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Who has good progressive social politics that's running for the democrat nominee and could they beat trump?

Those two things dont intersect...white media poses this silly who can beat trump question it means who can provide assurance to middle America that status quo will remain an the parties direction wont be to progressives they want to appeal to conservative dems and fake independent and trump voters in a nutshell centering white people using this asinine question as a cudgel to force a safe pick

Dems Hit Trump With 3-Part Smackdown, Marking New Era Of Oversight War

House Democrats flexed their muscles Wednesday, smacking the President with a demand for his tax returns, preparation to get his financial records and vote to subpoena the Justice Department for the full Mueller report.

According to a Wednesday Politico report, House Democrats didn’t mean to dump the ton of bricks on President Donald Trump all on the same day; the timing was just coincidental.

However, the aggression marks a new era for House Democrats insistent on exercising the full might of their majority’s muscle to investigate Trump, even if the Mueller report ends up falling short of their hopes.

Republicans are outraged at the display, accusing Democrats of playing politics and trying to smear the President. But Democrats consider investigating Trump their most important duty.

“We must make it harder for future presidents to behave this way,” Judiciary Committee chairman Jerry Nadler said. “We need a full accounting of the
President’s actions to do that work.”

‘Sloppy Steve’: Trump Uses Infrastructure Mtg To Come Up With New Bannon Insults

President Trump used a meeting about infrastructure at Camp David last year to come up with new, biting insults for his then-latest political punching bag: Steve Bannon.

According to The Washington Post’s review of Politico Playbook author’s Jake Sherman and Anna Palmer’s new book, “The Hill to Die On,” Trump appeared to be paying apt attention during the meeting. Then-chief economic adviser Gary Cohn was outlining potential plans for rebuilding roads and bridges across the U.S. as Trump took, what appeared to be, notes.

Instead, Trump was focused on coming up with a litany of new insults for “Sloppy Steve,” which was scrawled across the top of Trump’s index card, followed by thoughts on “how he wanted to trash Steve Bannon the next time someone asked him about it.”

Fox News Host Previews Trump Border Trip To See Wall Built ‘Under His Reign’

Call it a Foxian slip?

While wrapping up an interview with White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, “Fox and Friends” co-host Brian Kilmeade previewed President Trump’s upcoming trip to the southern border by saying, “He’ll be at the border tomorrow looking at the beginning of the wall that was built under his reign.”

Trump is scheduled to travel to the U.S.-Mexico border on Friday amid his threats that he will close down the border altogether.


Report: Gaetz Might Move To Alabama To Run For Doug Jones’ Senate Seat In 2020

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), a Fox News favorite and a bulldog for President Trump on the Hill, is reportedly mulling a move across the border to Alabama to run for Sen. Doug Jones’ (D-AL) seat when he’s up for reelection in 2020, The Hill reported Thursday.

According to a Republican lawmaker who is close to Gaetz who spoke to The Hill, Gaetz has been running the idea by colleagues this week. Some of the conversations took place on Thursday. People close to Trump are reportedly encouraging the move, The Hill reported.

The spokesperson for Gaetz’s campaign told TPM “no comment.”

Gaetz told The Hill it’s “not something I’ve looked at myself,” but acknowledged people have told him about Alabama’s “very short residency requirement.”

In Alabama, anyone hoping to run for office has to be at least 30-years-old and live in the state for a lengthy 24 hours.

Rep. Bradley Bryne (R-AL) has already announced his intention to run against Jones in 2020. Jones won ex-Sen. Jeff Sessions’ (R-AL) seat in a special election against former Judge Roy Moore, whose bid was derailed by multiple allegations of child molestation from when Moore was in his 30s. Jones was the first Democrat to win a Senate seat in the ruby-red state in a quarter century.

Beto O’Rourke Raises $9.4M In First 18 Days As Presidential Candidate

Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) raised $9.4 million in his first 18 days in the presidential campaign, an impressive sum but a fundraising rate that may be hard to sustain going forward.

That haul puts O’Rourke in the top tier of presidential campaign fundraising, and on a per-day basis puts him ahead of the rest of the field, at over a half-million dollars a day. But it includes almost $6 million in O’Rourke’s first day as a candidate, generally a top fundraising day for campaigns and one that can be hard to recreate later. O’Rourke’s campaign didn’t release how many individual donors made contributions.

But O’Rourke’s average $48 donation means he can keep coming back to his huge network of online supporters time and again — the same method that he used to set Senate fundraising records in his 2018 bid against Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

“Not only is this a sign of our grassroots strength during the first two weeks of our campaign but it is a sign of what’s possible when you put your full trust in the people of this country,” O’Rourke said in a statement.

O’Rourke’s total fundraising haul puts him currently behind only Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Kamala Harris (D-CA), who raised $18.2 million and $12 million respectively for the race. South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D) raised $7 million since he entered the race, a strong showing for a candidate who began the campaign with little name recognition. The other candidates haven’t put their first-quarter fundraising toplines out yet, a sign that they’re not likely to impress.

O’Rourke’s campaign has averaged $522,000 a day, Sanders’ has averaged $444,000 a day, Harris averaged $171,000 a day, and Buttigieg averaged $103,000 a day.

Damn man.....I laughed at the post but this is no laughing matter.

Not sure, but outside of being a CEO of a pizza company, what kind of large scale economic experience he has. Usually the Fed Chairman has previously served as a regional Federal Chairman. We are headed to another recession that will be worse than the last one due to the policies that Trump / Cain will implement while ignoring objective evidence provided by their subordinate economic / financial subject matter experts
Damn man.....I laughed at the post but this is no laughing matter.

Not sure, but outside of being a CEO of a pizza company, what kind of large scale economic experience he has. Usually the Fed Chairman has previously served as a regional Federal Chairman. We are headed to another recession that will be worse than the last one due to the policies that Trump / Cain will implement while ignoring objective evidence provided by their subordinate economic / financial subject matter experts

Apparently he used to work at the Fed in KC, but he’s still a fuckin idiot and a political hack

He probably knows just enough to be extremely dangerous