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Fox Dumps Tree of Life Synagogue Member in Mid-Sentence as He Blames Trump for Rise in Anti-Semitism

Fox News anchor Jon Scott dumped a guest in mid-sentence just seconds after asking him “Why the rise in anti-Semitism?” and just as the guest, a member of the Tree of Life Synagogue that was the site of a terrorist mass murder in October, was going in on Trump’s recent defense of his remarks on Charlottesville.

On Fox Report with Jon Scott this weekend, Scott was interviewing Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Joel Rubin, about the then-unfolding shooting at a synagogue in California. Less than seventy seconds into their interview, Rubin was abruptly dumped for a Salonpas commercial.

Scott began by asking Rubin about the “terrible memories” that this latest shooting must evoke, and Rubin told Scott that “it’s very troubling that, six months after the Tree of Life shooting in my hometown of Pittsburgh… that the lessons have not yet been learned, and that the political rhetoric is rough, and that individual lone actors, gunmen believe they have license to kill, and they should be stopped.”

“Why the rise in anti-Semitism, do you think?” Scott asked.

“We’ve seen a spike, quite frankly, since the election of President Trump,” Rubin said. “and we have seen that largely because there has been a sort of a freedom to say what one wants in public.”

“‘Jews will not replace us’ was the chant in Charlottesville in August 2017,” Rubin continued,” and just the other day the president essentially said that they were fair, and those are the words we have to watch from,” Rubin said.

As soon as Rubin mentioned Trump’s recent defense of his Charlottesville comments, Scott could be heard trying to interrupt, saying “Joel, Joel,” before Rubin was finally cut off by the commercial.

There were three and-a-half minutes left in the hour, and when Scott returned, he did not explain the cutaway. It is possible the 30-plus-year broadcasting veteran just blew the timing of the interview that started only moments before, or that he simply blew the toss to the commercial. But it’s also possible he dumped Rubin because of where he was going with his commentary.

Faux is always trying protect their sensitive snowflake ‘Dear Leader’ Trump...

Beto O’Rourke: White House Has ‘Free Rein, Almost’ Over What is Broadcast on Fox News

Democratic 2020 presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke went after Fox News over the weekend by calling them a subservient organization to the GOP and the Trump White House.

O’Rourke spoke at a campaign event in San Francisco on Sunday, during which, he called Fox “an arm of the Republican Party and this administration.” He went on from there by highlighting the connections between President Donald Trump, Fox’s conservative-leaning news coverage, and the network’s most influential figures.

“You have members of the organization moving into the White House,” O’Rourke remarked. “You have a White House with free rein, almost, over what is broadcast over one of the most widely watched cable networks in the country today.”

O’Rourke continued to remark on how Fox News and other organizations have a responsibility to operate on facts if the country is ever going to hold politicians accountable and confront issues like foreign meddling with U.S. political institutions.

As Reuters notes, numerous figures associated with Fox have taken up positions within Donald Trump‘s government. The president regularly parrots content from the network that he approves of, plus his close ties with Fox’s opinion hosts is well-established at this point.