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Dems so damn soft its digusting

Muthafuckas scared of guns and the boogie man

Republicans aint even real republicans and to dumb to adapt
Dems so damn soft its digusting

Muthafuckas scared of guns and the boogie man

Republicans aint even real republicans and to dumb to adapt

If Democrats was a sports team they would be a combination of the Browns, Lions, Saints, Wizards, Knick & Clippers worst years EVER!!!!

WH Pushes For Obama Probes: Those Who Want To Move On ‘Got This Party Started’

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway joined Sen. Lindsey Graham in his calls for an investigation into the FBI’s handling of the infamous dossier, but took it one step further by pushing for a probe into the Obama administration’s handling of Russian interference in the 2016 election.

“I think we ought to know what happened in that last administration. What we do know didn’t happen is that the Obama administration and the President himself knew that Russia was trying to interfere in our election and did nothing about it,” she said, despite the fact that former President Barack Obama issued sanctions against Russia over interference in the election.

“Why did they do nothing about it is because they were sure Hillary would win, or they didn’t want to deal with it in the last months of their administration,” she continued. “So sure, let’s at least see who did what when because had she gotten elected we would never know any of this. … Those who want to move on, they got this party started. They had the phony dossier and have gone from there so let’s let it all hang out and we’re patient people we’ll be here for the next six years. so let’s at least take the time so that America gets the full story.”


Fox News Reporter Gives Apparent Shoutout To QAnon; Gets Chummy With Supporter

Fox News reporter Kevin Corke tweeted, then deleted, a bizarre tweet giving a shoutout to the QAnon conspiracy on Monday.

The White House correspondent tweeted a photo of a coffee cup with “Q” written on it, captioned with “My kind of coffee…”

An apparent QAnon follower tweeted to Corke: “Are you going to be the one to ask ‘the question’, sir?” Corke responded with an arm flex emoji.

Corke later deleted the first tweet, but not before Jared Holt from the media watchdog Right Wing Watch took screenshots.

QAnon is a right-wing conspiracy theory that President Donald Trump secretly appointed special counsel Robert Mueller to investigate Hillary Clinton and former President Barack Obama, along with Trump’s other enemies.

This isn’t the first time Fox News has engaged with QAnon. Fox’s Carly Shimkus read a QAnon supporter’s tweet out loud as a show of support for Trump during a “Fox and Friends First” segment on Friday.

Report: Trump Admin Officials Invented Cover Story For Trump’s North Korea Tweet

Trump administration officials who demanded that they not be named used a false cover story to explain away a bizarre tweet by President Donald Trump on supposed “additional sanctions” against North Korea, Bloomberg News reported Tuesday.

The hubbub started with Trump’s tweet on Friday, which inexplicably said he had “ordered the withdrawal” of “additional Sanctions” 0n North Korea announced by the Treasury Department “today” — even though no such sanctions existed.

Some analysts thought Trump was talking about sanctions the Treasury Department had imposed the previous day, Thursday, on two Chinese shipping companies accused of helping North Korea dodge existing sanctions.

But officials who insisted to news outlets they not be named told those outlets that wasn’t the case.

For example, The Washington Post reported following Trump’s tweet:

In fact, Trump was referring to a future round of previously unknown sanctions scheduled for the coming days, said administration officials familiar with the matter. The officials declined to specify what those sanctions would entail.


When asked to explain the tweet, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders simply noted that “President Trump likes Chairman Kim, and he doesn’t think these sanctions will be necessary.”

Administration officials said Trump is determined to prevent his more hawkish advisers from undercutting what he considers his biggest foreign policy accomplishment: reducing tensions with North Korea and creating the opportunity for a historic deal.

And NBC News reported:

But late Friday, a U.S. official and a personal familiar with the situation both told NBC News that Trump was talking about a plan to roll out a major new round of sanctions on Pyongyang that he scuttled before it could be publicly announced by his lieutenants. That is, he tweeted that he was killing a sanctions plan the public didn’t know about until he announced he wasn’t acting on it.

However, according to Bloomberg’s new report citing five unnamed “people familiar with the matter,” Trump really was referring to the Thursday sanctions on the Chinese shipping companies with his tweet: “The president in fact intended to remove penalties Treasury had announced the day before against two Chinese shipping companies that had helped Pyongyang evade U.S. sanctions,” the outlet reported. (The sanctions on the Chinese shipping companies remain in place.)

Bloomberg reported that no additional sanctions were in the works at the time of Trump’s tweet. The claim otherwise from the administration — which “initially request[ed] no attribution to anyone” — was an attempt, in Bloomberg’s words, “to explain away the move with a statement.”

That means the unnamed “administration officials” claiming otherwise to reporters last week had relayed false information.

Asked about the Bloomberg report, the White House press office would not comment on the record.

So much ether here ...
