and robbery crossing state lines, including actual and attempted cases.

“Remember Stormy is claiming that a threat was launched in the Las Vegas parking lot against her and her child,” he said. “There could be a federal Hobbs Act violation, there could be interstate travel to communicate a threat, there could be interstate communication of a threat versus via phone or a computer, and if that’s found in the search results yesterday, if it’s found that Trump knew about that, we’re into a conspiracy to commit Hobbs Act. That’s a serious crime.”

Cohen doin fed time?! hahahahaha!!! I love it!

When he is faced w real time. I know Cohen will flip on trump. Trust me, this gone get good. Cohen knows where the bodies are buried. I cant wait.
Cohen doin fed time?! hahahahaha!!! I love it!

When he is faced w real time. I know Cohen will flip on trump. Trust me, this gone get good. Cohen knows where the bodies are buried. I cant wait.

I stand by my prediction that Trump will resign before the walls close in completely, and will blamed it on the “rigged” system.

Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein Reportedly Approved FBI Raid On Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen Personally

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein personally approved the search warrant on President Donald Trump‘s personal attorney, Michael Cohen, The New York Times confirmed Tuesday afternoon.

The process by which the FBI may obtain a search warrant on a lawyer is “among the most sensitive moves federal prosecutors can make as they pursue a criminal investigation,” the Times reported. Indeed, prosecutors must jump through several legal hoops in order to obtain one, and it was originally believed that Geoffrey Berman, interim U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, signed off on the warrant.

In fact, Berman, a Trump appointee, recused himself from the case, and Rosenstein approved the recusal.

Meanwhile, Rosenstein – who appointed special counsel Robert Mueller to investigate Russian meddling in the 2016 elections and possible obstruction of justice by the president and/or his campaign – personally gave the thumbs-up on the warrant which allowed FBI officers to obtain documents from Cohen. The documents the FBI is interested in are, among other things, details into Cohen’s payments to two different women with whom President Donald Trump allegedly had affairs: Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal.

Trump has reportedly considered firing Rosenstein several times, and has called the entire raid on Cohen a “witch hunt,” “an attack on our country,” and proof that “attorney-client privilege is dead.”
attorney client privilege is nullified if it pertains to conspiring to break laws or commit a crime....when ur attorney is also a target of an investigation...welp

European Commission Investigators Reportedly Raided Rupert Murdoch Fox Offices in London

It seems as though this week is is Raid Rich People’s Offices Week, both in the United States and abroad.

Investigators from the European Commission raided London offices of 21st Century Fox to seize digital records and hard copy documents, The Daily Telegraph reports. The nature of the investigation, which was allegedly conducted by competition watchdogs is unclear.

Fox is currently in the process of deliberating a takeover of British media company Sky. As Bloomberg notes, Fox “has offered to spin off Sky News or sell it to Walt Disney Co. to address concerns about having to much influence in British Media.”

“Fox Networks Group (FNG) is cooperating fully with the EC inspection,” a Fox spokesman told the Telegraph.
