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Second Woman Named in Stormy Daniels NDA is Porn Star Jessica Drake, Who Accused Trump of Sexual Misconduct

That Stormy Daniels and President Donald Trump non-disclosure agreement keeps giving us juice, as it has just been reported that another porn star was named in the document.

Angel Ryan, who goes by the stage name of Jessica Drake, was named by Daniels as being one of the four people she is alleged to have told about her affair with the president, the NDA has indicated.

Drake actually lobbed a sexual misconduct suit against Trump in October 2016, which was announced via a press conference with Glorida Allred, in which the porn actress alleged Trump had made a pass at her in July 2006, kissing and hugging her without permission.

“When we entered the room, he grabbed each of us tightly in a hug and kissed each one of us without asking permission,” she said in 2016. “He was wearing pajamas. A bodyguard was also present. He asked me about details on my job as an adult film star—about shooting porn, and he also asked us about our personal relationships and whether we were married or single. We answered his questions. It felt like an interview.”

CNN’s Drew Griffin told Wolf Blitzer that the incident Drake described allegedly occurred at the very same golf tournament in which Trump is alleged to have started his affair with Daniels. Incidentally, at this time, First Lady Melania Trumphad just given birth to Barron Trump.

Shortly after the announcement of these accusations, however, they disappeared, with Daily Beast reporting in January that Ryan/Drake signed a non-disclosure agreement of her own, thus further preventing her from discussing details of the alleged incident.

“Jessica’s NDA blankets any and every mention of Trump, so she’s legally unable to comment,” her publicist, Josh Ortiz, wrote. “Jessica signed a non-disclosure agreement after her allegations of misconduct, and she can’t do as much as peep his name publicly.”

It has not been reported if Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, also furnished Ryan/Drake with a large financial settlement, upon her signing the NDA.

Damn.. Trump is really into pornstars.. I thought he was a serious germaphobe.. He’s just out here kissing these porn hoes all unexpected in the mouth like it’s nothing.. Smh...


Classic trump reaction woulda been..."oh! Your pops is still alive?! Who gives a fuck."
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only thing good trump can do...is punch lil kim in the stomach.

they thinking about meeting in switzerland.

lil kim went to school here


Pro-Trump Evangelist Pastor Robert Jeffress: ‘Thou Shalt Not Have Sex With a Porn Star’

Pastor Robert Jeffress explained on Fox News Thursday night why evangelicals like him don’t care about President Donald Trump allegedly having sex with a porn star months after his third wife Melania gave birth to son Barron.

Jeffress, a Fox News contributor and die-hard Trump supporter, defended evangelicals supportive of the president against charges of hypocrisy in light of recent news about the porn star tryst.

“Let’s be clear, evangelicals still believe in the commandment: thou shalt not have sex with a porn star,” Jeffress said.

“However, whether this president violated that commandment or not is totally irrelevant to our support of him,” he continued. “Evangelicals knew they weren’t voting for an altar boy when they voted for Donald Trump. We supported him because of his policies and his strong leadership.”

Fox News political analyst Juan Williams contested that Trump’s alleged attempts to silence Stormy Daniels with $130,000 in hush money makes the story significant.

Jeffress replied that even if the allegations prove to be true, it wouldn’t matter, because “this is about the policies and issues.”

“No it’s not!” Juan Williams shouted back. “Pastor, you cannot sell your integrity, your Christian values and say ‘oh because President Trump is anti-abortion I’ll support him no matter what.’ What happened to the principles? What happened to your love of people of character?”

“We are supporting him because of the principles that he stands for, not because of personal behavior,” Jeffress shot back.

The pair continued to battle it out, as Fox News host Sandra Smith attempted to keep things on track — and shut down a Williams question about the White House domestic abuse controversy.



Stacey Dash Backs Up Trump’s Charlottesville Response in Nuts Interview: ‘He’s Absolutely Right’

Clueless star and former Fox News pundit Stacey Dash recently announced that she was going to give another career a try — a run for office. Yep, Dash recently filed to run for Congress in California.

