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The special counsel also told Trump’s lawyers that he is preparing a report about the president’s actions while in office and potential obstruction of justice, according to two people with knowledge of the conversations.

Mueller reiterated the need to interview Trump — both to understand whether he had any corrupt intent to thwart the Russia investigation and to complete this portion of his probe, the people said.

Mueller’s description of the president’s status has sparked friction within Trump’s inner circle as his advisers have debated his legal standing. The president and some of his allies seized on the special counsel’s words as an assurance that Trump’s risk of criminal jeopardy is low. Other advisers, however, noted that subjects of investigations can easily become indicted targets — and expressed concern that the special prosecutor was baiting Trump into an interview that could put the president in legal peril.

Dem Wins Wisconsin Top Court Seat in Major Defeat for Scott Walker

Liberal Rebecca Dallet says her victory in Wisconsin’s Supreme Court race over conservative Michael Screnock shows that voters are tired of special interests and want to have a “fair and independent court.”

Other Democrats were quick to brand the win for Dallet a defeat for Republican Gov. Scott Walker and others in the GOP. Walker had endorsed Screnock. Wisconsin Supreme Court elections are technically non-partisan.

Dallet tells The Associated Press that her win shows “people are tired of what’s been going on in our state in terms of the money coming in to buy these elections and people spoke out tonight.”

Her victory marks the first time since 1995 that a liberal candidate for Supreme Court won in a race where the seat is open.

The victory reduces conservative control of the court from 5-2 to 4-3.


Walker Warns Of ‘#BlueWave’ Coming To WI After Dem Wins State High Court Race

After the Democratic-backed Wisconsin state Supreme Court candidate pulled off a double-digit victory over her GOP rival on Tuesday evening, Gov. Scott Walker warned his state that a “blue wave” of the “Far Left” was imminent in November and encouraged Republicans to “counter it with optimism and organization.”

“Tonight’s results show we are at risk of a #BlueWave in WI,” Walker tweeted Tuesday evening. “The Far Left is driven by anger and hatred — we must counter it with optimism and organization. Let’s share our positive story with voters and win in November.”

In a second tweet Walker claimed “big government special interests” were planning to “target” him as he faces reelection for a third term next fall.

In Tuesday’s election, liberal candidate Rebecca Dallet easily defeated the more conservative Michael Screnock, who was backed by Walker, though the state’s high court elections are suppose to remain non-partisan. According to the Journal Sentinel, Dallet trounced Screnock 56 percent to 44 percent, a victory that chips away at conservative control of the court and hands liberals their first victory on an open court seat in more than two decades.

“People are tired of what’s been going on in our state in terms of the money coming in to buy these elections and people spoke out tonight,” Dallet told the AP Tuesday.


MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle Goes Off on on Trump For ‘Lying’ to Bash Amazon: ‘It Blows My Mind!’

MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle went after President Trump for his attacks on Amazon today, and she wondered why more people aren’t concerned about the broader connotations of his rhetoric against the company.

Ruhle opened her show today by looking at how the stock market and Dow Jones average have taken a hit due to the international upheaval Trump’s economic policies caused. While the president insists a trade war isn’t happening (despite China’s retaliatory tariffs), Ruhle was incredulous that Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said he’s surprised by the market reaction.

I would like to make something clear. Wilbur Ross is lying to the American people. I know from people I speak to inside the White House. Wilbur Ross has been told by other economic advisers, by market participants, this would be the reaction.”

As Steve Schmidt warned that Trump’s economic policy will have disastrous long-term consequences, he brought up the president’s recent attacks on Amazon, which prompted Ruhle to remark that government leaders would normally have a fit if someone else was attacking a publicly-traded company like Trump.

If any private citizen went after a public company in this form, spreading disinformation, we know the president is lying about what he’s saying about the post office and Amazon. The SEC would be investigating it. It blows my mind why we’re not hearing that [from lawmakers]!
I just hope if the Dems do actually regain control that they actually do their jobs rather than trying to tip toe around and not offend anyone like they usually do

Second Resolution To Denounce Neo-Nazis Dies In Tennessee Legislature

Twice this spring, lawmakers in the Tennessee Assembly have tried to promote resolutions condemning neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Both times those efforts have failed.

The second attempt was abandoned just this week, after a Republican lawmaker unsuccessfully tried to alter the motion’s language to make it more palatable to his caucus.

House Republican Caucus Chairman Rep. Ryan Williams’ resolution reworked one put forth by Democratic Rep. John Ray Clemmons, which died in mid-March after the three Republican members of a House subcommittee declined to offer motions to discuss it.

At the time, State Government Subcommittee member Rep. Bob Ramsey (R) told TPM that his panel supported the “intent and philosophy” of the measure but had concerns about language asking law enforcement to consider the groups “domestic terrorist organizations.” Such requests may “seem simple” but have sparked tense debate among lawmakers, Ramsey told TPM.

Williams stripped that language from a second version of the resolution introduced last week that was otherwise nearly identical.

But on Monday night, the day it was set to go before the Delayed Bills Committee, Williams asked that the measure be withdrawn from consideration. Williams told the Tennessean he’d received “additional feedback” from his fellow Republicans that needed to be incorporated into the resolution, which was “too narrow.”

Williams did not immediately respond to TPM’s request for additional information on their outstanding concerns, but told the Tennessean he was committed to hammering out wording acceptable to all parties.

If passed, the resolution would require the House to “strongly denounce and oppose” the racist, violent bigotry of these groups, and to send a copy to President Donald Trump, Congress, and Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam, according to the Tennessean.


The Alt-Reich is real and powerful in Tennessee...
I don't understand the president of Ghana he wants AA to come there but let USA built a military bases over there. AA don't want to go over there when you let the white people in smh
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We need stats on white folks to repetitively throw in their face as a way to block all sensible arguments like they do us.