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Roger Stone Reportedly Told Two Associates That He Met With Julian Assange, Despite Public Denials

Did Roger Stone admit to making contact with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in 2016?

According to the Washington Post, Stone told two people — one unnamed, the other Donald Trump campaign aide Sam Nunberg — that he’d spoken with Assange. And the unnamed source told the Post that Stone learned Assange had emails from former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.

Longtime Trump confidant Stone has long denied meeting with Assange, and denied advance knowledge of the hacked DNC emails. And he did so again to the Post on Monday.

Stone admitted telling Nunberg he met with Assange, but told the Post the comment was made in jest — claiming that he uttered what he termed a “throwaway line” as part of an effort to avoid making weekend plans with Nunberg.

“I wish him no ill will, but Sam can manically and persistently call you,” Stone said. “I said, ‘I think I will go to London for the weekend and meet with Julian Assange.’ It was a joke, a throwaway line to get him off the phone. The idea that I would meet with Assange undetected is ridiculous on its face.”
Trump always demands loyalty but he fires people left and right.......somebody is going to flip on him / testify against him because of this


CNN’s Phil Mudd Trashes Preliminary House Intel Report: I Wouldn’t ‘Wipe My Ass With It’

The House Intel Committee has announced their initial findings in the Russia probe –– no collusion, the Russians interfered but didn’t favor Trump –– and CNN’s Phil Mudd wasn’t particularly impressed.

Mudd could not believe the Republicans are saying they don’t accept that Putin was leaning towards Trump.

He wondered “how the heck can they say they got to the bottom of this” when people sat before them and declined to answer questions.

Mudd also noted that they may not have access to all of the information that Mueller does:

Their responsibility was not to represent party, Democrat or Republican, but to represent people. How do we protect the next election? The last 30 minutes, Wolf––you give me one sentence where somebody spoke about how they’re going to protect us instead of saying this is why the other party did something wrong. If this report were written on toilet paper, I wouldn’t stoop to wipe my ass with it. These people owe us more. They gave us less. That’s what I see, Wolf.”

Phil Mudd went all the in as usual...

Trump Asked if He Fired Tillerson Because He Called Him a Moron: ‘Rex Will Be Much Happier Now’

As President Donald Trump left the White House today, he spoke to reporters about his decision to fire Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and replace him with CIA Director Mike Pompeo.

“I’ve worked with Mike Pompeo now for quite some time,” Trump said. “Tremendous energy, tremendous intellect. We’re always on the same wave length…As far as Rex Tillerson is concerned, I very much appreciate his commitment and his service and I wish him well. He’s a good man.”

Trump said he thought about ousting Tillerson “for a long time” because they “disagreed on things” like the Iran nuclear deal and similar matters. Trump also said that Tillerson was not involved with his recent plans to meet with the leaders of North Korea, saying “I made that decision by myself.”

When asked if he fired Tillerson for allegedly calling him a “moron,” the president insisted gets along with the former State Department chief, but the decision was made because they had “a different mindset, a different thinking.”

“I’ve gotten along well with Mike Pompeo and frankly I get along well with Rex, too,” Trump said. “I wish Rex a lot of good things. I think he’s going to be very happy. I think Rex will be much happier now, but I really appreciate his service.”

a little intel on the new CIA director...


Who Is New CIA Director Gina Haspel? A CIA Veteran Who Oversaw Torture And Covered It Up

With the sudden ouster of former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and CIA director Mike Pompeo taking over the post, a new CIA director needs to be appointed – and Pompeo chose veteran Gina Haspel, his deputy at the agency, who happens to have had a prominent role in torture and in erasing all proof of it.

Last February, when Haspel became deputy director of the agency, The New York Times reported that she oversaw the torture of two detainees in Thailand, one of whom was waterboarded 83 times in one month.

Per the Times:

She played a direct role in the C.I.A.’s “extraordinary rendition program,” under which captured militants were handed to foreign governments and held at secret facilities, where they were tortured by agency personnel.

The C.I.A.’s first overseas detention site was in Thailand. It was run by Ms. Haspel, who oversaw the brutal interrogations of two detainees, Abu Zubaydah and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri.

In 2005, the footage documenting that and dozens of other torture incidents was destroyed — on the order of Haspel, who by then was working at CIA headquarters.

Her role in both the torture and the destruction of evidence would come back to haunt Haspel. When the CIA wanted her to run clandestine operations, California Sen. Dianne Feinstein blocked the promotion over her involvement in covering up the torture and carrying it out to begin with.

Torture is currently against the law, but these new developments in the government – Pompeo and Haspel in high-ranking positions, plus and a Republican-controlled Congress – may herald its return. President Donald Trump has said he’d like to bring it back .

This is one issue on which this author hopes the president will stick to character — and not keep his word.