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Failing New York Times got it right...again

Can't start threads so I'll just post this here

One chef’s social experiment: Charge minorities $12, white people $30.

Approach Tunde Wey’s lunch counter/sociology experiment at the Roux Carre market in New Orleans, and — if you’re white — you’ll have a decision to make. And it’s not just whether you want to try his jollof rice or his fried plantains. Wey serves his Nigerian food with a lesson about racial wealth disparity: The median income among African American households in New Orleans is only $25,806, compared to $64,377 for white households. According to the Urban Institute, the national average wealth of white families is $919,000, while the average wealth of black families is $140,000. Wey will share some stats with his customers, and then he’ll tell them the price of their lunch.

If they’re a person of color, they pay $12. If they’re white, he’ll tell them they can either pay $12, or they can pay $30 — two and a half times the base price, which reflects the wealth disparity in New Orleans. He tells them the profits will be redistributed to people of color, but not as charity — just to any minority customers of his who want it, regardless of their income or circumstance.

“When I tell black folks what’s happening, 90 percent of them start laughing, like, ‘For real?’ They’re tickled,” he said. “White folks, there’s this blank — ” he paused and laughed, “— this blank look. They’re like, ‘Huh, okay.’”

Rest of the article here
Yeah look who would be next in line...Pence.

And I've seen alot of folks saying he's worse.

He is more dangerous because he knows how to package legislative bills (that could be detrimental) due to his time in Congress and being a career politician

Trump Says He ‘Would Like To’ Talk To Mueller’s Team

President Donald Trump on Thursday affirmed that he would still like to speak with special counsel Robert Mueller’s team for the Russia investigation.

“Yes. I would like to,” Trump told reporters at the White House when asked if he would talk to Mueller, according to a White House pool report.

Trump has said before that he would like to talk to the special counsel’s investigators. In January, he said that he wanted to talk to Mueller’s team as soon as possible and that he would do so “under oath.”

Though Trump has shown willingness to talk with investigators, some members of his legal team have cautioned against it. John Dowd, who resigned from Trump’s outside legal team on Thursday, reportedly out of frustration that the President was not taking his advice, wanted Trump to avoid a sit-down interview.

Trump’s legal team has been engaged in informal negotiations with Mueller’s team about an interview with the President for weeks. They have given the special counsel office descriptions of key events pertinent to the probe, hoping that the information would help efforts to limit any in-person interview with Trump, according to the Washington Post.

John Bolton Recorded Video For Russian Gun Group Linked To NRA

An interesting figure shows up in a 2013 video pushed by Right to Bear Arms, a Russian gun rights group with close links to the National Rifle Association: former U.N. ambassador John Bolton.

In the video, first surfaced Thursday by NPR, Bolton encourages Russia to follow the United States’ example and incorporate gun rights into the country’s constitution.

TPM has previously reported on the links between the NRA and Right to Bear Arms, which was founded by Russian banker and “lifetime” NRA member Aleksandr Torshin. The FBI is reportedly investigating whether Torshin illegally channeled Russian funds to the NRA on behalf of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election. The NRA has denied any wrongdoing.

Torshin is a close friend of former NRA president David Keene. Keene asked Bolton to record the short clip, and had appointed Bolton to the NRA’s international affairs subcommittee in 2011, according to NPR’s report.

In the same year the video was made, Torshin attended the NRA convention in Houston with conservative heavyweights including Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, and Bolton himself.

Keene also traveled to Moscow that fall to speak on behalf of the NRA at the Right to Bear Arms’ conference.

Bolton’s involvement appears to conflict with his reputation as a vocal anti-Russia hawk. He is reportedly one of the candidates under consideration to replace H.R. McMaster as President Trump’s national security adviser.

Trump’s Advice For His 25-Year-Old Self: ‘Don’t Run For President’

President Donald Trump joked on Thursday that he would advise his 25-year-old self not to run for president.

He made the remark during an interview with Charlie Kirk, the founder of Turning Points USA, a conservative campus organization financed in part by deep-pocketed Republican donors and personally supported by many members of the Trump family, including the President himself.

Kirk’s organization made headlines last year when a member of the Kent State University chapter wore a diaper to protest safe spaces, and again when a student activist at the same college quit and dubbed it a “shithole organization.”

“Your successful presidential run is something that all people, young people included, should look up to,” Kirk told Trump at an event called the “Generation Next” summit. “What advice would you give to the 25-year-old Donald Trump knowing what you know today?”

“Don’t run for president,” Trump replied, to laughter.

“But we’re glad you did,” Kirk said.

Trump said he got “the greatest publicity” until he ran for office, but that “people really do get it.”

“There is a lot of fake news out there,” he said. “Nobody had any idea. And I’m actually proud of the fact that I exposed it to a large extent, because we exposed it. It’s something. It’s an achievement.”

Trump said that while there was “some great news,” he had “shown something that a lot of people didn’t really understand. If you look at approval rating, [the media’s] approval rating is, sorry folks, it’s down the tubes. Because people have found out how dishonest it is.”

“Sometimes, they say, you add nine. Whatever Trump’s poll number is, add nine,” he added later, referring to polling during the 2016 campaign that underplayed the possibility he would be elected president.