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The Official World Politics Thread

Better hope global Anarchy doesn't happen. Don't think these Purge movies weren't made at the most opportune time.

The black man will be target #1 in Switzerland.

Stay safe fam
well then its time to go to the DR....
imma hop around...but i got my iodine pills.

let me snap a quick pic of them
trump is a terrible actor...

get ready for our missiles.

so he basically saying move out the way so i can show my country that we fighting but we really not

A war could be extremely lucrative for both him and Putin. This is probably all going according to (Putin’s) plan. Trump doesn’t do plans.

Mueller, Rosenstein, Wray and Berman (who signed off on the warrant) are Republicans. Dennison is panicking. Reacting just like Nixon
A war could be extremely lucrative for both him and Putin. This is probably all going according to (Putin’s) plan. Trump doesn’t do plans.
would be interesting to have a war and killing potentially millions of innocent people and sons and fathers of his base...

all for profit.

for something something skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeees
for amber waves of somethhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing
would be interesting to have a war and killing potentially millions of innocent people and sons and fathers of his base...

all for profit.

for something something skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeees
for amber waves of somethhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing

Not like that’s new territory

Trump Signs Exec Order Mandating Work Requirements For Welfare Programs

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump signed an executive order Tuesday that aims to add and strengthen work requirements for public assistance and other welfare programs.

The order, signed in private, promotes “common-sense reforms” that policy adviser Andrew Bremberg said would reduce dependence on government programs.

“Part of President Trump’s effort to create a booming American economy includes moving Americans from welfare to work and supporting and encouraging others to support common-sense reforms that restore American prosperity and help them reclaim their independence,” he said.

The order focuses on looking for ways to strengthen existing work requirements and exploring new requirements for benefits such as food stamps, cash and housing assistance programs.

Trump has long accused beneficiaries of abusing government assistance programs and has claimed many who have no intention of working make more in benefits than those with jobs.

“I know people that work three jobs and they live next to somebody who doesn’t work at all. And the person who is not working at all and has no intention of working at all is making more money and doing better than the person that’s working his and her ass off,” Trump said in November. During the campaign, he pledged that, under a Trump administration, families “trapped in welfare” would be “provided with jobs and opportunity.”

Most people who use the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, who are able to hold jobs do work, but they don’t earn enough to pay for food and cover other expenses. According to 2015 data from the Department of Agriculture, 44 percent of the total households using the SNAP program had someone in the family earning money.

The administration has made several moves pushing work for Medicaid recipients and those who use the SNAP program.

In January, officials announced that states would be able to impose work requirements for Medicaid. And they’ve proposed tightening the existing requirement that able-bodied adults who want to receive SNAP benefits for more than three months at a time must work in some capacity.

The proposal would raise the age limit for recipients who are exempt from the requirement and restrict the ability of states to offer waivers. The Department of Agriculture has been soliciting public comment on the issue.

The administration has also been exploring more stringent work requirements for those who receive assistance under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program, as well as minimum weekly work hours for those who receive housing assistance.

The order gives various Cabinet secretaries 90 days to review the programs their agencies offer, and recommend possible changes.

Advocates argue that, while encouraging people to work is fundamentally a good thing, imposing strict requirements on already vulnerable populations, particularly when coupled with an aggressive effort to slash funding and shrink public assistance programs, could be disastrous for those in need.

Such requirements could have dire consequences for those already experiencing barriers to finding, and keeping, a job, including single mothers who can’t afford child care, people who lack access to transportation and those who suffer from mental illness.

Rebecca Vallas, vice president of the Poverty to Prosperity Program at the Center for American Progress, said Trump’s executive order served to reinforce myths about poverty in the U.S.

“By using dog-whistle terms like ‘welfare,’ Trump’s trying to paint people who turn to Medicaid, SNAP, and other public programs as Reagan’s mythical ‘welfare queen’ — so we don’t notice that he’s coming after the entire working and middle class,” Vallas tweeted.

The White House had once identified overhauling the welfare system as one of its top two legislative priorities for 2018, along with a major investment in infrastructure. But GOP leaders, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, told the president there was little chance of passing anything that needs Democrats’ votes.

Trump appeared to agree as he huddled with GOP leaders at the Camp David presidential retreat in January.

“It’s a subject that’s very dear to our heart,” Trump said then. “We’ll try and do something in a bipartisan way. Otherwise, we’ll be holding it for a little bit later.”
Agreed. But trump fucked either way. Fire him n its more obstruction. Let him stay n the russia probe continues.
well the rationale they are floating is that since Rosenstein wrote the memo arguing for the firing of Comey which led to this shit....he is complicit in this as well therefore he cant lead the investigation

WaPo: Former Acting AG Dana Boente Spoke To Mueller, Turned Over Notes

Dana Boente, the former acting attorney general and acting deputy attorney general who now serves as the FBI’s general counsel, spoke to special counsel Robert Mueller’s team several months ago, the Washington Post reported Tuesday night.

