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McConnell: Blocking Garland Was Most ‘Consequential Decision’ Of My Career

After serving more than three decades in Congress, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) counts blocking the nomination of President Obama’s Supreme Court pick Merrick Garland as the “most consequential decision” he’s made in his “entire public career,” he told Kentucky Today earlier this week.

“You’ve heard me say before that I thought the decision I made not to fill the Supreme Court vacancy when Justice Scalia died was the most consequential decision I’ve made in my entire public career,” he said. “The things that will last the longest time, those are my top priorities.”

McConnell effectively blocked Garland’s nomination by refusing to grant a committee hearing for the Obama nominee after Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia died in February 2016. That move eventually led to the appointment of Neil Gorsuch, President Trump’s nominee, maintaining the majority conservative ideological divide of the high court.

He called his party’s success in passing a tax reform package last year “noteworthy,” but indicated it wouldn’t be permanent if Democrats are able to get control of Congress again.

“It’s noteworthy that when we did comprehensive tax reform 30 years ago, we left it alone for four years before the political winds shifted and we started playing with it again,” he told Kentucky Today.

“Believe me, the next time the political winds shift, and the other guys are in the ascendancy,” he continued, snapping his fingers, according to Kentucky Today. “But they won’t change these judges for a generation.”


Kimmel Fires Back at Hannity For ‘Despicable’ Jab: You ‘Defended Multiple-Alleged Pedophile Roy Moore’

Looks like things are getting heated between Jimmy Kimmel and Fox News hostSean Hannity.

On Monday night, Kimmel mocked First Lady Melania Trump and her accent after she read to children at the White House Easter Egg Roll. Hannity blasted the late night comedian, calling him a “despicable disgrace” and an “ass clown.”

“What even is an ‘ass clown?'” Kimmel asked. “Is it an ass that’s a clown or is it a clown that actually lives in an ass?… More importantly, why is Sean Hannity openly fantasizing about clowns in the ass? “Is that your thing at night when you have your pants down? At 2 a.m., you’ve got your laptop open to Breitbart, you sneak down to your den to hump a pillow from the Ivanka Trump collection, quietly so your wife doesn’t wake up and force you to go to church?”

“This is the guy who defended the multiply-alleged pedophile Roy Moore and I’m a despicable disgrace. I’m the ass clown!” Kimmel continued. “If I’m an ass clown, and I might very well be, you Sean are the whole ass circus.”

He added that what he really thought is “disrespectful” of the First Lady is “cheating on her with a porn star after she has a baby.”

“Why don’t you rant a little about that, Sean Hannity?!?” Kimmel exclaimed

Ann Coulter Goes There: If Military Shoots One ‘Illegal’ at Border, ‘Maybe They’ll Learn’

In recent weeks, conservative provacateur and extreme immigration hawk Ann Coulter has taken aim at the man she relentlessly campaigned for in 2016 — current President Donald Trump. Coulter’s public complaints have largely revolved around the lack of Trump’s promised wall at the US-Mexican border, leading some to believe that Trump’s recent actions and tweets about Mexico, DACA and “caravans” of migrants are tied into Coulter’s criticism.

With the president issuing an order to deploy the National Guard to the border, and the president saying he wants as many as 4,000 troops down there to guard the border, Coulter claimed that wouldn’t stop migrants from crossing into the United States. But one thing might discourage the “illegals.”

Appearing on radio host Lars Larson’s show earlier this week, Coulter was asked if Trump’s decision to utilize the military at the border was “a start in the right direction.”

“I don’t think so — what are they going to do, shoot the illegals?” Coulter exclaimed. “I mean, both Obama and Bush did this too. No, there’s a reason the chant was ‘we want a wall,’ we don’t want to use the military to process illegals and let them into the country.”

Larson pushed back a bit, stating that having troops patrolling the border would discourage people from crossing because it was would be a “visual deterrent.”

“I don’t know, we’ll see,” Coulter responded. “If I were an illegal —- I mean, unless they’re going to shoot one and send a message to the rest, as Voltaire’s line in Candide is, ‘We hang one to encourage the others’ — if you shoot one to encourage the others, maybe they’ll learn, but otherwise, we’ll see, we’ll see.”

Well, there you go.
Shiz would want that

Gtfoh. I know you feel for your Spanish speaking brothers

But I can’t rock with illegals. I got fam and friends from South America, Cuba and Ghana that had to go above and beyond to get here legally and these Mexicans/illegals get the free pass. Meanwhile I go to the bank and gotta wait in line for long ass time because a muthafucka that barely speak English trying to put money in her daughters account.
Lol @ Cuba. All they had to do was touch land and they're residents and get all these benefits. Shout out to Obama for getting rid of that privilege from them. And I got lots of Cuban friends but fuck it, all of us should be on the same level playing field.
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Lol @ Cuba. All they had to do was touch land and they're residents and get all these benefits. Shout out to Obama for getting rid of that priviledge from them. And I got lots of Cuban friends but fuck it, all of us should be on the same level playing field.

Lol best believe that would've been the first thing trump repealed if Obama hadnt
Now that Trump is going to deploy National Guard troops to the border, does the state or federal government cover the costs of the border deployment? The National Guard falls under the state governor but I believe the President can also deploy but I am not sure.
Now that Trump is going to deploy National Guard troops to the border, does the state or federal government cover the costs of the border deployment? The National Guard falls under the state governor but I believe the President can also deploy but I am not sure.

Who gone cover the cost?
