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GOP Donors Who Battled Trump In 2016 Fall In Line For His Reelection Fight

In 2016, many traditionally conservative donors threw their weight — and their money — behind any Republican other than Donald Trump. They’re changing their tune now, lining up to contribute sizable bundles to the President’s reelection effort.

According to a Monday Politico report, some of the bigwigs are impressed by the organization of the reelection campaign, shaping up to be much more professional than the fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants 2016 effort.

Some are more philosophical, citing Trump as a politician they can count on to always trumpet conservative policies against an increasingly liberal opposition.

“All you have to do is look at what the other side is gearing up for and this is a pretty easy decision for a lot of people,” Geoff Verhoff, a formerly pro-Marco Rubio lobbyist, told Politico. “From a policy standpoint, there’s virtually nothing they disagree with, then layer on top of that the choice that the other side is presenting to the country and it’s a no-brainer.”

Sanders Claims To Understand April Ryan’s Comments As Threat Of ‘Decapitation’

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders purposefully misunderstood reporter and CNN analyst April Ryan’s comments from Thursday, who used colorful language to express her belief that Sanders’ proven lying, as evidenced by the Mueller report, should result in her ouster.

“I have had reporters say a lot of things about me. They’ve said I should be choked. They’ve said I deserve a lifetime of harassment,” Sanders said on Fox and Friends, speaking over a rousing musical performance at the White House Easter egg roll. “I certainly never had anybody say I should be decapitated — this takes us to a new low even for the liberal media. It once again proves why this journalist isn’t taken seriously.”

Ryan’s comments, made because of the detail in the Mueller report where Sanders admitted that her statement to the White House press corps about FBI officials losing faith in former agency director James Comey was baseless.

“Not only does she not have credibility, she lied,” Ryan said during a segment on CNN. “She out and out lied. And the people – the American people can’t trust her. They can’t trust what’s said from the President’s mouthpiece, spokesperson from the people’s house. Therefore, she should be let go. She should be fired, end of story. When there is a lack of credibility there, you have to start and start lopping the heads off. It’s Fire-Me Thursday or Fire-Me Good Friday. She needs to go.”


Hannity Spent Easter Yelling About Report That Russian TV Used His Mueller Clips

Fox News host Sean Hannity was displeased Easter Sunday that reporters pointed out that Russian television has been using clips of his monologues insisting on Trump’s innocence in light of the redacted Mueller report.

“Maybe the Daily Beast should look at itself and the rest of the Fake News industrial complex in America, as they are no better than Russian propaganda outlets—perhaps even worse,” Hannity raged in a 13-part Twitter thread.

The Daily Beast reported that Russian TV has been splicing in clips from Hannity’s show to further Trump’s “no collusion” narrative.
I live in kentucky and damn near everybody here hates him but i wont be suprised if they still vote for that piece of shit, zero faith in these rednecks here

That’s how it is here in TX, everybody calls Ted Cruz a spineless piece of shit yet he got re-elected

Never understood the logic.

He(and Boehner) is the reason why Pres. Obama wasn't able to get a lot of his agenda thru while in office.

Along wit the presidential election, retake the Senate...get his azzz out. That too should be top priority