This evening, she appeared on MSNBC’s The Beat with Ari Melber to discuss her candidacy. And her campaign may have ended before it ever really had a chance to begin.

After having a difficult time giving detailed policy positions on topics such as gun control and health care during the first part of the interview, Dash was asked by Ari Melber about Charlottesville and the president’s controversial response to the deadly violence. Noting that White House chief economic advisor Gary Cohn — who recently resigned — said that he almost left due Trump’s “both sides” remarks, Melber asked if the president was wrong.

“No, I think he’s absolutely right,” Dash said. “There were two extreme sides. And here’s what it boils down to, our right. They had a right to assemble. Both sides had a right. But they were both extremes. And here’s where I said in the beginning, we have to listen to each other, if we do not listen, there will be no solutions. It’s just a bunch of banter and noise.”

Melber wanted to know what was the equivalent amount of hate to the white supremacists on the other side, leading Dash to say that she wasn’t “justifying hate” and that it was their constitutional right to gather and protest.

“There should be no hate at all,” she added. “Hate is not the answer for anything.”

Melber went on to remind her that Trump also said there were good people on both sides and asked Dash if she co-signed that.

“I’m not here to judge, the only one who can judge is God,” she noted. “Do I know every person in the Neo-Nazi party, if they have a good heart or not? No, I do not. Do I know every member of a gang whether they have a good heart or not? No, I don’t. Do I know every man in prison, if he has a good heart or not? No.”

Pure coonery...

GOP Gearing Up To Gerrymander Again

Nearly a decade ago, Republicans launched REDMAP, an audacious bid to win key statehouses and governorships in order to give themselves control over the redistricting process that followed the 2010 Census, so they could gerrymander district lines in their favor.

The project succeeded beyond their wildest dreams, giving them a major edge in successive election cycles.

Now, they’re looking to do it again.

The GOP has launched its first ever national group focused exclusively on how congressional and state legislative maps are drawn, with an eye on the next round of redistricting, which will follow the 2020 Census. And they have help from deep-pocketed, state-based super PACs devoted to holding onto their gains.

Last September, Republicans created the National Republican Redistricting Trust(NRRT) as an umbrella group for its redistricting plans—and an answer to Eric Holder’s National Democratic Redistricting Committee, which aims to give Democrats a louder voice in the redistricting process this time around.

The NRRT bills itself as the hub for a 50-state effort “solely focused on redistricting legal and data matters,” freeing up other GOP entities like the state legislative and congressional campaign committees to “focus on winning races and expanding their Republican majorities.” It says it plans to raise $35 million by 2020. (A spokeswoman didn’t respond when asked how much it had pulled in so far. Holder told the New York Times in February that his group had raised a bit over half of the $30 million it hopes to have by the same date.)

The group will work closely with the Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC), which masterminded REDMAP. In 2015, it launched REDMAP 2020, which aims to repeat the GOP’s success last time at winning statehouses and governorships in key redistricting battlegrounds. REDMAP 2020 initially had a $125 million fundraising goal through the 2022 cycle, but Matt Walter, the RSLC’s president, told TPM in a Thursday phone call that the number would balloon to counter Democratic efforts.

“That number was set in advance of this effort that has been robust and well-funded and highly focused by the left, so the commitment to match that by Republicans, conservatives and the right of center world is imperative,” Walter said.

“We see a variety of areas where the left of center world is focused on redistricting: state level offices beyond the legislative level, the advancement of ballot initiatives, and the courts as well,” Walter added. “The field of engagement and connection points have expanded.”

In addition to this centralized effort, there are local groups like #ProjectRedTX, a super PAC run by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s former campaign manager that recently pulled in $500,000 from a single donor.

The group did not respond to TPM’s request for comment, but its websitefeatures a pledge “to make sure that those that seek to turn Texas into a leftist haven cannot get a foothold by mis-using the redistricting process.”

