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Trump Backs Off Proposal To Cut Special Olympics Funding

President Donald Trump says he is backing off a budget request to cut funding for the Special Olympics, after days of criticism.

Trump told reporters at the White House Thursday, “I’ve overridden my people for funding the Special Olympics.”

The Trump administration’s education budget proposal calls for the elimination of $17.6 million in funding for the Special Olympics, roughly 10 percent of the group’s overall revenue.

Democrats pressed Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on the topic during a Senate budget hearing Thursday, just days after House Democrats grilled her on the proposal and sparked criticism online.

DeVos said she “wasn’t personally involved” in pushing for elimination of the funding, but she defended it as her agency seeks to cut $7 billion from the 2020 budget.

Barr Letter Leaves GOPers With Room To Spin And Spread Conspiracy Theories

As the country waits for more information from the Mueller report, Attorney General Bill Barr’s letter is allowing Trumpworld to claim frothy-mouthed vindication, as the Justice Department plods through the report to redact and remove confidential information.

Sparse on detail but heavy on conclusions, the Barr letter has given Republicans ample opportunity to spin their own theories about the start of the Mueller investigation. And in the interim before the release of the Mueller report — which will provide some clarity on what the investigation found — conspiracy theories about the “real” start of the Mueller investigation are starting to flourish.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is pinning the blame for the investigation on former CIA director John Brennan, while Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is sticking to the more traditional tack of accusations about illegal FISA warrants and meetings on the tarmac with Loretta Lynch. Others are promoting a theory that Ukraine colluded with the Clinton campaign to attack Trump, spawning the Mueller probe.

Paul in particular is using the lack of knowledge about the underlying report, as well as attempts to delay its release, to push his own counter-narrative about the investigation. On Thursday, he moved to block a Senate resolution that called for the Mueller report to be made public.

“We will agree to see the Mueller report as long as the other side will agree to show us the communications that took place in deciding to promote this fake allegation against the President and whether there was misuse of their office,” Paul said on the Senate floor. “We based this investigation on a lie, we should investigate who the liars were.”

He went so far as to question whether former President Obama was involved, telling his senate colleagues, “We need to know was there malfeasance, was there misuse of power, did President Obama’s administration get involved in an election to infiltrate the Trump campaign to trap them?” before going on to declare: “What we need to discover and we do not yet know: Was President Obama involved?”

Paul may have been channelling Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), his fellow Kentucky delegate. McConnell stonewalled a bipartisan statement before the 2016 election condemning the Russian meddling, and then turned around in a floor speech after Barr’s letter was released to blame the Obama Administration for being unprepared for Russia’s attacks.

Graham came out in support of releasing the Mueller report (after conferring with Trump), but also raised a separate conspiracy about an all-out deep state attack on the President.

“The cloud hanging over President Trump has been removed by this report,” he said before declaring that supposed illegal spying on the Trump campaign demanded a separate special prosecutor to investigate.

“I’d like to find somebody, like a Mr. Mueller, that can look into what happened with the FISA warrants, the counterintelligence investigation. Am I right to be concerned?” Graham said. “It seems pretty bad on its face — but there are some people that are never going to accept the Mueller report, but by any reasonable standard, Mueller thoroughly investigated the Trump campaign. You cannot say that about the other side of the story.”

Another line of spin sees the old saw of collusion between Ukraine and the DNC being the “real” conspiracy of the 2016 election. That narrative has emerged in a series of recent op-eds in The Hill, which claim that, in an effort to boost Hillary Clinton, the country’s law enforcers leaked the documents showing payments from Ukraine that forced Paul Manafort to resign from the Trump campaign in August 2016.

Sean Hannity immediately invited the writer from The Hill to come on his show and discuss the theory, earning a tweet from Trump himself.

White House advisor Kellyanne Conway may have summed up the central irony of the counternarratives the best: Trumpists are claiming to have been exonerated by a witch hunt.

“The Mueller investigation is the gold standard,” Conway said.

And now the focus has moved to investigate “the other side.”

Poll: Trump Trails Every Top 2020 Dem In Pennsylvania

President Trump has his work cut out for him in one of the key states that handed him the presidency, according to a new poll from Emerson College.

Trump trails all five Democrats the poll tested in head-to-head matchups, and lags far behind the two best-known candidates in the field, former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

Biden and Sanders both lead Trump by 10-point margins at this point, 55 percent to 45 percent.

