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The Official World Politics Thread

Well Mr. President - If you mean that we shouldn’t elect future president’s that are unimaginably corrupt pieces of shit - we the people agree.

However, if you believe that a co-equal branch of government should NOT conduct constitutionally obligated oversight of the Executive Branch - well you can go fuck yourself.

Nielsen Nods Along With Carlson’s Grilling: Nixing Birthright Citizenship ‘On The Table’

DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was receptive to Fox News’ Tucker Carlson’s grilling Tuesday night, saying that drastic immigration proposals — including eliminating birthright citizenship — are “on the table.”

As she nodded along, Carlson implied that Democrats have a “vested interest” in getting more undocumented immigrants into the U.S.

He then turned his lasers on her. “Would there be a downside for the President to act unilaterally on that question or, for example, birthright citizenship? Would you be willing to draft an executive order eliminating birthright citizenship?” he asked.

“I think, Tucker, I think the President has been clear: all of that is on the table,” Nielsen responded. “Yes, everything is on the table.”

It’s worth mentioning that virtually all scholars agree that birthright citizenship is a right enshrined in the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. Court cases have upheld it for centuries, and Trump’s attempt to end it by presidential dictum would end up challenged in court before he finished his sentence.
