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He’s projecting again....and/or trying to water down the meaning of the word before the Mueller report drops

Multiple GOP Sens Oppose Herman Cain For Federal Reserve Board

At least four Republican senators have indicated they would not support former Republican presidential contender Herman Cain’s Federal Reserve Board nomination, several outlets noted Thursday, spelling trouble for Cain despite President Donald Trump’s assertion that he is considering him for an eventual nomination.

Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) was quoted by The Washington Post and Bloomberg News as saying “If I had to vote today, I couldn’t vote for Herman Cain.”

“The allegations that drove him from the presidential race are just so obviously serious,” Cramer said. “I’m not talking about his position on interest rates or anything like that, but the sexual harassment stuff. Until it’s better explained I couldn’t vote for him.”

“I don’t think Herman Cain would be confirmed by the Senate, and I think the president would be wise to nominate someone who is less partisan and more experienced in the world of economics,” Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) told Bloomberg Wednesday.

The reports said Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Cory Gardner (R-CO) also expressed opposition to Cain. The Wall Street Journal also named the four senators as opposing Cain.

Cain himself has expressed doubt at his chances of getting confirmed. In a video posted Friday and flagged by Reuters, he said “Whether or not I make it through this process, time will tell. Would I be disappointed if I don’t make it through this process? No. Would I be thrilled and honored if I make it through this process? Yes. That’s the bottom line.”

Trump told CNBC’s Eamon Javers a week ago that Cain was his pick for the next Fed Board opening. A week later, on Wednesday, he seemed less sure: “I like Herman Cain and Herman will make that determination,” Trump said.

Cain’s nomination would be an uphill battle, not least of all due to the multiple allegations of sexual harassment and assault made against him in 2012, when he was running for the Republican presidential nomination (and which Trump economic adviser Larry Kudlow minimized as “toxic” and political in a recent interview.) Cain has also advertised sketchy “moneymaking strategies” to his mailing list of followers.


More hypocrisy from GOP.. White conservative sexual predators (Führer Trump & Kavanaugh) will be supported no matter what.. But a black conservative accused of sexual harassment that’s where they draw the line.. I’m sure Candace Owens is very sad right now...
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Rosenstein Defends Barr: ‘This Notion That He’s Trying To Mislead People’ Is ‘Bizarre’

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein defended Attorney General William Barr’s handling of special counsel Robert Mueller’s final report in an interview with The Wall Street Journal Thursday.

Referring to Barr’s initial four-page summary of Mueller’s mammoth report, Rosenstein told the Journal that the attorney general was “being as forthcoming as he can, and so this notion that he’s trying to mislead people, I think is just completely bizarre.”

“It would be one thing if you put out a letter and said, ‘I’m not going to give you the report,’” Rosenstein told the Journal. “What he said is, ‘Look, it’s going to take a while to process the report. In the meantime, people really want to know what’s in it. I’m going to give you the top-line conclusions.’ That’s all he was trying to do.”

On Tuesday, Barr said a redacted version of Mueller’s final report would be ready “within a week.”

Rosenstein appointed Mueller in 2017, and on Thursday confirmed reports that he extended his stay at the Justice Department at Barr’s request. “For me, it’s a real privilege,” he said.

The public, Rosenstein told the Journal, should have “tremendous confidence” in the attorney general as he works with Mueller’s team to make redactions to the report.

The ‘Yes Man’ speaks...
I thought Rosenstein was cool though?

This is what I hate. If somebody says something dems like, they're an individual with integrity. Same goes for repubs.

When they say something they don't like, they're just a puppet for the other side.

Same thing happened with Comey. Even happened to Mueller to an extent.

I personally like the people that neither side likes.

He's talking about commodities in the same breath as the gold standard. Is he proposing using commodities in the same manner gold is used as part of the gold standard? Lol. Gold standard and looking at commodities as leading indicators are two totally different topics.