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Just saw an article saying the Republican pitch to voters is gonna be “don’t vote Democrat cause they just want to impeach Trump.”

Can’t wait for that one to backfire, might even get some first time ever voters to show up.


Michael Cohen Reportedly Under Investigation for Bank Fraud, Campaign Finance Violations

In light of the FBI’s raid on Michael Cohen‘s Manhattan offices, a new report says that this development is part the ongoing investigations into the Trump lawyer’s possible bank fraud and violations of campaign finance laws.

Earlier today, New York Times confirmed that federal prosecutors were seizing records and privileged communications that concerned Cohen’s relationship with Stormy Daniels. According to Washington Post, these documents will be especially relevant to the questions into whether Cohen broke the law by paying the porn star hush money to keep quiet about her old liaison with the president.

From the report:

The raid is related to an investigation referred by the special counsel Robert S. Mueller III to federal prosecutors in New York, according to Stephen Ryan, an attorney for Cohen.

Ryan called the tactics “inappropriate and unnecessary,” saying Cohen has “cooperated completely with all government entities, including providing thousands of non-privileged documents to the Congress and sitting for depositions under oath.”

Among the records seized by investigators were “protected attorney client communications,” according to Ryan.

Cohen has previously acknowledged to paying Daniels $130,000 so she wouldn’t tell her story before the 2016 election. Daniels is currently suing President Trump and Cohen for defamation, all while saying that her NDA with the mogul’s team is null and void since Trump never signed it.
Is this case of attorney records being seized unprecedented? I would think this isn't the first time so why the outcry of attorney client privilege being violated?
I have a few article here that ive read well 2 out of 3 that i recommend



and the rebuttal here


This first line stood out because its has always been on my mind
Too many observers treat American politics as a contest between rival groups of white people.

this article rebuffs the idea that diversity/racial justice in politics is something that should be reconsidered

Havent read this one yet


Laura Ingraham: Actions By ‘Intolerant Left’ To Stifle Free Speech ‘Are Stalinist, Pure and Simple’

After a weeklong pre-planned vacation in the wake of a growing advertiser boycott over her mockery of Parkland survivor David Hogg, Fox News’s Laura Ingraham began her Monday evening program by claiming there is a plot by the left to silence conservatives.

Stating that “the left’s propaganda shaped a new generation of young adults” who then used terms like microaggression and safe spaces to “intimidate those who disagree with them,” the Fox host stated that liberals “don’t invite more voices to enter public discussion” despite their talk of inclusion.

“Generations later, the chilling effect on free speech and the workplace in the media, and in society at large is palpable,” she declared. “We all feel it. And the situation may be worsening.”

After tossing out some statistics that stated that young people are becoming increasingly hostile to free speech, Ingraham said that expressing views that were mainstream just a few years ago can get you fired. “Or, yes, you can get boycotted,” she added.

Listing off a number of topics and issues she claimed gets one labeled a racist or bigot if talked about in public, she then brought up a 2016 campaign incident in which a Trump supporter was beaten up in San Jose.

“This is the intolerant left in action,” the conservative commentator exclaimed. “Whether it’s striking voices from social media, or driving certain viewpoints on the airwaves. Beating people up, organizing boycotts, for perceived unforgivable offenses or preventing speakers from being heard on a college campus, it’s all coming from the same place.”

After citing some more instances to bolster her case that conservatives were being censored and stifled by the left — and dropping a George Soros reference for good measure — Ingraham then indicated this was reminiscent of the old Soviet Union.

Their efforts are Stalinist, pure and simple. Their objective is a total transformation of American society, not through rational discourse and open debate, but through personal demonization and silencing. True liberals and conservatives should defend the free speech anywhere and everywhere because the everywhere because the tables can turn quickly. Today its conservatives being targeted. Tomorrow it could be left of center voices as well.”

