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Trump Doesn’t Want White House Aides Testifying Before Congress

President Trump is not onboard with seeing any of his current or former White House aides testifying before Congress, he said in a new interview with The Washington Post.

After the White House’s cooperation with special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe, any further compliance with Congress’ requests is unnecessary, Trump said, especially when dealing with a “very partisan” legislative body.

“There is no reason to go any further, and especially in Congress where it’s very partisan — obviously very partisan,” he told the Post. “I don’t want people testifying to a party, because that is what they’re doing if they do this.”

“I allowed my lawyers and all the people to go and testify to Mueller — and you know how I feel about that whole group of people that did the Mueller report,” Trump continued. “I was so transparent; they testified for so many hours. They have all of that information that’s been given.”

That tone of defiance appears to be the battle plan for Trump’s legal team. His lawyer Rudy Giuliani later told the New York Times that the administration was just stealing notes from the Clinton playbook.

“I agree with the strategy of now fighting everything, the way Clinton did initially,” he told the Times. “We already gave every document we have, every witness we have. I don’t think the White House should sit by and have them do it all over again.”

Trump’s opposition to complying with congressional requests just escalates an ongoing power struggle between House Democrats and the White House. Just this week, the administration told former White House official Carl Kline not to comply with the House Oversight Committee’s subpoena for testimony. The White House also indicated it would assert executive privilege to keep former White House counsel Don McGahn from testifying and the Treasury Department pushed back on the Ways and Means Committee’s deadline for handing over Trump’s tax returns.

Team Trump Flocks To PA, Site Of A Blue Wave And Flailing GOP State Party

President Donald Trump’s reelection team has swarmed to Pennsylvania, acutely worried about winning back the purple state, an effort made more difficult by significant Democratic inroads in and around the midterms and that’s helmed by a dysfunctional state party.

Trump won the state in 2016 by less than one percentage point, and the news has gotten worse for Republicans since then. Democrats cleaned up in the midterms, flipping 16 state legislative seats along with landslide victories for Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) and Gov. Tom Wolf (D) and a few House seats.

The midterms were also bookended by two more Democratic successes: a win in a special election for a House seat in March 2018 and a victory for a state Senate seat — in a district Trump carried in 2016 — this month.

According to Politico, some have laid blame with party chairman Val Digiorgio for lackluster fundraising and voter mobilization. Rumors of a no confidence vote ran rampant for months, but never came to pass.

Trump Pick and Ex-CNN Analyst Stephen Moore Responds to CNN Report: ‘They’re Pulling a Kavanaugh Against Me’

One of President Donald Trump‘s picks to serve on the Federal Reserve Board, Stephen Moore, has been battling CNN’s KFILE over their reporting on past commentary Moore wrote about women. In the latest round, Moore said that CNN is trying to “pull a Kavanaugh” against him.

The KFILE reported a few days ago on columns written by Moore in which he argued women shouldn’t cover sports, and that there could be an exception if they are attractive and wear halter tops.

Moore responded to that article by saying his prior commentary was “a spoof,” both in response to CNN and in an email to the Washington Post.

He then said, in an interview with talk radio station WZFG in North Dakota, that people opposed to his nomination are “pulling a Kavanaugh against” him.

“I was so honored when I got the call from Donald Trump but you know, it’s been since then is one personal assault after another, a kind of character assassination that has nothing to do with economics,” said Moore on The Flag. “But you know, my divorce 10 years ago, or something I wrote 25 years ago. They have six full-time investigative reporters looking into me at The Washington Post, the New York Times, and CNN.”

“You know, Scott, I kind of wear it as a badge of honor, that they’re so afraid of me, that they want all these people looking into my past,” he said. “If you notice, Scott, they have not attacked me on my economic ideas.”

It should be noted that, until the last few months, Moore was a Senior Economics Analyst for CNN.

Toward the end of the interview, he addressed the point again, saying, “you know, they’re pulling a Kavanaugh against me.”