Boente told Mueller’s team about his conversations with former FBI Director James Comey about his interactions with Trump and also gave Mueller’s team handwritten notes, per the Washington Post. Boente’s notes and interview with Mueller’s team could help to corroborate Comey’s memos about his interactions with the President, though Boente did not witness the interactions directly.

Notes obtained by MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow appear to show notes from Boente saying that Comey told him Trump spoke about the “cloud” of the Russia probe.


Another One Bites The Dust: GOP Rep. Dennis Ross Announces Retirement

Yet another House Republican, Rep. Dennis Ross (R-FL), announced his retirement from Congress Wednesday.

The announcement comes as dozens of Ross’ Republican colleges, most recently House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), have done the same in recent months.

“After thoughtful prayer and consideration, my wife Cindy and I decided that I will not seek re-election for a fifth term in office,” Ross said in a statement. He added that looked forward to practicing law and “pursing opportunities to increase civic education for our youth, and young adults, and with that encourage more engagement and participation of future generations in government.”

Ross is one of several senior deputy whips under House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) and Chief Deputy Whip Patrick McHenry (R-NC).

“I’m not angry,” Ross told CNN’s Kate Bolduan in an interview an hour after his announcement. “I’m not upset with anybody. I believe that my seat will continue to be Republican. It’s a good — demographics of conservatives.”

Bolduan asked how much “President Trump and the culture in Washington right now, how divisive it is” played a roll in the congressman’s decision.

“That does play a factor,” Ross, who announced his support of Trump’s bid for the presidency in May 2016, spoke at a Trump campaign rally and served on Trump’s transition team, said.

He added: “We’ve got to focus on bringing civility and respect back, and as much as I would like to do it from the pulpit of the Congress, I would be tainted with having an agenda that would suit a particular group. This way I can do it in a fashion that I think reinstates the fundamentals of our democracy, that require some respect, some decorum.”

Another republican running from the upcoming fade...

GOP Congressman Rips Trump in Insane Tirade to Journo: ‘Evil, Really F*cking Stupid Forrest Gump’

This strange — but insane — tale begins with Erick Erickson wandering the aisles of a Safeway supermarket. He’s accompanied by a Republican congressman who regularly appears on Fox News to defend President Donald Trump.

“If we’re going to lose because of him, we might as well impeach the motherfucker,” the unnamed congressman told Erickson.

That’s according to a new post from the conservative commentator, who wrote about his encounter with “[one] of the President’s congressional defenders” who “has privately decided he hates Trump and wants to unload.”

“The congressman did not want to be seen with me on Capitol Hill,” Erickson explains. “He needed to get some stuff anyway and decided he’d let me walk with him through the cereal and dairy selections at the Safeway near my hotel.”

Erickson continues:

He is not happy with President Trump. He was never a die hard Trump supporter. He supported him in the general and never expected him to win. But he did. So the congressman, whose district Trump won, has been a regular supporter on Fox News and elsewhere defending the President. He is happy to be quoted, so long as I don’t name him. He says he just needs to vent. I suggest what we’re doing is one of the reason’s Trump won — a congressman says nice things in public and bad things in private.

“Everybody does this shit,” the congressman said.

I read you writing about this, about wanting to say nice things when you can and criticize when you need to. He may be an idiot, but he’s still the President and leader of my party and he is capable of doing some things right,” he continued. “But dammit he’s taking us all down with him. We are well and truly fucked in November. Kevin [McCarthy] is already circling like a green fly circling shit trying to take Paul’s [Ryan] job because nobody thinks he’s sticking around for Nancy [Pelosi]. She’s going to f**k up the cafeteria again too. [Lord’s name in vain], at least I’ll probably lose too and won’t have to put up with that shit.”

“He won’t lose,” Erickson notes. “His district is very Republican.”

And then, the congressman got colorful:

It’s like Forrest Gump won the presidency, but an evil, really fucking stupid Forrest Gump. He can’t help himself. He’s just a fucking idiot who thinks he’s winning when people are bitching about him. He really does see the world as ratings and attention. I hate Forrest Gump. I listen to your podcast and heard you hate it too. What an overrated piece of shit movie. Can you believe it beat the Shawshank Redemption?”

The congressman continued that “they just might pull the trigger if the President fires Mueller,” and that “shit will hit the fan if that happens and I’d vote to impeach him myself.”

“Most of us [Republicans] would, I think,” he added. “If we’re going to lose because of him, we might as well impeach the motherfucker. Take him out with us and let Mike [Pence] take over. At least then we could sleep well at night.”

And now for the grand f*cking finale:

I say a lot of shit on TV defending him, even over this. But honestly, I wish the motherfucker would just go away. We’re going to lose the House, lose the Senate, and lose a bunch of states because of him. All his supporters will blame us for what we have or have not done, but he hasn’t led. He wakes up in the morning, shits all over Twitter, shits all over us, shits all over his staff, then hits golf balls. Fuck him. Of course, I can’t say that in public or I’d get run out of town.”