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Trump Has Reportedly ‘Ramped Up’ Dinner Parties With Fox News and Wall Street Executives

Making America great again — with hors d’oeuvres and sparkling wines.

President Donald Trump has been hosting dinner parties at the White House ever since he moved in last year, inviting media personalities, politicians and even Alaska’s very own Sarah Palin. And the commander in chief has now “ramped up” those parties, Politico reported Thursday, dining alongside the likes of billionaire business mogul Rupert Murdoch, conservative media figure Matt Drudge and various titans of Wall Street, including JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon.

Trump reportedly loves to “play host” in the People’s House, mixing campaign aides like Brad Parscale with senior advisers like Kellyanne Conway and Jared Kushner, along with his favorite television news hosts, including Sean Hannity.

Via Politico:

The dinners give Trump the opportunity to be in charge, steer the conservation, and show off the historic place he now calls home — with its trappings of valets, Marine guards, and historic artifacts. Plus, the dinners are free of the interruptions that can happen in the Oval Office, with people coming in and out, said one administration official.

If he’s feeling upbeat, he’ll give visitors a tour of the Lincoln Bedroom or show off the copy of the Gettysburg Address or a rug first installed by Ronald Reagan. Often, he’ll say to guests: “Have you ever seen luxury like this?” as he guides them through, said the administration official.

Most recently, the president dined with venture capitalist Peter Thiel and the Safra Catz, a top executive for Amazon’s cloud competitor, Oracle.

Trump enjoys every aspect of his dinners with guests — from chocolate cake for desert, to signing autographs on the personal menus created each night — as they provide the “freewheeling nature of having people stop by” that the president longs for in the White House, one former official told the outlet.

Report: Mercer, Other GOP Mega-Donors Paid For ‘Islamic States Of America’ Ads

The secretive dark money group behind an Islamophobic ad campaign run during the 2016 election was unmasked Thursday as being funded by rightwing mega-donors, in a Center for Responsive Politics report on its 2016 tax return.

In three ads — “Islamic State of France,” “Islamic State of Germany” and “Islamic States of America” — Secure America Now spliced violent imagery, including of an execution-style murder and Islamic State fighters, in between doctored images of the three countries re-imagined as theocracies. The group has been prolific on YouTube for years, as well as on several social media channels.

In 2016, the tax return revealed, Secure America Now was funded primarily by Robert Mercer, the hugely influential Trump donor and far-right activist; 45Committee, another dark money group reportedly started by casino magnate Sheldon Adelson and Todd Ricketts, the co-owner of the Chicago Cubs and son of TD Amitrade founder-billionaire Joe Ricketts; and Ronald Lauder, heir to the Estée Lauder fortune who is also active in Israeli politics.

Mercer, 45Comittee and Lauder gave Secure America Now $2 million, $2 million, and $1.1 million in 2016, respectively. The group counted donations in slightly smaller numbers from yet more well-known donors: Brad Anderson, former Best Buy CEO; Foster Friess; and Olympus Ventures LLC, which the Center for Responsive Politics reported is tied to the founder of Best Buy, Dick Schulze.

Secure America Now is categorized as a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization and therefore does not have to disclose donor information publicly. However, it does report its donors to the IRS, and the Center for Response Politics obtained a copy of Secure America Now’s 2016 tax return from its accounting firm.

In October of last year, Bloomberg reported that Facebook and Google poured extensive resources into helping Secure America Now target specific audiences in swing states with the Islamophobic ads.

The two companies, according to the report, “worked closely” with Secure America Now as the group spent “millions” on election ads.

“On June 16 of last year,” the report continued, “sales managers from Google’s elections team hunkered down in its New York offices with officials from Secure America Now and Harris Media to talk about how to improve their digital ad campaigns.”

Facebook, according to the report, went so far as to test new targeting technology with the Secure America Now campaign.

Facebook in recent weeks has received heavy criticism for the access to millions of users’ data that another Mercer-funded group had during the 2016 election: Cambridge Analytica. Mercer, along with former chief White House strategist Steve Bannon, founded the group. According to the New York Times, Mercer put at least $15 million into the venture.

Trump Revives Infamous Mexican ‘Rapists’ Claim: ‘Women Are Raped at Levels’ No One Has ‘Ever Seen’

President Donald Trump went on a tear against the country’s immigration system during a roundtable discussion on tax reform in West Virginia Thursday, and provided a vague explanation of his infamous remarks that Mexico is “sending…rapists” to the United States.

As Trump railed against the diversity visa lottery, he again repeated his (erroneous) claim that foreign countries are “not putting their good ones” in the lottery, and recalled the speech which kicked off his long-shot presidential campaign in 2015.

“And remember my opening remarks, at Trump Tower when I opened,” he said. “Everybody said, ‘Oh, he was so tough.’ And I used the word ‘rape.'”

The president went on to make a reference to the “caravan,” a group of Central Americans who have been making their way through Mexico to seek asylum in the U.S.

The caravan — which has become something of an immigration boogeyman for Fox News and right wing media — was organized to protect migrants making their way to Mexico and the U.S. from cartels crime, including rape.

“And yesterday it came out where this journey coming up, women are raped at levels that nobody has ever seen before,” Trump continued. “They don’t want to mention that.”

Meanwhile, Buzzfeed’s Adolfo Flores reports from Mexico:

The president then pivoted back towards criticizing Democrats for trying to thwart his border security efforts, as well as describing in gruesome detail — “they cut people up!” — the crimes of gang MS-13.

“So we have to change our laws,” Trump said. “And the Democrats, what they’re doing is insanity.”



Border Patrol Union VP Says ‘Obama Holdovers’ Are ‘Undermining’ Trump

The vice president of a border patrol union that endorsed Donald Trump during the 2016 Republican presidential primary said Thursday that “Obama holdovers” within U.S. Border Patrol are undermining the President’s agenda.

“There’s several things that need to be taken care of,” Art Del Cueto (above, left), who also serves as the National Border Patrol Council’s Tuscon local president, told CNN’s Brianna Keilar.

“I think there’s people even still within our leadership in Border Patrol that are still Obama holdovers and, you know, maybe their plans — maybe their way of doing business is not necessarily the way that President Trump has asked.”

Del Cueto continued: “I think that’s what needs to be done to begin with to also secure the border. We need to get rid of some of the Obama holdovers that are still within our organization that are not following some of President Trump’s plan.”

Pressed several times by Keilar to name names, Del Cueto refused.

“Those individuals are still within our leadership, and I think they are undermining some of the things that need to be done,” he said at one point.

“There’s different members within the organization,” he said later.

As usual w/ Trump supporters it’s the black man fault...
Hearing JFK congratulate newly-elected Texas Governor Connally and talk about the reasons about how the Governor lost Dallas is crazy

Not posting all the tweets individually but this thread is definitely worth a click, excellent read

Funny thing is. the thing you typed that post on, odds are was made by a chinese person

Not created or design though.

I ain’t giving muthafuckas props at McDonald’s for dipping my fries in grease. Same with some really old or a kid following instructions on how to put a iPhone together