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Steve Bannon Reportedly Considering Buying Newsweek, Starting New Populist Publication ‘Like Axios’

Steve Bannon, since getting knocked from his perch atop the populist movement propelling President Donald Trump that he claims to have architected, has packed up and taken his bluster to Europe.

The former White House chief strategist was dumped from Trump’s administration last year, and then fired from his website Breitbart in January — after his harsh criticisms of Trump’s family were published in a book.

Politically isolated in the United States, Bannon has embarked on a whirlwind tour of Europe, seeking to lead, in his words, the “global populist movement.”

A fresh New York Times profile gives some insight into Bannon’s plans for taking over Europe, which range from training “an army of populist foot soldiers in the language and tools of social media,” to spreading “populist websites in the image of Breitbart News.”

And his musings on a potential media outlet are ambitious:

But Mr. Bannon, who said he was paying for the trip, said he was weighing whether to buy a name-brand outlet, like Newsweek or United Press International, or to start a new one, or to connect entrepreneurs with capital or invest himself.

He imagined a scoop-driven and high-metabolism outlet “like Axios,” he said, referring to the buzzy Washington newsletter, but with a populist bent that would devour Europe’s sleepy legacy papers.

Axios is, of course, the website founded by former Politicos Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei just last year that has become a go-to source for bite-sized, insidery D.C. political news.

Bannon has already spoken in Zurich, Switzerland at an event organized by a conservative publication, and on Saturday headlined the annual conference for France’s National Front.

The far-right party held its conference in Lille, where Bannon was reportedly introduced by leader Marine Le Pen.




Trump Slams NBC’s Chuck Todd at Rally: ‘Sleepy-Eyed Son of a B*tch’

President Donald Trump held a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday night to support a GOP congressional candidate before the state’s special election — and it was a tour de force return to his greatest hits, replete with jabs at the media, proclamations about North Korea and jokes of becoming president for life.

Trump saved most of his vitriol, however, for cable news — most notably NBC News political director Chuck Todd, who he decried using one of his trademark insults.

After boasting of his recent decision to accept a meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, Trump turned his ire towards those in the media expressing skepticism of his diplomatic breakthrough.

“They are saying well, Obama could have done that,” Trump said. “Trust me, he wouldn’t have did that. And neither would Bush and neither would Clinton. And they had their shot. And all they did was nothing.”

As he referenced an interview he did about North Korea on NBC’s Meet the Press back in 1999, Trump remarked that the show is “now headed by sleepy-eyes Chuck Todd.”

“He is a sleepy son of a bitch bitch, I’ll tell you,” Trump added.

Trump continued to tout his North Korea foreign policy, and took several more shots at NBC, even calling MSNBC “worse than CNN,” his arch cable nemesis:

What a weak ass comeback from sleepy ass Chuck...



Trump: It’s ‘FAKE NEWS’ When Pundits Say My Approval Ratings Are ‘Somewhat Low’

President Donald Trump has been extremely online this morning, shooting off a series of tweets. Having already taken aim at the “Failing New York Times,” NYTreporter Maggie Haberman and Democrats, the president decided to take a shot at political pundits for calling his approval ratings low.

As you can see in the tweet above, the president claims that Republican-leaning poll Rasmussen and “others” have his poll number “around 50%,” which he claims are higher “than Obama.” Furthermore, he wants people to “[t]urn off the show” because it is “FAKE NEWS” when pundits say his ratings are “somewhat low.”

One wonders exactly what polls the president is looking at right now. Currently, Rasmussen has his approval rating at 45%, not “around 50%.” Checking other recent polls, none are higher 43% except for the previous Rasmussen poll that had him at 48%.

In terms of aggregated poll numbers, RealClearPolitics has the presidential approval rating average at 40.9%. HuffPost Pollster shows the same in their polling average.

Trump’s Lawyers Reportedly Seeking Action to Stop 60 Minutes From Showing Stormy Daniels Interview

While White House spokespeople have stated they are not aware that President Donald Trump had knowledge of the $130,000 his attorney Michael Cohen paid to porn star Stormy Daniels for a hush agreement, Trump lawyers seem to want Daniels to stay quiet about her alleged affair with the president.

With Daniels having already filmed an interview with Anderson Cooper that will be aired on 60 Minutes sometime in the near future, Trump’s attorneys are seeking legal action to prevent CBS from airing the conversation.

Per BuzzFeed’s report:

We understand from well-placed sources they are preparing to file for a legal injunction to prevent it from airing,” a person informed of the preparations told BuzzFeed News on Saturday evening.

It was not immediately clear what legal argument the lawyers would be making to support the considered litigation, and Trump and his legal team often have threatened litigation without following through on those threats in the past.

Daniels filmed the interview with Cooper shortly after she filed a lawsuit stating that the non-disclosure agreement she agreed to in exchange for the hush money was not valid as Trump hadn’t signed the deal. That suit came after Cohen obtained a temporary restraining order in arbitration preventing Daniels from speaking about the payment and anything associated with it.