Trump fares significantly better against the other Democrats the poll tested — all those matchups are within the poll’s margin of error — but he doesn’t lead in a single one. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) leads him by four points, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) leads him by threem and former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) leads him by two in the survey.

That’s not a great place to be for the President in one of the three states that put him over the top in the Electoral College four years ago. Trump won Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan by a combined 80,000 vote margin, and strategists in both parties say those states are the ones that will most likely determine the 2020 presidency.

Trump’s numbers remain underwater with Pennsylvania voters as well, with a 41 percent approval rating and 51 percent disapproving of his job performance.

A few caveats: First, head-to-head matchups right now are as much based on name recognition as anything, and once the 2020 Democratic primary actually plays out, the candidates’ standing may change dramatically — against one another and against Trump. Second, Emerson’s use of landlines with an online oversample to make up for a lack of cell phones is still a relatively new form of polling, though their recent polls with large enough sample sizes have proven to be as accurate as other public and private polls. The balance of landline callers in this poll is also higher than most other pollsters opt to use, and polls that find no undecided voters this far from election day may be pushing respondents too hard to pick a choice, leading to some hidden uncertainty in the numbers.

But these toplines are not a good sign for Trump.

The poll of 808 registered voters (565 landline users and 242 internet respondents) was conducted from March 26-28 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.4 percentage points.

Dems Ask IG To Probe State Dept For Cancelling Award For Reporter Critical Of Trump

Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and other Democrats on the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee asked the State Department inspector general investigate the department’s handling of a journalism award meant to honor a Finnish journalist who was critical of President Trump.

According to a report released by Democrats on the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, the State Department planned to give its International Women of Courage Award to Finnish journalist Jessikka Aro, but abruptly withdrew the honor. The State Department has maintained that it errantly notified Aro that she was the recipient of the award.

But a report compiled by Democratic staffers on the committee found that there were significant communications between Aro and the State Department leading up to the “error.” Internal communications reviewed by the committee show that at least eight State Department officials approved the wording of the bio that was meant to accompany her award and the department was in communication with Aro for several months to discuss the honor, her travel plans, and her itinerary while she was in Washington, D.C.

But two weeks after an official reportedly asked Aro for all of her social media handles, she was notified that the offer of the award had been rescinded and she was no longer invited to attend the event. Aro has tweeted lighthearted jokes about President Trump in the past and once responded to one of Trump’s tweets by suggesting the President was “trolling on behalf” of the Kremlin.

Senate Democrats claim the timing is hardly a coincidence.

“If the department rescinded the award because of statements made by a journalist, exercising her right to freedom of speech, it would mean that the Department is using political fealty to the President as an eligibility criteria for receiving a government award designed to highlight courage,” Menendez told CNN Thursday. “Furthermore, misleading the public and Congress about the true reasons behind its actions would harm the Department’s reputation here in the United States and around the world, and undermine its credibility regarding future pronouncements from the press podium.”

Democrats who signed the letter include Menendez, Sens. Patrick Leahy (VT), Dick Durbin (IL), Ben Cardin (MD), Jeanne Shaheen (NH), Chris Coons (DE), Edward Markey (MA) and Cory Booker (NJ).

Trump Picks Another Fox News Alum To Be State Dept Spokesperson

President Trump nabbed another former Fox News alum to serve as the new State Department spokesperson, NBC News reported.

Morgan Ortagus is a former Fox News contributor and Naval Reserve officer who will bring significantly more foreign policy experience to the new position than her predecessor. Heather Nauert, also a Fox News alum, quickly became a favorite of the Trump administration and was set to replace Nikki Haley as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations before she abruptly withdrew herself from consideration in recent months following criticism over her lack of experience.

Ortagus worked in the Treasury Department during the first term of President Obama’s administration and previously worked in public affairs for the U.S. Agency for International Development, which is overseen by the State Department.

It is unclear when the official announcement will be made, according to NBC. Fox News told NBC that it had severed ties with Ortagus as of Thursday.

McConnell Washes His Hands Of Trump’s Obamacare Attack

Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), still bearing scars from the GOP’s last disastrous attempt to shoot down Obamacare, is washing his hands of President Donald Trump’s newest push.

According to a Thursday Politico report, McConnell knows that trying again in a now-divided Congress will be a fruitless effort and will make Senate Republicans look bad headed into 2020, when they will need to fight to keep their majority. The fact that he himself is up for reelection likely factors in too.

At a recent meeting, McConnell reportedly told his members that his strategy is to keep asking the White House for a replacement healthcare plan while he bashes Democratic proposals.