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Corker: Republican Base’s Support For Trump Is ‘Tribal In Nature’

Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) said in an interview published Wednesday that President Donald Trump’s support among the Republican base is “tribal in nature” and “people don’t ask about issues anymore.”

“The President is, as you know — you’ve seen his numbers among the Republican base — it’s very strong. It’s more than strong, it’s tribal in nature,” Corker told the Washington Examiner, as flagged by Taegan Goddard’s Political Wire.

“People who tell me, who are out on trail, say, look, people don’t ask about issues anymore. They don’t care about issues,” he added. “They want to know if you’re with Trump or not.”

Corker, who has criticized Trump but voted in sync with the vast majority of the President’s positions, announced in September 2017 that he would not seek re-election in 2018. He briefly reconsidered in February but ultimately stood by his decision to retire.

Limbaugh Raves About ‘Uncanny’ Similarities Between His Comments and Trump’s: Like ‘Listening to Myself’

On Tuesday night, President Donald Trump delivered an address at a fundraiser for the National Republican Congressional Committee.

Rush Limbaugh thought the speech sounded, let’s just say, eerily familiar.

“Folks, please don’t misunderstand here,” Limbaugh said Wednesday on his radio show. “I’m not a permanent resident of egoville. But there’s certain things here I could not avoid concluding. I thought I was listening to myself. I mean, it’s uncanny. On certain elements of the speech I knew I was listening to myself.”

Limbaugh proceeded to play several recent cuts from his program, including this one from March 16:

Don’t tell me that we have conservative Democrats. There is no such animal, particularly today. How do they vote on Big Government? How do they vote on spending? How do they vote on all of these traditional things? How do they vote on abortion? I guarantee you that when the pedal meets the road, when the rubber meets the road, pedal hits the metal, these people are voting Democrat. They’re voting Pelosi. They are voting Schumer.

Trump, at Tuesday’s fundraiser, said this:

It doesn’t matter what Democrat candidates say on the campaign trail, because once Democrats get to Washington, they always do the same thing. They vote for the liberal Pelosi agenda, down the line, straight down the line every single time. They will never vote for us. They will never vote for what’s right. These days, there’s no such thing as a Blue Dog Democrat.

But Limbaugh was far from peeved at the president for poaching his act.

“It’s good, folks, that he’s saying this stuff,” Limbaugh said. “That he thinks this stuff. That he is figuring this stuff out and learning it.”

Mueller Reportedly Looking at Trump Campaign’s Ties to Cambridge Analytica

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team of investigators has reportedly met with digital experts who worked to elect President Donald Trump in recent weeks as part of an ongoing effort to understand his campaign’s ties to Cambridge Analytica.

Sources told ABC News on Wednesday the special counsel is interested in learning whether the Trump campaign collaborated with the controversial company at the heart of a data-mining scandal said to include 50 million Facebook profiles. Those accounts were allegedly harvested by Cambridge Analytica in an attempt to influence voters across the country during the 2016 presidential election.

Via ABC News:

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team for the last several weeks has had a growing interest to better understand the relationship between the campaign, the Republican National Committee, and Cambridge Analytica, sources tell ABC News.

The company is also under investigation by British officials for its use of Facebook users’ data.

Sources tell ABC News several digital experts who worked in support of Trump’s bid in 2016 have met with Mueller’s team for closed-door interviews. The staffers, most of whom were employed by the RNC, served as key members of the 2016 operation working closely with the campaign and the data firm, the sources said. The company worked closely with the Republican candidate’s political team.

The Trump campaign has vehemently denied any involvement with the reported data-mining operations. A spokesperson told ABC News the campaign “used the RNC for its voter data and not Cambridge Analytica.”

“Using the RNC data was one of the best choices the campaign made,” they added. “Any claims that voter data were used from another source to support the victory in 2016 are false.”

Meanwhile, the president and his personal lawyer have both made disparaging remarks about the special counsel in recent days, with Trump tweeting a series of critical statements against the appointment of Mueller to lead the investigation into Russian meddling.

The revelations regarding Cambridge Analytica has rocked Facebook, with CEO Mark Zuckerberg making a rare statement acknowledging the controversy as a failure for the platform. Multiple Democratic lawmakers have called on Zuckerberg for more answers, with Sen. Ed Markey even demanding he testifies before Congress on the matter under oath.

ABC News: McCabe Oversaw Criminal Probe Of AG Sessions Senate Testimony

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who was fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions last week, himself oversaw a criminal investigation into Sessions’ testimony to Congress in early 2017, ABC News reported Wednesday.

Citing unnamed sources familiar with the matter, ABC News reported that McCabe authorized the investigation after then-FBI Director James Comey received a letter from Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and then-Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) in March of last year regarding Sessions’ contacts with Russians. McCabe served as acting FBI Director in between Trump’s firing of Comey in May and the confirmation of current Director Christopher Wray in August.

In January, during his confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sessions said he had not had contacts with Russians during the 2016 campaign.

The Washington Post revealed in March that the claim was not true: Sessions had met twice with Russia’s then-ambassador to the United States during the campaign.

One unnamed source told ABC News that Sessions was not aware of the probe when he fired McCabe last week for McCabe’s lack of “candor – including under oath – on multiple occasions” during an inspector general’s investigation. (McCabe denies wrongdoing and has said his firing was due to his potential as a witness in special counsel Robet Mueller’s probe.)

Sessions’ lawyer did not confirm that he lacked awareness of the probe into his actions, the outlet said. The lawyer did say the FBI probe of Sessions’ testimony was closed.

“The Special Counsel’s office has informed me that after interviewing the attorney general and conducting additional investigation, the attorney general is not under investigation for false statements or perjury in his confirmation hearing testimony and related written submissions to Congress,” Sessions’ attorney, Chuck Cooper, told ABC News.

The outlet said it “was told” that top Republicans and Democrats in Congress were informed of the investigation of Sessions by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and McCabe “last year,” after the March revelations and Sessions’ subsequent recusal from matters relating to Russian election interference.

ABC News noted that Mueller interviewed Sessions two months ago as part of his probe, and that it is unknown whether Mueller may be pursuing other leads related to Sessions.
says the guy who couldnt walk with the other world leader in italy..

nigga took a golf cart or something