Last time around, in 2010, Republicans poured money into winning control of key redistricting battlegrounds like Florida, North Carolina, Texas, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Virginia. Then, they used that control to draw district lines in their favor in those statehouses and in Congress. The result was to skew political outcomes in each of last three elections: In 2012, for instance, Democratic congressional candidates got over 1 million more votes that Republicans, but, thanks to gerrymandering, the GOP came out with 33 more seats.

That gerrymander also means Republicans have key advantages baked in for next time, as David Daley, the author of “Ratfucked,” an account of the GOP’s most recent redistricting master plan, told TPM.

“Republicans are really sitting pretty,” said Daley, now the communications director for the anti-gerrymandering group Fair Vote. “A blue wave really is going to have to be a blue tsunami in these states. And it’s going to take two of them. It’s not going to be enough for Democrats to have a blue wave in 2018; they’re going to need to replicate it in 2020.”

Republicans sound unconcerned by charges that they’re planing to once again enthusiastically rig the system in their favor. For one thing, they note that Democrats have gerrymandered on their own behalf in blue states like Maryland and Illinois. A brief launch memo for the NRRT devotes a page to criticizing Obama for denouncing GOP gerrymandering, after using redistricting to create a more favorable map for himself while serving in the Illinois legislature.

Republicans could still be stymied, in part, by the Supreme Court, which is considering three major redistricting cases that could impose limits on how extreme partisan gerrymanders can be.

Voting experts agree that the courts are the best hope for Democrats and those who want less partisan maps. But they caution that the lawsuits against the last round of maps wound through the courts for years. In some states, 2018 could be the fourth cycle in which voters cast ballots in districts that courts have deemed unconstitutional.

As Holder has said, “success” for Democrats going into the next two cycles is primarily a matter of shattering GOP trifecta control of state legislatures and governorships. For Republicans, it means painting an already-red national map several shades darker.
only thing good trump can do...is punch lil kim in the stomach.

they thinking about meeting in switzerland.

lil kim went to school here

lol @ lil kim tho lmao

for a second I said to myself "what the fuck this rappin bitch gotta do w/ trump and kim jong un meeting. These niggas on one" lol lol
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Nunberg Arrives At Court For Grand Jury Fresh Off Of Blasting Mueller Subpoena

WASHINGTON (AP) — A former Trump campaign aide arrived Friday at the federal courthouse in Washington for a scheduled grand jury appearance days after he defiantly insisted in a series of news interviews that he intended to defy a subpoena in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.

Sam Nunberg did not respond to reporters’ questions as he entered court shortly after 9 a.m.

Nunberg on Monday had balked at complying with a subpoena that sought his appearance before a grand jury as well as correspondence with multiple other campaign officials.

But later that night, Nunberg told The Associated Press that he had relented and would wind up complying after all. He said he had worked for hours to produce the thousands of emails and other communications requested by Mueller, who is investigating whether the Trump campaign improperly coordinated with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

“I thought it was a teachable moment,” he said of his 24 hours in the limelight.

So far, 19 people and three companies have been charged in Mueller’s investigation. Among them are Trump’s former campaign chairman and the former White House national security adviser. Five people have pleaded guilty.


Trump’s Lawyers Reportedly Looking to Make ‘Deal’ with Mueller Seeking End Date on Investigation

If you’re still wondering about the possibility of President Trump sitting down with Robert Mueller, a new report reveals some new detail about a potential “deal.”

According to The Wall Street Journal, the President’s lawyers have this deal “that uses an interview with the president as leverage to spur a conclusion to the Russia investigation, according to a person familiar with the discussions”:

The president’s legal team is considering telling Mr. Mueller that Mr. Trump would agree to a sit-down interview based on multiple considerations, including that the special counsel commit to a date for concluding at least the Trump-related portion of the investigation. One idea is to suggest a deadline of 60 days from the date of the interview, the person said.

Trump has repeatedly decried the investigation as a “witch hunt” and there have been some reports about how people around the President, including his lawyers, have been talking about when Mueller might wrap this up.

It’s unclear how Mueller would even react to this deal, though the Journal notes legal experts are “skeptical.”